- install .net core sdk
- if working with vs code --> install c# extension
Run the test suite
cd Miro.Tests && docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit
If you want to run the tests separately without re-building the app
cd Miro.Tests
docker-compose build
- Will Build the bot, GithubApi, MongoDbdocker-compose run --rm --name miro-tests miro-tests
- Will Run the tests
To run a single test, replace step (3) with this:
docker-compose run --rm --name miro-tests --entrypoint 'dotnet test --filter "Miro.Tests.<TEST-CLASS>.<TEST-NAME>"' miro-tests
If you want to run the tests without docker
cd Miro.Tests
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm --service-ports --name miro-app miro-app
dotnet restore && dotnet test