This building block provides links to SAP Cloud Platform Integration documentation and usefull samples that will help you understand and get your hands easily into CPI.
SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) connects cloud apps with other SAP and third-party apps in cloud and on-premise. It is a service of SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite that connects processes and data for diverse scenarios including application-to-application, business-to-business and business-to-government. Allows to harmonize applications and data reliably and securely by using the productized integration content included with this service.
Follow the documents and samples provided in each one of the option's folders.
HandsOn guided exercise - Guided set of step by step exercises building a package containing 5 artifacts:
- SmokeTestScenario
- GetB1SalesOrder
- CreateB1SalesOrder
- GetByDSalesOrder
- CreateByDSales
Sample package - CPI package including the artifacts explained in the HandsOn guided exercise document.
Set Up Your SAP Cloud Platform Integration Tenant in your SAP Cloud Platform trial account.
SAP Cloud Platform Integration Help Portal Dive into the details with our SAP Cloud Platform Integration help documentation
SAP Cloud Platform Integration Community Learn more from our community of SAP Cloud Platform Integration experts
Developer’s Corner Want to know about the latest and greatest product updates and features enhancements of SAP Cloud Platform Integration? Then, the developer’s corner is your one stop shop!