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Releases: Rollczi/LiteCommands

LiteCommands v3.9.1

11 Nov 12:56
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What's Changed

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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

Discord Sponsor

Full Changelog: v3.9.0...v3.9.1

LiteCommands v3.9.0

02 Nov 23:35
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What's Changed

Thanks you @huanmeng-qwq for the tooltips feature. 😻
Also thanks to @Knerio for helping me find the bug on JDA platform. ❤️

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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

Discord Sponsor

Full Changelog: v3.8.0...v3.9.0

LiteCommands v3.8.0

23 Oct 18:29
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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

Discord Sponsor

Full Changelog: v3.7.1...v3.8.0

LiteCommands v3.7.1

18 Oct 18:55
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What's Changed

Thanks @TheDarkW3b ❤️ 📃

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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

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Full Changelog: v3.7.0...v3.7.1

LiteCommands v3.7.0

13 Oct 12:12
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What's Changed

Thanks @OOP-778 for the important bug fix ❤️

🟢 Add alias for @Context annotation

@Command(name = "hello")
public class HelloCommand {
    void command(@Sender CommandSender sender, @Arg String name) {
        // ...

🟢 Add an option to create Annotation aliases like as @Sender

You can implement your annotation:

@RequirementDefinition(type = RequirementDefinition.Type.CONTEXT)
public @interface MySender {

And use it in your commands:

    void command(@MySender CommandSender sender, @Arg String name) {
        // ...

🟢 Support completableFuture/async parse/context result:

public class UserArgumentResolver extends ArgumentResolver<CommandSender, User> {

    private final Pattern VALID_USER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,16}$");
    private final UserService userService;

    public UserArgumentResolver(UserService userService) {
        this.userService = userService;

    protected ParseResult<User> parse(Invocation<CommandSender> invocation, Argument<User> context, String argument) {
        CompletableFuture<ParseResult<User>> userNotFound = userService.getUser(argument)
            .thenApply(user -> user != null ? ParseResult.success(user) : ParseResult.failure("User not found"));

        return ParseResult.completableFuture(userNotFound);

    public boolean match(Invocation<CommandSender> invocation, Argument<User> context, String argument) {
        return VALID_USER_PATTERN.matcher(argument).matches();

🟢 when you call blocking methods you can use ParseResult.async()

    protected ParseResult<User> parse(Invocation<CommandSender> invocation, Argument<User> context, String argument) {
        return ParseResult.async(() -> userDatabase.getUser(argument));

⚠️ When you return async/completableFuture result then you must also implement match method for correct suggestion validation

🟢 See also same API for ContextResult


🔴 Removed wrapper API

🔴 Breaking changes (Internal API)

See more #435

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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

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Full Changelog: v3.6.1...v3.7.0

LiteCommands v3.6.1

01 Oct 16:10
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Thanks for @BlackBaroness

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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

Discord Sponsor

Full Changelog: v3.6.0...v3.6.1

LiteCommands v3.6.0

01 Oct 16:08
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What's Changed

Thanks @vLuckyyy

🟢 Add an option to disable strict mode.
If you disable strict mode for a command, then users will be able to add unexpected arguments e.g.
/help first asdfioaosdf asodfn asodimf <- this will work!

@Command(name = "help", strict = StrictMode.DISABLED)
class HelpCommand {

    void helpCommand(@Arg String arg) {


You can also disable strict mode by calling:


on builder.

⚠️ Experimental @ExecuteDefault

@Command(name = "kick")
public class KickCommand {
    void commandHelp(@Context SENDER sender) {
        // /kick incorrect input

    @Execute(name = "-all")
    void kickAll() {
        // /kick -all

⚠️ Experimental @Priority

@Command(name = "test")
public class TestCommand {
    void execute(int number) {
        // ...

    void execute(String text) {
        // ...

⚠️ Experimental Event system
Available events:

  • CandidateExecutorFoundEvent
  • CandidateExecutorMatchEvent
  • CommandPreExecutionEvent
  • CommandPostExecutionEvent

Simple example, how to block the execution of a command:

public class TellCommandController<SENDER> implements EventListener {
    public void onEvent(CommandPreExecutionEvent<SENDER> event) {
        SENDER sender = event.getInvocation().sender();

        if (event.getInvocation().name().equals("tell") && sender.isMuted()) {
            event.stopFlow(FailedReason.of("&cYou are muted!"));

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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

Discord Sponsor

Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.6.0

LiteCommands v3.5.0

08 Sep 11:44
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What's Changed

Thanks @rchomczyk ❤️

🟢 Added bypass for @Cooldown

@Command(name = "test")
@Cooldown(key = "key", count = 1, unit = SECONDS, bypass = "your.bypass")
public class TestCommand {
   // ...

🟢 Added JakartaSettings#violationMessage for value type

Example usage:

.violationMessage(Max.class, Integer.class, (invocation, violation) -> "Invalid value: " + violation.getInvalidValue() + " for " + violation.getParameterName())

⚠️ Experimental @Varargs annotation

/numbers <numbers...>

@Command(name = "numbers")
public class NumbersCommand {

    void numbers(@Varargs(delimiter = ",") List<Double> numbers) {
        // ...


Example input: /numbers 15,40.5,-1

⚠️ Experimental ContextChainedProvider, ArgumentResolverChained, BindChainedProvider

This can be helpful when you want to create a context/argument resolver/bind that is dependent on another.

Example for context:

public class GuildContextProvider<SENDER> implements ContextChainedProvider<SENDER, Guild> {

    public ContextResult<LiteTestGuild> provide(Invocation<SENDER> invocation, ContextChainAccessor<SENDER> accessor) {
        return accessor.provideContext(User.class, invocation)
            .flatMap(user -> user.getGuild() == null
                ? ContextResult.error("User is not in a guild")
                : ContextResult.ok(() -> user.getGuild())

🔴 Removed JakartaSettings#constraintViolationsMessage

Use JakartaSettings#violationMessage instead.
Now If you want to join all violations into one message, then implement your ResultHandler for JakartaRawResult type.

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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

Discord Sponsor

Full Changelog: v3.4.3...v3.5.0

LiteCommands v3.4.3

08 Sep 11:25
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What's Changed

  • GH-404 Add currency example with multi file command. by @Rollczi in #404
  • GH-407 Add platform receiver. Fix rcon bukkit adventure platform bug. by @Rollczi in #407
  • Add build-in context providers and argument resolvers for the velocity platform. by @Rollczi in #413

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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

Discord Sponsor

Full Changelog: v3.4.2...v3.4.3

LiteCommands v3.4.2

07 Jun 21:57
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What's Changed

Thanks @rchomczyk @BlackBaroness @RyanTheTechMan ❤️

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⚠️ Replace {artifact} with platform artifact

Discord Sponsor

Full Changelog: v3.4.1...v3.4.2