Today's Progress: Built a Basic User Identification Program using Switch statements in Java.
Link to work: Switch
Today's Progress: Explored conditionals in Java! Built a Grade Calculator program that, Dynamically computes grades based on input marks, ensures valid inputs, and keeps the interaction going using while loop.
Link to work: Conditional Statements, Grade Calculator
Today's Progress: Explored Fibonacci, String Reversal, Leap Years, Sum of Digits, August Adventures: Even days for hangouts, and more!
Link to work: Loops
Today's Progress: Crafted a nifty Math Toolbox in Java.
Link to work: Methods
Today's Progress: Learned about variable shadowing, local scope hiding, understood how subclasses mask superclass variables.
Link to work: Shadowing
Today's Progress: Built a mini library management system
Link to work: Library Management System
Today's Progress: Learned about arrays in Java. Explored array declaration, initialization, accessing elements, and iterating through arrays. Also wrote a program to find the maximum element in an integer array.
Link to work: Arrays
Today's Progress: Explored more array operations. Learned about modifying array elements and different ways of initializing arrays in Java. Also, wrote a program to calculate the sum and average of elements in an array, taking user input.
Link to work: Arrays
Today's Progress: Uncovered differences between Checked & Unchecked exceptions in Java.
Link to work: Exceptions
Today's Progress: Delved into Java I/O operations (Scanner & Buffer Reader) for efficient input handling/processing.
Link to work: IO operations
Today's Progress: Explored common errors in Java: OutOfMemoryError, StackOverflowError, NoClassDefFoundError.
Link to work: Errors
Today's Progress: Dived into Java's complexities, exploring ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, NullPointerException, NumberFormat
Link to work: Exceptions
Today's Progress: Explored packages and interfaces in java
Link to work: Interfaces
Today's Progress: Delved into inheritance in Java, unlocking the dynamic relationship between classes!
Link to work: Inheritance
Today's Progress: Tackled 2 HackerRank questions to solidify my understanding of class hierarchies. Dived deep into method overriding in Java, crafting a simulated game where warriors, wizards, and archers unleash their unique abilities!🗡️✨
Link to work: Inheritance, Method Overriding
Today's Progress: Tackled 2 HackerRank questions solidifying my understanding of the concept. Delved deep into the concepts of data encapsulation and abstraction in Java!🛡️🔒
Link to work: Method Overriding, Encapsulation
Today's Progress: Developed a program for a simple bank account system and health data models, ensuring secure data handling and simplified interactions.
Link to work: Data Abstraction
Today's Progress: Java Maps to manage data efficiently! Learned to store scores, count frequencies.
Link to work: Maps
Today's Progress: Explored the concepts of Sets in Java! Removed duplicates, & checked for anagrams(Words Swap)
Link to work: Sets
Today's Progress: Built a music streaming service for managing playlists and songs.
Link to work: Music Streaming Service
Today's Progress: Dipped my toes into React! Explored components, the art of importing and exporting them.
Link to work: React
Today's Progress: Learned the concept of nesting and organizing components, JSX for markup and passing props.
Link to work: React
Today's Progress: Explored Java threads creation, management.
Link to work: MultiThreading in Java
Today's Progress: Dived deeper into synchronization, coordination, and communication.
Link to work: MultiThreading in Java
Today's Progress: Leveled up my problem-solving skills with some awesome Java patterns! Check out these classic patterns:
Diamond Pattern Right Aligned Triangle Pattern Number Pattern
Link to work: Diamond, RightAligned, Num Patterns in Java
Today's Progress: Dived deeper into Java patterns!
X-Square Pattern Pascal Triangle
Link to work: X-Square, Pascal
Today's Progress: Ready for more Java pattern magic?
Alphabet Pattern Number Pattern Increasing-Decreasing Numbers Pattern
Link to work: Alphabet, Number, Inc-Dec
Today's Progress: Finally wrapping up my Java pattern journey with ⚡
Stylized Circuit Board Pattern
Link to work: Stylized Circuit
Today's Progress: Solved the "Minimum Points To Reach Destination" problem on GFG POTD(problem of the day). Navigating through a grid with positive, negative, or zero points, I found the minimum initial points needed to reach the destination cell (m-1, n-1) with positive points throughout the path.
