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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 23, 2022. It is now read-only.

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110 lines (78 loc) · 6.06 KB

File metadata and controls

110 lines (78 loc) · 6.06 KB


  • FEATURE - analytics client is now automatically initialized and in scope for a game agent
  • FIX - analytics WAMP component now uses the analytics topic config key to determine redis key
  • FIX - Locking Tensorflow to appropriate version on Windows


  • FIX - use interpolation order 0 in frame transformation pipeline resize
  • FIX - use offshoot selection kwarg when discovering to avoid running code of all plugins
  • FIX - sprite identifier needs to reject sprites that don't have the same shape as query sprite when using constellation of pixels
  • FIX - mild attempt to shutdown frame grabber process on game agent exception


Exiting Beta! Changed the versioning scheme to YEAR.QUARTER.RELEASE

  • IMPROVEMENT - easier framework installation; only the core gets installed with serpent setup; other modules with more involved installation steps can be set up later as needed!
  • IMPROVEMENT - added a serpent update command; headache-free framework updates
  • IMPROVEMENT - added a serpent modules command to check the installation status of optional modules
  • MAJOR FEATURE - cross-platform gameplay recording with ̀serpent record; capture keyboard/mouse inputs alongside frame buffers who are optionally put through a reward function; data is neatly packed in a single HDF5 file when done;
  • FEATURE - a "force" kwarg can now be passed to input controller methods to ignore the game focus requirement
  • FEATURE - context frame captures can now be scoped to game plugins' screen regions
  • FEATURE - GameFrame objects now have a timestamp representing the capture time with microsecond precision
  • FEATURE - GameFrame objects can now hold frame bytes (for PNG data) instead of a frame array
  • FEATURE - FrameGrabber get_frames doesn't require shape and dtype information anymore
  • FEATURE - added a mechanism to register custom reward functions in a GameAgent
  • TWEAK - no longer halving width & height in context frame capture; frame transformation pipeline should be used instead
  • TWEAK - files generated from any frame capture operation are now named with the timestamp instead of a random UUID4
  • FIX - CNNInceptionV3Classifier can now also handle uint8 dtypes
  • INTERNAL - reshape metadata and timestamp are now encoded alongside frame bytes; saving a ton of reshape preperation logic
  • INTERNAL - added 'PNG' operator in frame transformation pipelines
  • INTERNAL / REFACTOR - better OS abstractions to control platform-specific snippets
  • NOTEBOOK - added a Jupyter Notebook to demonstrate common operations with the input recording HDF5 files


  • FIX - inceptionv3 context classifier is now using the newer normalize function instead of the old scale_range one
  • REFACTOR / FIX - added a mechanism to handle scancodes for extended keys in NativeWin32 input controller. Fixes arrow keys on Windows :)
  • FIX - added a dtype kwarg to FrameGrabber get_frames. necessary when using 'FLOAT' pipeline operator


  • FEATURE - added 'FLOAT' operator in frame transformation pipelines (needed for DQN)
  • FEATURE - added 'SSIM' mode to sprite identifier
  • FIX - sprite identifier score thresholds now work consistently with all offered modes
  • FIX - resolved an issue with sprite identifier constellation of pixels mode and sprites with alpha channel
  • FIX - added macOS command key to KeyboardKey enum and added a mapping for PyAutoGUI input controller backend
  • FIX - linux window controller will now only consider visible windows when attempting to find game windows
  • FEATURE - better range normalization in ability to pass in target domain


  • FEATURE - added frame transformation pipelines
  • FIX - DQN and DDQN fixes and Windows compatibility tweaks


  • FIX - emptied out for serpent.input_controllers (AKA win32api trying to import on Linux)


  • MAJOR CHANGE - added a KeyboardKey enum containing all valid keys that can be pressed on a standard keyboard; all InputController methods that accept keys now require KeyboardKey items
  • FEATURE - added a fully-compliant native Windows input controller that uses the SendInput DLL function
  • FEATURE - added 'move', 'click_down' & 'click_up' to the InputController protocol; implemented them in PYAUTOGUI & NATIVE_WIN32
  • FEATURE - context classifier validation during training can now be skipped
  • FEATURE - context classifier model checkpoints can now be autosaved
  • FEATURE - locate() from the SpriteLocator can now use screen regions
  • FIX - prevented an empty list to get to a min() call in locate_string


  • FIX - macOS frame reshape error should be resolved; Including the top bar as part of the capture until someone can a programmatic way to get the inner window size.
  • FEATURE - added a Web Browser GameLauncher for people who want to tackle web games
  • FIX - Added a default static seed to the the training of the context classifier dataset split operation


  • REFACTOR - InputController now pivots on a backend to allow extension; PyAutoGUI extracted to a backend (default)
  • FIX - no CUDA initialization unless it's actually needed
  • FEATURE - new serpent window_name command to assist in finding the proper kwargs["window_name"] for Game plugins
  • FIX - stopped initializing a VisualDebugger instance on every new GameFrameBuffer. Huge performance gain in frame consumption rate.


  • FIX - DarwinWindowController is_window_focused should use process title and not name


  • FIX - initial applescript to find focused windows was fine but macOS users need to use process name and not the window name


  • FEATURE - added resize_window to all WindowController classes
  • TWEAK - Base Game Agent GameFrameLimiter FPS to 30


  • FEATURE - retina display detection and handling on macOS
  • FIX - most mouse events were missing the window geometry offsets
  • FIX - replaced the applescript used to determine the focused window so the visible title bar name can be used in all cases


  • FIX - conda not found on Windows serpent setup
  • FIX - version locked Cython to version 0.26.1 because Kivy doesn't build on 0.27


  • Initial Beta Release