title | author | date | output |
Getting and Cleaning Data - Course Project - CodeBook.md |
Simon Filiatrault |
Monday, August 18, 2014 |
html_document |
- Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set.
- Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
- Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set
- Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names.
- Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
get the test and train data
- Here we use the read.delim function with space seperator and no header
X_test <- read.delim(file="./UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt",sep="",header=F) X_train <- read.delim(file="./UCI HAR Dataset/train/X_train.txt",sep="",header=F)
Add new columns for activity and subject
- Here we use read.delim and cbind to add new columns
Activity_test.txt <- read.delim(file="./UCI HAR Dataset/test/y_test.txt",sep="",header=F) X_test <- cbind(Activity_test.txt,X_test) Subject_test <- read.delim(file="./UCI HAR Dataset/test/subject_test.txt",sep="",header=F) X_test <- cbind(Subject_test,X_test) Activity_train.txt <- read.delim(file="./UCI HAR Dataset/train/y_train.txt",sep="",header=F) X_train <- cbind(Activity_train.txt,X_train) Subject_train <- read.delim(file="./UCI HAR Dataset/train/subject_train.txt",sep="",header=F) X_train <- cbind(Subject_train,X_train)
We now grab the columns name from the features data set and clean it
- This is needed for the following sqldf function
- It's also a quick way to have more human readable column headers.
- The code can be adjusted quickly to modify the colomns names
- Here we use as.vector and gsub function to do some cleaning
X_ColNames <- read.delim(file="./UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt",sep="",header=F) X_ColNames_vector <- as.vector(X_ColNames[,2]) X_ColNames_vector <- gsub("tBody","TimeBody", X_ColNames_vector) X_ColNames_vector <- gsub("tGravity","TimeGravity", X_ColNames_vector) X_ColNames_vector <- gsub("fBody","FrequenctBody", X_ColNames_vector) X_ColNames_vector <- gsub("fBody","FrequenctBody", X_ColNames_vector) X_ColNames_vector <- gsub("-","_", X_ColNames_vector) X_ColNames_vector <- gsub("(","_", X_ColNames_vector, fixed=T) X_ColNames_vector <- gsub(")","_", X_ColNames_vector, fixed=T) X_ColNames_vector <- gsub(",","_", X_ColNames_vector, fixed=T)
We now need to find the Column position where case insentive (mean and std) are
- We use here grep to find the columns index
- We then add two columns index for subject and activity
X_ColNumbers_grep <- grep("mean|std", X_ColNames_vector, value = FALSE, ignore.case=T) X_ColNumbers <- c(1, 2, X_ColNumbers_grep + 2)
We now create 2 new data frame with only the columns showing mean and standard deviation. We get 86 cols vs 561.
X_train_Mean_Std <- X_train[,X_ColNumbers] X_test_Mean_Std <- X_test[,X_ColNumbers]
Now it's time to merge the two data set
- This is done here after clean up and with less columns
- because merging the originals causes errors because of size
- This is done with the merge function
X_Merged_Data <- merge(x = X_train_Mean_Std,y = X_test_Mean_Std, all=T)
We now Add columns names to merged data frame
- Here we are also adding the Subject and Activity columns
colnames(X_Merged_Data) <- c("Subject","Activity",X_ColNames_vector[X_ColNumbers_grep])
We now replace the activity numbers with proper names
- Using this manual method permits us to change the names to anything
- and not be limited to what the dataset provides
X_Merged_Data$Activity[X_Merged_Data$Activity == 1] <- "Walking" X_Merged_Data$Activity[X_Merged_Data$Activity == 2] <- "Walking_Upstairs" X_Merged_Data$Activity[X_Merged_Data$Activity == 3] <- "Walking_Downstairs" X_Merged_Data$Activity[X_Merged_Data$Activity == 4] <- "Sitting" X_Merged_Data$Activity[X_Merged_Data$Activity == 5] <- "Standing" X_Merged_Data$Activity[X_Merged_Data$Activity == 6] <- "Laying"
Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
- For this we will be using sqldf
- sqldf permit us to create this new data frame quickly
- but first we need to create the sql statment, using the for loop
- so sqldf, for, paste and other functions have been used for this
library("sqldf", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.1") SelectStatment <- "select Subject,Activity," for (Index in 1:length(X_ColNumbers_grep)){ SelectStatment <- paste (SelectStatment,"avg(",X_ColNames_vector[X_ColNumbers_grep[Index]],")") if (!Index==length(X_ColNumbers_grep)){ SelectStatment <- paste(SelectStatment,",") } } SelectStatment <- paste(SelectStatment,"from X_Merged_Data group by Activity, Subject") X_Merge_Data_Averages_Grouped <- sqldf(SelectStatment,drv='SQLite')
Write the new data frame to a txt file
write.table(X_Merge_Data_Averages_Grouped,file = "X_Merge_Data_Averages_Grouped.txt",row.names=F)