Link to work: Min Points problem
Today's Progress: cracked the "Party of Couples" puzzle! 🎉 Identified the single person among couples using array manipulation
Link to work: Party of Couples problem
Today's Progress: Delved into the "Gray to Binary equivalent" challenge. Decoded the Gray Code, converted it to binary, and returned the decimal representation of the binary equivalent.
Link to work: Gray to Binary problem
Today's Progress: I delved into conditional rendering in React, all thanks to the fantastic resources on! 🌟 Practiced the art of dynamically displaying different JSX elements based on various conditions using if statements, && operator, and ternary operator. It's like having a superpower to control what gets rendered on the screen! 💪 (Hint: React documentation rocks!)
Link to work: Conditional Rendering in React
Today's Progress: Continued my React journey by practicing rendering lists today! 📋 Explored how to efficiently render arrays of data into components using the map() method, and also learned the importance of keys in React to maintain proper DOM updates. Additionally, I explored React's perspective on UI as a tree structure, aiding in visualizing component relationships. Feeling more confident in my React skills and excited to apply these concepts to my projects! 💻
Link to work: Rendering Lists in React
Today's Progress: Fired up the engines for my latest Android app development! 📱 Kicked off the development of my project, an app that aims to solve a potential problem in a particular niche. More juicy details coming your way tomorrow. Stay hyped!
Link to work: Android Application
Today's Progress: Implemented user registration functionality in my app. A social media platform that'll empower user's in optimizing their online presence, enhance social media strategies and engagement. Set up the user interface for the registration screen, including input fields for email, password, and other relevant details.
Link to work: User Registration Functionality
Today's Progress: Successfully implemented user registration and login functionalities, setting the stage for smooth user interactions. The login screen is now alive, welcoming users to join the journey. Progress feels good! 🔐
Link to work: Login Functionality
Today's Progress: Started working on developing a machine learning model for trend predictions and user engagement insights on social media. Researched on resources for developing the model. Experimented with Python libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn.
Link to work: Machine Learning Model
Today's Progress: Tested different datasets today, searched for APIs provided by some of the popular social media platforms, and assessed the categories in which we can make predictions in social media analytics. Delving into diverse data sources and API offerings to lay the groundwork for our analytics model.
Link to work: Datasets & APIs
Today's Progress: A lot of research work and found a suitable large dataset for sentiment analysis, cleaned, processed it, and explored different strategies using which we can generate meaningful insights from this data. Continuing to run through data preprocessing techniques and finding out innovative approaches for extracting valuable sentiment insights.
Link to work: Data Preprocessing
Today's Progress: Explored Streamlit, a powerful tool for building data apps with Python. Created a basic project to delve into its capabilities. The simplicity, user-friendly interface and power of Streamlit have me hooked! 🚀 Excited of leveraging Streamlit's power for my app
Link to work: Streamlit
Today's Progress: Kicked off my exploration of building an ML model within Streamlit's environment. This intricacies of processing messy datasets, reminds me the efforts behind maintaining a cleaned one. Additionally, I'm experimenting with a potential data source, eager to see if it aligns with my project goals. Stay tuned for the unfolding story!
Link to work: Streamlit for ML Model
Today's Progress: Generated a YouTube API key! 🔑 This key will unlock the door to fetch real-time data directly from YouTube, empowering users to input queries and receive insightful analysis powered by machine learning models running behind the scenes. Excited to integrate this functionality, brainstormed about how we can implement this into my model and witness the synergy between data, ML, and user experience. Started implementation process today. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!
