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utilities to make waterfall plots of mutation signature data

Usage: Get ids of cases you want to look at signatures of. Run python script, then interactively run R script to your heart's content
More specificially:
run python
The options are:
--signature_data_file: a file with signature information. It needs to have columns of the form either mean_1, mean_2 etc or Signature.1, Signature.2 etc
--writeFileName: filename for formated information for plotting
--writeFileDir: directory to write the file in
--idsFile: ids for the cases whose signatures you want to plot. Ids can be in csv, tsv or new line separated format
--primarySortSig: the signature whose value goes up in the waterfall and everything is first sorted on
--minMutThreshold: the minimum number of mutations below which we ignore signatures info
--signatureOrdering: a file of signature names in the order you want dominant signatures to appear left to right on the plot. Refer to the files in this repo signatureOrdering.txt and signatureOrdering2_POLE_.txt for examples.
Note: the following signatures need to be referred to by their human readable name in this file: Signature.1 (Signature.AGE), Signature.2/Signature.13 (Signature.APOBEC), Signature.3 (Signature.HRD), Signature.4 (Signature.SMOKING), Signature.6/15/20/21 (Signature.MMR), Signature.7 (Signature.UV), Signature.10 (Signature.POLE), Signature.11 (Signature.TMZ) and Signature.14(Signature.POLE_plus_MMR)

This will generate a tsv file (writing file to /your/path/here.tsv) Open plot_signature_waterfall_plot.R, run the function plot_signature_waterfall() to generate a plot The options for this function are: df (dataframe)
plottingLevels_ (ordering of signature colors by signature name)
barColorPalette_ (ordered colors for signature bars)
includeThirdSignature (set to true to plot two signatures on lower bar)
includeNMut_Mb_Info (set to false to leave out the dots representing mutation burden)

Examples and Interpretation

Here is an example of a plot generated by running python (all defaults) and using first bar colors in R alt text

Interpretation This shows us that there are two main signature processes shaping Colorectal Cancers with enough mutations for us to call signatures: aging and MMR dysfunction, which is associated with a higher mutation burden. It also shows us that modest amounts of the MMR signature are usually found in aging related cases, which is probably an algorithmic artefact rather than a bona-fide feature.

An example generated by running the following code and using the second set of bar colors in R. python --idsFile test_signature_case_ids2_POLE_.txt --primarySortSig Signature.POLE --signatureOrdering signatureOrdering2_POLE_.txt

alt text

Interpretation This figure gives us information about the landscape of POLE mutated tumors and artefacts. We can see cancers that display the POLE phenotype are either predominantly dominated by the POLE signature or show a mix of the POLE signature, the POLE plus MMR signature (14) and the MMR signature. This also shows that cases with POLE mutations but no POLE signature occur in cancers dominated by the APOBEC signature.