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File metadata and controls

218 lines (166 loc) · 8.94 KB

Architectural overview

This document outlines the system architecture of wsedit. It is not meant for the average user, but for those who want to understand and maybe even improve the source code. It might at some point start lagging behind the actual code, but I will try to keep it updated for every major change. I'd also strongly recommend you to run stack haddock and take a look at its output (located at .stack-work/install/<arch>-<os>/<stackVer>/<ghcVer>/doc/all/index.html).

Files and Modules

The file tree looks somewhat like this:

    < many .wsconf files >

Let's go through them one by one.

  • exec/Main.hs: This file is the root of the executable wsedit, but it contains no actual code. Necessary due to the library/executable distinction made by cabal.

  • lang/*.wsconf: Collection of language definitions. If you've come this far, you should be pretty familiar with them, otherwise take a brief look at the output of wsedit -hc.

  • Setup.hs: Another auto-generated cabal artifact. I'm actually not sure what it even does.

  • stack.yaml: stack's main config file, mostly auto-generated. Contains information on how to obtain packages (I'm sure there are better explanations out there if you're really curious).

  • wsedit.cabal: cabal's main config file, details the build process. Should be self-explanatory.

Now that we've covered all the boring boilerplate, let's get to the juicy part!

  • src/WSEdit.hs: Main file, gets called first. Contains the main loop and runtime error catching / disaster procedures.

    • src/WSEdit/Arguments.hs: Handles all the argument processing.

      • src/WSEdit/Arguments/Data.hs: Contains some data types used for argument processing.

      • src/WSEdit/Arguments/Parser.hs: Evil module full of black parsec magic.

    • src/WSEdit/Buffer.hs: Declares the data structure used to store the edited file in an efficient way. Loosely based on PointedLists, but with some additional features to improve efficiency for our use case.

    • src/WSEdit/Control/: These modules define the handler functions used mostly in WSEdit/Keymaps.hs, but also in some other places, as well as some common building blocks for handler functions. Corresponds to the Controller part of the MVC design pattern.

      • src/WSEdit/Control/Autocomplete.hs: Contains everything related to tab completion.

      • src/WSEdit/Control/Base.hs: Some common actions, e.g. moving the cursor, creating an undo history entry, displaying a loading screen, ...

      • src/WSEdit/Control/Global.hs: Some functions operating on a global scale, e.g. termination, saving, toggling various editing modes, undo, ...

      • src/WSEdit/Control/Marks.hs: Handlers related to jump marks.

      • src/WSEdit/Control/Selection.hs: Handlers related to selection editing, e.g. copy/paste, (un-)indenting a block, ...

      • src/WSEdit/Control/Text.hs: Text editing stuff like inserting a character, ...

    • src/WSEdit/Data.hs: Declares all data structures as well as their default instances. Corresponds to the Model part of the MVC design pattern.

      • src/WSEdit/Data/Algorithms.hs: Contains some algorithms used to interface with the structures declared in WSEdit/Data.hs.

      • src/WSEdit/Data/Pretty.hs: Declares reduced versions of some data structures that can be read and shown as well as functions converting between them and the real deal. Integral to the CRASH-DUMP mechanic.

    • src/WSEdit/ElasticTabstops.hs: Contains the implementation of elastic tabstops, exported as a single function to rebuild the related cache.

    • src/WSEdit/Help.hs: Contains help strings as well as some functions related to formatting them for output.

    • src/WSEdit/Keymaps.hs: Declares the default keymap as a pairing of key combination, handler and help text.

    • src/WSEdit/Output.hs: Everything related to producing a coherent image on the screen. Especially the main draw call and its subcomponents, but also some utility functions like getting display bounds, character widths, ... Corresponds to the View part of the MVC design pattern.

    • src/WSEdit/Renderer.hs: A bit of a misnomer actually. Contains the functions that rebuild the rendering caches. Since they're intended to be called in immediate succession, only one meta-function is exported.

    • src/WSEdit/Util.hs: Unsorted collection of generic helper functions that are not necessarily related to wsedits data model.

    • src/WSEdit/WordTree.hs: Implements the prefix tree used as the autocomplete dictionary.

System outline

There are two central data structures that everything in wsedit revolves around: EdState and EdConfig, both declared in WSEdit/Data.hs. They are very similar to each other in that together, they hold all the information there is to wsedit. (Nearly) all code runs in the WSEdit monad, which is an IO monad enriched with a MonadReader for EdConfig and a MonadState for EdState by the convenient RWST monad transformer. This means that all code can only access data that is in either of those two structures and only write that which is in EdState (ignoring possible IO interaction).

The whole compartmentalization concept is set up around that principle in that every function reads what it needs from those two structures and then puts the results of its work into EdState.

This reflects in the structure of the main loop, which is:

  1. Draw Call, uses the structures to draw an image
  2. Event Handler, rearrange EdState in some way
  3. Rebuild caches (also inside EdState)
  4. GoTo 1

All this runs inside an exception handler that will dump the structures should an error occur. This can later be used to trace what went wrong and even to re-launch the editor in the state before the error occured.

Text Representation

The text data is represented as a "zipper" or "pointed list" of lines, i.e. a triple of

  • a list of lines before the current line in reverse order,
  • the current line,
  • a list of lines after the current line in regular order.

This takes advantage of the fact that editor operations usually occur close to the cursor, and makes cache rebuilding very efficient. This data structure is implemented in WSEdit.Buffer.

The Rendering Pipeline

Rendering the output of wsedit is a three-step process:

  1. Extract all syntactically relevant tokens from each line of text and put them into a cache. Some tokens may have no relevance at the moment (e.g. a single quote inside a double quoted string), this will have to be taken into account in step 2.

  2. Run a FSM over these lines to obtain ranges of to-be-coloured text as well as ranges of matching brackets. Put these into caches as well.

  3. On the actual draw call, look up each character's position in the caches from step 2 to determine its designated colour.

This process is optimized by smart recalculation as follows:

  1. Since changes in the document are most likely to happen close to the cursor, we can use a blockchain-like hashing scheme to do fast difference checks (this one is a bit hard to explain, take a look at WSEdit.Buffers implementation, especially the unexposed HashList functions). As the results of the last run are stored per line, we can simply cut out all the outdated lines from the old cache and replace them by running step 1 over the altered area again. Due to the data structure used for the cache (also a WSEdit.Buffer), this is pretty memory-efficient, since the unchanged areas will not take up new space.

  2. We don't need to calculate any formatting beyond the visible area, so we simply don't do that. As the FSM's state leaving each line is stored in the cache it writes, we can resume parsing tokens at the first changed line and stop as soon as we hit the lower edge of the screen. Also, since the cache is stored as a regular list in reverse order, the common tail of two steps won't take up any additional space.

For some operations it is necessary to ignore all existing caches (e.g. changes in search term highlighting). EdState contains the field fullRebdReq :: Bool to facilitate just that.