First parameter (1) is a valid1 and started COM Port number on host PC.
VBA Function | TS | Description |
check_com_port(1) |
No | Returns number of input characters waiting to be read (no wait). Return value -1 indicates error. |
wait_com_port(1) |
Yes | Wait for up to 333mS (default) before timing out. Returns True if receive data waiting. |
wait_com_port(1,500) |
Yes | As above, specify maximum wait time (500) in milliseconds. |
get_com_port(1) |
No | Receives a single-character string. |
put_com_port(1,"A") |
No | Sends a single-character string. |
read_com_port(1) |
No | Reads an unspecified number 2 of waiting characters. |
read_com_port(1,20) |
No | Reads up to specified number 2 (20) of waiting characters. |
send_com_port(1,V) |
Yes | Sends variable V. Function converts V to string and calls transmit_com_port . 3 |
send_com_port(1,$B$5) |
Yes | Sends contents of Cell $B$5 4 to com port (Excel Worksheet Only) |
receive_com_port(1) |
Yes | Receives all data from port 35 |
transmit_com_port(1,"QWERTY") |
Yes | Sends supplied string QWERTY to port 3 |
transmit_com_port(1,COMMANDS) |
Yes | Sends supplied string constant or variable COMMANDS to port 3 |
- Functions shown as TS=No return within a few milliseconds.
- Functions shown as TS=Yes are timesliced to avoid VBA hanging with a 'not responding' message.
Valid Minimum and Maximum port numbers should be defined in declarations section at the start of the module. ↩
Maximum number of waiting characters read is approximately = (baud rate / 10) ↩ ↩2
Function can block for extended periods with VBA remaining responsive before returning. ↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4
Excel will re-send if Cell $B$5 value changes ↩
Function includes read wait and exit timers and returns when exit timer expires. ↩