Link to work: Youtube's API
Today's Progress: Integrated Firebase authentication for login and registration functionalities in my app, empowering users to sign up and log in securely using their email and password. Building a robust foundation for user management, ensuring a seamless and secure experience. 🔒🔥
Link to work: Firebase Authentication
Today's Progress: Delved into the significance of multi-language functionality in apps, acknowledging the diverse user base and enhancing accessibility. Implemented it within a small project, realizing the power of inclusivity in technology. This could be an important aspect that could be considered while making our app more accessible to a diverse group of audience! 🌍🌐
Link to work: MultiLingual Functionality
Today's Progress: Implemented a real-time database using Firebase for a sample project! 🚀 Explored it's seamless integration and powerful features, laying the foundation for dynamic data management. Excited to leverage Firebase's real-time capabilities for seamless user experiences! 🔥📊
Link to work: Firebase RealTimeDatabase
Today's Progress: Explored the vast array of comments fetched from YouTube's API for my ML social media analytics project. Delving into processing these comments to extract valuable insights. Analyzed how this patterns and trends will enrich the analytics capabilities of my project. Onwards and upwards! 📈🔍
Link to work: Youtube Video Comments Dataset Preprocessing
Today's Progress: Venturing into a groundbreaking project under expert guidance, shaping an app to redefine anorectal disease prediction. Initiated the homepage UI, laying the foundation for user interaction. A project that has the capability to provide a solution for a potential problem in this field using Machine Learning Models! 🚀🩺
Link to work: Healthcare Tech App
Today's Progress: Segmented and processed data for sentiment analysis in my ML model, categorizing it into negative, positive, and neutral categories. Additionally, experimented with exporting the data to JSON and CSV files, providing a rough idea of the model's workings. Although not directly aligned with the project's goals, this exploration will offer valuable insights into the model's functionality.
Link to work: Categorized data into distinct segments - SocialMediaAnalytics ML Model
Today's Progress: Crafted a request to fetch comments from a specific YouTube video, specifying the video ID and desired parameters. Executing the request, I received a response containing author names, timestamps, like counts, and the comments themselves. With the DataFrame structured, analyzed its contents, identified patterns and trends that would fuel the project. Used charting libraries like Matplotlib and Plotly to visualize trends and patterns in the comment data.
Link to work: Visualizing data using charting libraries
Today's Progress: Experimented with generating word clouds to highlight frequently occurring words and themes. To add more depth, worked on identifying the top negative and positive comments, providing valuable insights into sentiment analysis. Updated the repo.
Link to work: Unveiling Sentiments with Word Clouds & Top comments: YoutubeSenti
Today's Progress: Continued app development by focusing on UX design: Improved user interface for better navigation and interaction. Enhanced visual elements to make the app more appealing and intuitive. Implemented responsive design principles for seamless experience.
Link to work: User experience design - HealthCare app
Today's Progress: Worked on the app for my semester project by integrating Firebase authentication. Implemented login via email and Google functionality, reinforcing security. Also, linked the app to Firebase Realtime Database for efficient data handling. Not that healthcare project, but a significant step forward in my academic journey.
Link to work: Firebase Integration: Sem App
Today's Progress: Designed and implemented the home page of my app, focusing on creating an engaging and intuitive interface to welcome users. Incorporated key features and navigation elements to provide a seamless user experience right from the start. Thrilled to share the news! Selected as a Contributor for GirlScript Summer of Code'24! #GSSoC 🚀
Link to work: GSSoC '24
Today's Progress: Expanded the functionality of my app by adding user profiles and a dashboard feature activities. Users can create and manage their profiles, personalize their settings, and access a centralized dashboard to view relevant information and insights at a glance.
Link to work: User Profiles
Today's Progress: Enhanced the usability of the app by incorporating additional features such as a contact page for user support and a section dedicated to health articles.
Link to work: Contact us Page, Health section
Today's Progress: : Addressed the challenges of UI development on Android, particularly the issue of layout inconsistencies across different devices. Also, discussed improvements for the app, particularly focusing on color schemes. Incorporated the suggestions into the UI design, refining the color palette for a more cohesive and visually pleasing experience. Additionally, conducted data collection activities to gather insights for further app enhancements.
