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Releases: SciQLop/speasy

Speasy 1.0.3

18 Oct 15:10
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What's Changed

  • Correct typo in README.rst by @cmoissar in #58
  • Uses cache setting also when loading inventory from proxy by @jeandet in #57
  • Matplotlib was accidentally working with DataContainer instead of Numpy array by @jeandet in #60
  • Amda csv read hardening by @jeandet in #61
  • Also replace comma in dynamic inventory names by @jeandet in #62

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.3

Speasy 1.0.2

07 Oct 13:43
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What's Changed

  • Fixes regression on CSA inventory construction by @jeandet in #54
    this shouldn't have affected any user since this is used by speasy proxy which hasn't been updated with the faulty version
  • Variable merge fix by @jeandet in #55

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2

Speasy 1.0.1

06 Oct 11:43
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What's Changed

  • Switches to stable proxy server and emits a warning if proxy isn't cofigured by @jeandet in #50
  • Many documentation fixes and improvements by @jeandet in #51
  • Forces inventory build tests on CI and fixes a bug with CDA inventory by @jeandet in #52
  • Inventory update optimization by @jeandet in #53

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1


25 Sep 13:26
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This is the first stable release of Speasy, this means that some part of the API won't change until next major release, they will only get bug fixes or backward compatible enhancements.
Since last release, a lot of new features has landed:

  • now Speasy fully support AMDA, CDAWeb, SSCWeb and CSA web-services which represent around 55000 products.
  • for CSA and CDAWeb uses CDF file format thanks to pycdfpp and PyISTP speeds up download and allow 2D+ data handling
  • for each web-service Speasy provides an inventory of available products
  • for each web-service except SSCWeb, Speasy automatically discard outdated data from local cache
  • get_data function has evolved to accept many complex combination of products and time intervals
  • get_data function is now part of the stable API of Speasy
  • on disk cache loading algorithm has been improved and is now at least 10x faster
  • (unstable) plotting API is under heavy rework and will continue to evolve in next releases but already support spectrogram plots and handles as much as possible information such as axes label or units
  • by default Speasy proxy is enabled (for new fresh installs)
  • SpeasyVariable object has been rewritten to better handle ND data and provide nice slicing features

From now upcoming releases will mostly fix bugs, extend plotting API and follow web-services evolution.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.10.2...v1.0.0

Speasy 0.10.2

28 Jun 10:09
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What's Changed

  • [CI] Check that each push or PR doesn't break release process by @jeandet in #34
  • Adds TimeTable and Catalog conversion to Pandas DataFrames by @jeandet in #36
  • astropy units and tables by @Dolgalad in #45
  • added time range splitting and process status management by @Dolgalad in #41

Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.10.2

Speasy 0.10.1

03 Feb 10:54
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Minor fixes for Zenodo.

Speasy 0.10.0

03 Feb 10:15
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  • Adds support for all AMDA products, even private ones
  • Adds support for AMDA credentials
  • Adds dynamic inventory for AMDA and SSC
  • Adds possibility to set config values from ENV
  • Drops Python 3.6 support and adds 3.10
  • New API documentation using numpydoc
  • New user documentation using numpydoc
  • Most code examples are tested with doctest
  • Renames SSCWeb module get_orbit to get_trajectory

backport PR #25 (fixed amda multidimensional data download, column names)

25 Nov 17:01
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Full speasy name switch

29 Jul 09:27
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Bump version: 0.8.3 → 0.9.0

v0.8.3: Add spwc as requirement for migration

28 Jul 18:03
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