For trouble-shooting, or as good practice if you have your registry set up with CI (Continuous Integration), you can run the registry consistency tests from the RegistryCI package on your registry.
In the following sections it is assumed that all packages in your registry have all their dependencies registerad either in your own registry or in the General registry, which is the typical scenario.
Add RegistryCI
pkg> add RegistryCI
and run the consistency tests:
using RegistryCI
withenv("JULIA_PKG_UNPACK_REGISTRY" => "true") do
RegistryCI.test(path_to_your_registry, registry_deps = ["General"])
The idea is the same as for manual testing. A sample GitLab CI job for your registry repository can look something like:
registry consistency test:
stage: test
- git config --global $GITLAB_USER_NAME
- git config --global $GITLAB_USER_EMAIL
- julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("RegistryCI")'
- julia --color=yes -e 'using RegistryCI; RegistryCI.test(@__DIR__, registry_deps = ["General"])'