- #552 Limite size of asset on errbit (@tscolari)
- #562 See the version number of errbit on footer (@nashby)
- [#555][] Avoid same group by same error if other line of backtrace instead of first change (@shingara)
- #558 Avoid failure if you remote bitbucket_rest_api gem (@shingara)
- [#559][] Fix some issue on the migration with old database (@shingara)
- Update some gems (@shingara)
- #492 Improve some Pjax call (@nfedyashev)
- #428 Add the support of Unfuddle Issue Tracker (@parallel588)
- Avoid to delete his own user (@shingara)
- #456 Avoid to delete admin access of current user logged (@shingara)
- #253 Refactor the Fingerprint generation (@boblail)
- #508 Merge comments to when you merge problems (@shingara)
- Update the Devise Gem to the last one (@shingara)
- #524 Add current user information on the notifer.js (@roryf)
- [#523][] Update javascript-stacktrace (@aliscott)
- #516 Add Jira Issue tracker (@xenji)
- [#512][] Add capabilities to configure the use of sendmail to send email from Errbit (@shingara)
- #532 Use https link in Gravatar if you use errbit on https (@jeroenj)
- [#536][] Order app by name by default (@2called-chaos)
- #542 Allow the MONGODB_URL env configuration about Mongodb (@bacongobbler)
- #530 Improve the flowdock notification (@nfedyashev)
- #531 Improve the HipChat notification message (@brendonrapp)
- #343 Fix the ical generation. (@shingara)
- #503 Fix issue on where the service_url choose never use. (@nfedyashev)
- #506 Fix issue on bitbucket issue tracker creation failed. (@Gonzih)
- #514 Add CDATA in xml return by Javascript. (@mildavw)
- #517 Javascript escape path from javascript Notifier. (@roryf)
- [#518][] Fix issue when you try launch task errbit:db:update_update_problem_attrs. (@shingara)
- #526 Fix issue of pagination after search. (@shingara)
- #528 Fix issue of action after search. (@shingara)
- #474 Improve message when access denied. (@chadcf)
- #468 Launch a repairDatabase in MongoDB database after launching the clear_resolved task. (@shingara)
- Update gem of Mongoid to 2.7.1
- Update gem of Mongo to 1.8.5
- #457 Add task information about db:seed in Readme. (@mildavw)
- Add support of Ruby 2.0.0
- #475 Return a HTTP 422 status code when you try push notice with bad api key. (@shingara)
- Return a 400 http status when you try put a notice without args. (@shingara)
- #486 Add confirms box when you do massive action. (@manuelmeurer)
- #487 Add specific template to redmine notification with less useless data. (@tvdeyen)
- #469 Fix issue about the documentation of new heroku addons usage. (@adamjt)
- #455 Avoid raising exception if you comment an exception and no other user are define to received this comment. (@alvarobp)
- #453 Fix ruby 2.0.0 incompatibilities with gem (@SamSaffron)
- #476 Fix javascript notifier issue with IE8 (@sdepold)
- #466 Fix not see problem if octokit gem not define (@tamaloa)
- #460 Fix issue when you try see user with gravatar activate but no email define to this user (@ivanyv)
- #478 Fix issue about calculation of statisque of problem after merge (@shingara)