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base repository: Studio-42/elFinder
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base: 2.1.41
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head repository: Studio-42/elFinder
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compare: 2.1
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Showing with 34,485 additions and 24,899 deletions.
  1. +389 −9 Changelog
  2. +1 −1
  3. +16 −19
  4. +570 −221 css/elfinder.full.css
  5. +3 −3 css/elfinder.min.css
  6. +100 −5 css/theme.css
  7. +7 −7 elfinder.html
  8. +3 −3 elfinder.legacy.html
  9. BIN img/editor-icons.png
  10. BIN img/icons-big.png
  11. +1 −292 img/icons-big.svg
  12. BIN img/icons-small.png
  13. BIN img/toolbar.png
  14. +68 −72 img/tui-icon-a.svg
  15. +14 −18 img/tui-icon-b.svg
  16. +69 −73 img/tui-icon-c.svg
  17. +69 −73 img/tui-icon-d.svg
  18. +4,932 −2,372 js/elfinder.full.js
  19. +20 −18 js/elfinder.min.js
  20. +654 −632 js/extras/editors.default.js
  21. +2 −2 js/extras/editors.default.min.js
  22. +16 −11 js/extras/quicklook.googledocs.js
  23. +1 −1 js/extras/quicklook.googledocs.min.js
  24. +20 −5 js/i18n/elfinder.LANG.js
  25. +417 −353 js/i18n/
  26. +45 −9 js/i18n/elfinder.cs.js
  27. +358 −152 js/i18n/elfinder.da.js
  28. +108 −76 js/i18n/
  29. +241 −216 js/i18n/elfinder.fa.js
  30. +57 −26 js/i18n/
  31. +580 −0 js/i18n/elfinder.fr_CA.js
  32. +286 −153 js/i18n/
  33. +44 −12 js/i18n/
  34. +27 −12 js/i18n/elfinder.ja.js
  35. +202 −170 js/i18n/elfinder.ko.js
  36. +537 −375 js/i18n/
  37. +29 −9 js/i18n/
  38. +157 −15 js/i18n/elfinder.pt_BR.js
  39. +24 −8 js/i18n/
  40. +44 −13 js/i18n/
  41. +43 −5 js/i18n/
  42. +276 −87 js/i18n/
  43. +548 −343 js/i18n/
  44. +59 −8 js/i18n/elfinder.zh_CN.js
  45. +385 −320 js/i18n/elfinder.zh_TW.js
  46. +15 −0 js/i18n/help/de.html.js
  47. +10 −0 js/i18n/help/fr.html.js
  48. +10 −0 js/i18n/help/tr.html.js
  49. +10 −0 js/i18n/help/zh_CN.html.js
  50. +10 −0 js/i18n/help/zh_TW.html.js
  51. +20 −0 js/worker/calcfilehash.js
  52. +10 −0 js/worker/quicklook.tiff.js
  53. +65 −0 js/worker/quicklook.unzip.js
  54. +22 −7 main.default.js
  55. +1 −1 package.json
  56. +28 −4 php/MySQLStorage.sql
  57. +46 −44 php/autoload.php
  58. +449 −0 php/connector.maximal.php-dist
  59. +53 −18 php/connector.minimal.php-dist
  60. +13 −5 php/editors/OnlineConvert/editor.php
  61. +3 −3 php/editors/ZipArchive/editor.php
  62. +118 −29 php/editors/ZohoOffice/editor.php
  63. +18 −3 php/editors/editor.php
  64. +5,394 −4,450 php/elFinder.class.php
  65. +372 −347 php/elFinderConnector.class.php
  66. +101 −55 php/elFinderFlysystemGoogleDriveNetmount.php
  67. +105 −86 php/elFinderPlugin.php
  68. +308 −210 php/elFinderSession.php
  69. +45 −47 php/elFinderSessionInterface.php
  70. +421 −306 php/elFinderVolumeBox.class.php
  71. +7,655 −6,937 php/elFinderVolumeDriver.class.php
  72. +149 −127 php/elFinderVolumeDropbox2.class.php
  73. +1,800 −1,696 php/elFinderVolumeFTP.class.php
  74. +189 −177 php/elFinderVolumeGoogleDrive.class.php
  75. +306 −273 php/elFinderVolumeGroup.class.php
  76. +1,470 −1,271 php/elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem.class.php
  77. +1,034 −930 php/elFinderVolumeMySQL.class.php
  78. +416 −315 php/elFinderVolumeOneDrive.class.php
  79. +843 −0 php/elFinderVolumeSFTPphpseclib.class.php
  80. +1 −0 php/elFinderVolumeTrash.class.php
  81. +1 −0 php/elFinderVolumeTrashMySQL.class.php
  82. +412 −386 php/libs/GdBmp.php
  83. +1 −0 php/mime.types
  84. +137 −126 php/plugins/AutoResize/plugin.php
  85. +134 −117 php/plugins/AutoRotate/plugin.php
  86. +188 −181 php/plugins/Normalizer/plugin.php
  87. +144 −140 php/plugins/Sanitizer/plugin.php
  88. +422 −409 php/plugins/Watermark/plugin.php
  89. +114 −0 php/plugins/WinRemoveTailDots/plugin.php