Link to work: UI Changes Commit, Data Collection
Today's Progress: Involved addressing the challenge of adding features for doctors in our app, specifically enabling them to download reports based on predictions that'll be provided to the user's within the application. Through experimentation and evaluation of different approaches, we tried out ways on how to seamlessly integrate this functionality, ensuring it enhances the user experience for both doctors and patients.
Link to work: Addressing features for Doctors in the app
Today's Progress: Explored the projects featured in GSSoC (GirlScript Summer of Code) this year, along with their corresponding repositories. This time there are diverse range of projects being undertaken within the program, fostering an appreciation for the innovative solutions being developed by participating teams. Additionally, worked on the application by introducing a scheduling appointments page. Acknowledging the need for further refinement in it.
Link to work: Appointment Scheduling
Today's Progress: Discovered significant key differences between Java and Kotlin, understanding their unique attributes and benefits. Also, gained hands-on experience in securing user data, emphasizing the critical importance of data protection in application development.
Link to work: Java-Kotlin Differences, User Data Security
Today's Progress: Removed the doctor's dashboard from the main UI of the app. Created separate appointment schedules and a dedicated doctor's dashboard that doctors and their attendant staff can access for adding slots and viewing details. This restructuring aims to streamline the user experience for both patients and healthcare providers.
Link to work: Doctor's Dashboard Separation, Appointment Schedules
Today's Progress: Began working on an eCommerce app, focusing on handmade Ajrakh textiles and other ethnic and vintage products from India. This app aims to provide a unique shopping experience for the modern woman. Stay tuned for more amazing updates!
Link to work: eCommerce App Development for Women of today
Today's Progress: Created a detailed "Contact Us" page for users to easily get in touch with Amrozia. Designed and implemented a "Blog" page to share updates and articles related to Amrozia.
Link to work: Developed Contact Us and Blog Pages
Today's Progress: Developed the "About Us" page to provide background information about Amrozia. Implemented a "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) page. Addressed common queries to assist users in navigating the app.
Link to work: Implemented About Us and FAQ Pages
Today's Progress: Collected patients data for KsharSutra application. Added a menu drawer for Amrozia to facilitate seamless navigation across different sections of the app. Included links to the new pages (Contact Us, Blog, About Us, FAQ, & GIft Card).
Link to work: Collected Patients Data for KsharSutra app and Added Menu Drawer Navigation for Amrozia
Today's Progress: Spent the day debugging and fixing the issue where selecting items in the menu drawer did not redirect to the appropriate activity. Analyzed the code to identify the root cause of the problem, which was related to improper intent handling and activity transitions. Made sure the navigation is smooth and consistent across the app. Tested each menu item to verify it redirects correctly to the intended activity or page. Refactored the menu drawer code to enhance maintainability and readability.
Link to work: Debugging Menu Drawer Issues and Ensuring Seamless Activity Redirection
Today's Progress: Added functionality to open the email client with pre-filled details for contacting Amrozia support. Users can now easily send emails directly from the app. Implemented click listeners for social media cards (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp). Initially attempted to use URL redirects but found in-app opening to be more effective for a better user experience. Clicking on the social media cards now opens the respective apps directly, providing a seamless transition.
Link to work: Added Email Functionality and Social Media Platforms Integration
Today's Progress: Built the initial layout for the products page of my eCommerce app! Added a search bar for easy navigation, a toolbar for quick access to features, and structured the basic views. Gathered the collection of products that'll be displayed too.
Link to work: Initial Layout For Products Page
Today's Progress: Added products, organized them into 5 categories as per the requirements: Mashru Silk Collection, Staple Cotton Collection, Rayon Collection, Premium Rayon Collection, Cotton Collection. Loving how it's turning out! 🙌
Link to work: Product Categories Implementation
Today's Progress: Implemented the layout for the checkout page and the product details page. Ensured both pages have a clean and user-friendly design. The checkout page includes essential fields and a summary of the user's cart, while the product details page displays detailed information and images for each product.
