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122 lines (94 loc) · 6.03 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (94 loc) · 6.03 KB


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RANG is a JavaScript transpiled programming language, the goal of this project is convert JavaScript to a more friendly-language.

The file extension of Rang codes is .rang.

If there is a thing that you don't like with Rang, you can just use that like JavaScript (ex: "i dont like then/end system", so use normal javascript braces lol)


Install NPM rang package: npm i -g rang Use NPX Rang command: npx rang --help


  • More source organization (separate systems)

  • Add a time system

  • Add support to non-main class.

  • Code explanation in

  • Documentation

  • Logo

  • NPM Package


  • Operators and conditionals

  • Change the name of output.js generated file to the original rang file.

  • Game Framework

  • Discord Framework

  • Web Framework

Do you have a suggest? Add it to issues


class Main then
    Main() then
        Console.Print("Hello world");
// Example program: Which is faster, for or while.

class Main then
    Main() then

        for (let i = 0; i > 10; i++) then




        let i = 0

        while (i > 10) then

Console.Print("This is a program written in Rang without use the Main class")

Rang code explanation

  • rang/index.js:

    • Interpreter class It uses the child_process func: spawn for execute JavaScript files.
    • getCode function It uses fs for read the .rang script, if it the script is not found, throw an error.
    • handleArgs function It reads the args received from terminal call. It verify what func is calling (run, transpile or help) and returns something. If its run, it will parse it and execute it (with Interpreter class)
  • rang/parser.js

    • Parser class It has the methods: constructor, parseEverything, checkString and parsing methods. The parsing methods follows 2 types of ways to parse it. The first type is making a for that go with every line checking if a word is in the script, if it is, replace it to JavaScript. Second type is to include systems (rang/systems/). Just call the systems and get the code.
    • parseEverything method it calls every parse method.
    • addEntryPoint method Is a combination of 2 ways mentioned. If it detects "class Main " in a line. It will add the Entry Point support.
    • parseCatchKeyword method It uses the first type mentioned. It changes catch -> except.
    • parseOpenBrace and parseCloseBrace methods First type mentioned.
    • addConsoleClass and addTimeClass methods Second type mentioned.
  • rang/systems/classes/Console.js

    • Almost every static method It calls a console function depending on what method. In some methods it uses ...args, if there is a function that needs an unkown arg, i use ...args.
    • getString method It returns the code of the system.
  • rang/systems/classes/Time.js

    • Almost every static method It calls a Date function or console depending on what method. In some methods it uses ...args, if there is a function that needs an unkown arg, i use ...args.
    • getString method It returns the code of the system.

Differences from JS

Rang JavaScript Why?
Main entry point (Main class with Main method class and not compulsory) No main entry point More organized code
then / end { } More readable code for new programmers
Console class console class Console class is console class adapted for NodeJS and new programmers
except keyword catch keyword More understable for new programmers
Time class Date class and console functions We can use most used JavaScript time tools in just one class.
equal to operator == Operator Less symbols
greater than operator > Operator Less symbols
greater equal than operator >= Operator Less symbols
less than operator < operator Less symbols
less equal than operator <= operator Less symbols
and operator == operator Less symbols
or operator `
not operator ! operator Less symbols
type of typeof idk