A .NET implementation of Timer, which optimized for approximated I/O timeout scheduling, also called Approximated Timer. Inspired by Netty HashedWheelTimer.
.NET implemented & Optimized & Notes:
- Replace doubly-linked-list with singly-linked-list to reduce memory used.
- Use ArrayPool to Prevent GC.
- Optimized for small task that will be executed after a short delay. If it takes a long time to complete the task, consider to start a new thread.
: the smaller value you set, the higher level of precision you get. but it will keep the timer busy for ticking. Adjust thetickDuration
in your case.- Testing passed of ~4,000,000 timer tasks, I think it's good enough for general scenarios.
Download the source code, or NuGet package
More details in the test-project
// constructor
public HashedWheelTimer(
TimeSpan tickDuration,
int ticksPerWheel = 512,
long maxPendingTimerTasks = 0,
ILogger<HashedWheelTimer> logger = null)
Create an instance of timer, then add new timer-task
var timer = new HashedWheelTimer(); // use the default value
// add a new task with lambda expression, delay 1357ms.
var handle = timer.AddTask(1357, () =>
Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")} : do work. ");
// check the status of task
if(handle.Cancelled || handle.Expired) { }
// task can be cancelled, call the method.
// reuse the timerTask
timer.AddTask(2000, handle.TimerTask);
// ------------------
// add a new task with lambda expression, passing parameter=999
timer.AddTask(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1234), (prm) =>
Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")} : do work. parameter={prm}");
}, 999);
// ------------------
// add a new task which instant class implements ITimerTask
timer.AddTask(4357, new MyTimerTask());
// ------------------
// stop the timer, and get the unprocessed tasks.
IEnumerable<TimerTaskHandle> unprocessedTasks = await timer.Stop(gatherUnprocessedTasks:true);
// ------------------
// check the padding tasks
if(timer.IsRunning && timer.PendingTasks != 0) { }
Implement the ITimerTask
public interface ITimerTask
/// <summary>
/// If it takes a long time to complete the task, consider to start a new thread.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
Task RunAsync();
public class MyTimerTask : ITimerTask
public Task RunAsync()
Debug.WriteLine($"do work.");
return Task.CompletedTask;
For batch operation. A notice
is an object
, can represent anything.
// firstly set the callback delegate.
timer.SetNoticeCallback((notices) =>
// batch operation
foreach (var obj in notices)
// ...
// then add the notices.
timer.AddNotice(1357, 1357);
timer.AddNotice(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1234), "{\"id\":32,\"name\":\"Jeo\"}");
// ... add more notices