Link to work: Checkout and Product Details Pages
Today's Progress: Continued refining the checkout and product details pages. Additionally, added a page that'll be dedicated to display all products within a specific category out of the five available categories. This will help users easily browse through related items.
Link to work: Category-Specific Products page
Today's Progress: Fetched and displayed products in category-specific products page. Set a limit on the home page to display a maximum of 8 products per category. This ensures a streamlined and uncluttered look, improving the overall user experience.
Link to work: Home Page Product Display Limit per Category
Today's Progress: Opened issues and PRs in repositories in GSSOC (GirlScript Summer of Code).
Link to work: GSSOC contributions
Today's Progress: Clicking on a specific product now features it's multiple images, available sizes, prices, and customer reviews. This enhancement provides users with comprehensive product information.
Link to work: Added features on Product Details Page
Today's Progress: Collected patient data for the KsharSutra app. As the data collection process is crucial for the app's functionality, providing users with reliable information for treatment and diagnosis. Resumed work on CricBlitz - A live cricket scores platform.
Link to work: Collected Patient Data for KsharSutra App
Today's Progress: Made significant progress in implementing APIs for live cricket scores in CricBlitz. Preliminary testing done.
Link to work: Backend Development for CricBlitz
Today's Progress: Implemented the frontend for CricBlitz using Angular. Designed a card-based layout to display live cricket scores and the latest cricket news.
Link to work: Frontend Implementation for CricBlitz
Today's Progress: Worked on integrating Vercel for front-end deployment of CricBlitz app, for backend hosting, and also done API testings using Postman.
Link to work: Integration of Deployment and Testing Tools for CricBlitz
Today's Progress: Addressed several bugs regarding the news not properly getting fetched and dispalyed, ensured that the APIs are functioning correctly with seamless communication between the front-end and back-end. Finalized deployment pipelines.
Link to work: Finalized Deployment and Testing for CricBlitz
Today's Progress: Connected the Amrozia app to Cloud Firestore DB for dynamic data retrieval and Firebase Storage for image management. This integration allows users to view detailed product information with high-quality images. Additionally, it enables admins to add product details and images directly into the Firestore database, streamlining the product management process.
Link to work: Cloud Firestore and Firebase Storage Integration for Amrozia
Today's Progress: Integrated the page with Cloud Firestore DB and implemented methods to fetch dynamic data for multiple product images and ensure real-time updates.
Link to work: Product Details Page Implementation for Amrozia
Today's Progress: Implemented the CartActivity. This feature enables users to add products to their cart, view the cart contents, and proceed to checkout. Integrating with Cloud Firestore DB for real-time cart updates.
Link to work: CartActivity Implementation for Amrozia
Today's Progress: Enhanced my Android app's cart functionality. Added a detailed cart view where users can manage their items, including adjusting quantities and removing products. Additionally, implemented total cost calculation, factoring in applicable fees to provide users with a comprehensive view of their purchase. Managed various cart operations and ensured that the total amount dynamically updates as items are added or removed.
Link to work: Enhanced Cart Functionality
Today's Progress: Worked on implementing user profiles. This new feature allows users to have personalized profiles with options to send gift cards to friends and share the app. Also integrated the Amrozia YouTube channel video directly within the app, providing users with easy access to the latest content and tutorials.
Link to work: User Profiles and Video Integration
Today's Progress: Introduced app banners and improved the overall UI. I removed backgrounds from product images for a cleaner, more consistent appearance. Additionally, I focused on storing images in the Firestore database, ensuring that the app loads high-quality images efficiently.
Link to work: UI Improvements and Firestore Integration
Today's Progress: Worked on automatically setting user names from email addresses and allowing users to change their names if desired. Also organized app sections for better navigation, making the user experience more seamless.
Link to work: User Personalization and Navigation Enhancements
Today's Progress: Implemented Sign-In with Google, allowing users to log in using their Google accounts. Developed the Order Confirmation Activity. Additionally, I fixed an issue where only one product image was loading in the view page slider within the Details Activity, ensuring that multiple images display correctly. Added password recovery by integrating a one-tap reset email functionality. Users can now easily retrieve their accounts if they forget their passwords.
Link to work: Google Sign-In, Password Recovery and Order Confirmation
Today's Progress: Successfully integrated appointment scheduling into our healthcare app and established a seamless connection with Firebase. Integrated firestore database for storing patient appointment details, schedules and time slots.
Link to work: Appointment Scheduling
Today's Progress: Developed backend logic to handle appointment scheduling and real-time data synchronization. This feature ensures that appointments are updated and accessible without delays.
Link to work: Real-Time Appointment Management
Today's Progress: Implemented file upload functionality in the healthcare app, enabling users to upload medical reports securely. Integrated Firebase for storing uploaded files and managing metadata associated with each report. Users can browse and select files from their device, with progress tracked via a visual progress bar.
Link to work: Report Upload Functionality For Patient's
Today's Progress: Added the report management module for Doctor's for efficiently displaying and search through uploaded medical reports. Implemented filtering functionality based on patient names and email addresses, leveraging queries for optimized data retrieval.
Link to work: Report Management Module For Doctor's
Today's Progress: Implemented appointment management functionality for doctors and clinic staff. Integrated dynamic appointment handling with Firebase Firestore, allowing real-time updates and email notifications for appointment status changes. Categorized appointment by today's and future dates specifically. Facilitating actions such as approving or declining appointment requests, updating statuses, and sending confirmation emails using SendGrid API.
Link to work: Appointment Management and Time Slot Handling For Doctor's and Clinic Staff
Today's Progress: Back with a bang! Implemented pagination for fetching reports, managed time slots in RecyclerView, and refactored date parsing and exception handling in TimeSlotAdapter. Enhanced date selection and appointment actions, improving management with approval and decline buttons.
Link to work: Reports Management and Appointment Handling
Today's Progress: Set display and database date formats for appointments, storing the database date as a tag. Updated multiple XML layouts and project files for better date selection and handling.
Link to work: Date Formats(Selection and Handling)
Today's Progress: Implemented file metadata caching for improved performance and efficiency in handling previously uploaded files. Optimizations in profile image handling, focusing on circular display and efficient image caching strategies.
Link to work: File Metadata Caching and Profile Image Optimization
Today's Progress: Implemented caching mechanism for appointments and time slots, increasing performance by reducing Firestore queries and improving data retrieval efficiency.
Link to work: Appointment and Time Slot Caching
Today's Progress: Added Questionnaire data class to capture detailed patient information. Integrated functionality in to submit user inputs via Retrofit. Added response handling with ResponseData class for displaying submission results. Created ApiService interface to define POST request method for submitting questionnaires.
Link to work: Questionnaire Submission and API Integration
Today's Progress: Enhanced appointment details display in Appointment Adapter for improved clarity and user interaction. Added a background to customize navigation file containers with rounded corners and a stroke for visual distinction.
Link to work: Appointment Details Enhancement, Customization
Today's Progress: : Implemented a unified view for all appointments, removing separate sections for today's and future appointments. Enhanced data handling to streamline appointment management. Implemented automatic removal of past appointments for better data management and user experience.
Link to work: Unified Appointment View and Past Appointment Removal
Today's Progress: Added a helper function determineMimeType in Report Adapter to determine the MIME type based on file extensions (pdf, jpg, jpeg, png). Updated Report Adapter to handle file clicks with MIME type. Integrated file opening functionality for supporting Google Drive and fallback options for PDF, JPEG, and PNG files.
Link to work: Added determineMimeType Helper Function, Integrated Google Drive and Fallback Options for File Opening
Today's Progress: Added a TextWatcher in the app to enable real-time search functionality for reports. It listens for changes in the text input & performs actions based on it. Real-time search: As the user types in the searchEditText, the TextWatcher dynamically updates the displayed reports. Fetch all reports: If the search text is empty, it fetches all reports. Search specific reports: If there is input in the search field, it searches and displays reports that match the search criteria.
Link to work: Added TextWatcher to enable real time report search