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File metadata and controls

1424 lines (1104 loc) · 56.1 KB

📗 API Reference

type-arango provides TypeScript decorators to describe collections, document and routes for ArangoDB Foxx Microservices.

🛫 Getting started


📄 Documents

A document represents a single entry of a collection.



  • @Document - initializes a new document
  • @Edge - initializes a new document of an edge collection
  • @Nested - initializes a nested document
  • @FromClient - parse request body before writing to database
  • @ForClient - parse document before sending to client


  • @Attribute - defines property name and type as document attribute
  • @Authorized - protects the property with read / write roles
  • @Index - creates an index for a property
  • @OneToOne - defines a 1:1 relation
  • @OneToMany - defines a 1:n relation


  • Listener
    • @Before.* - Executes a resolver before requesting data from the database
    • @After.* - Executes a resolver after requesting data from the database


🗄️ Collections

A collection contains documents and provides routes and other utilities.






🔌 Types

Types are used to better describe common patterns to store and retrieve attribute data.


❤️ Misc


📝 Configuration

The configuration can be passed into the typeArango function.

const complete = typeArango({
     * Available log levels are `Error`, `Warn`, `Info` & `Debug`
    logLevel: LogLevel.Warn,
     * Prefix the collection name by applying `module.context.collectionName` to it
    prefixCollectionName: false,
     * Display the source of your routes in Swagger
    exposeRouteFunctionsToSwagger: true,
     * Dasherize endpoints (eg `UserProfiles` becomes `user-profiles`)
    dasherizeRoutes: = true,
     * Separator used to split a parameter value (ie /?x=LIKE|y)
    paramOperatorSeparator: '|',
     * Always add field writer roles to field reader roles
     * By default an `@Authorized(readers => ['user'], writers => ['admin'])`
     * evaluates to `readers = ['users','admin'], writers = ['admin']`
    addAttributeWritersToFieldReaders: true,
     * When using Type.I18n the defaultLocale is used when other locales do not match
    defaultLocale: 'en',
     * Whether to strip the `_id` key from documents
    stripDocumentId: true,
     * Whether to strip the `_rev` key from documents
    stripDocumentRev true,
     * Whether to strip the `_key` key from documents
    stripDocumentKey: false,
     * Whether to execute aqlfunctions.unregisterGroup for every collection
     * Set to false when using custom AQL functions outside of type-arango
    unregisterAQLFunctionEntityGroup: true,
     * List of roles that are available for every request
    providedRolesDefault: ['guest'],
     * List of required roles for a route when no other roles are defined
    requiredRolesFallback: ['user'],
     * List of required writer roles for a route when no other roles are defined
    requiredWriterRolesFallback: ['admin'],
     * Returns the roles of the current viewer user
    getUserRoles: (req: Foxx.Request) => {
        return (req.session && && || []).concat('guest')
     * Returns all authorized roles for a request
    getAuthorizedRoles: function(providedRoles: string[], requiredRoles: string[]): string[] {
        return providedRoles.filter((role: string) => requiredRoles.includes(role))
     * HTTP Status to return when an unauthorized (no auth provided) request occurs
    throwUnauthorized: 'unauthorized',
     * HTTP Status to return when an forbidden (invalid auth provided) request occurs
    throwForbidden: 'unauthorized',
     * Applied on client data when using `json()` inside a route
    fromClient: (doc: DocumentData, opt: RequestInfo) => DocumentData,
     * Applied on response data when using `send()` inside a route
    forClient: (doc: DocumentData, opt: RequestInfo) => DocumentData

// initialize documents and collection after calling typeArango
import * as _Collections from './collections'

// completing the setup


📄 Entity

The Entity class is primarily used to provide ORM functions to document instances. Under the hood it uses a Proxy to keep track of property changes and provide schema validation.


Extend all documents from the Entity class provided by type-arango:

import { Document, Entity } from 'type-arango'

class User extends Entity { ... }

When using the entity inside a route, it comes with handy ORM features:

static route(){
    // create a user instance
    const user = new User({email:'[email protected]'})
    // save the user to the collection
    // change the user and return a list of modified properties = 'RienNeVaPlus'
    console.log(user._saveKeys) // => ['name']
    // save the changes



Stores the instance to the collection. Throws when the document already exists. It's really just an alias for{update:false}).

Example (in route)

// create entity
const user = new User({email:'[email protected]'})
// store in collection



Merges doc into the entity, it's as simple as Object.assign(this, doc).

Example (in route)

// load an user instance
const user = Users.find('123')
// merge request body into entity


entity.replace(doc, options?)

Replaces the document with the provided object, ignoring _saveKeys.

  • doc {[key: string]: any} - Object to replace the current document.
  • options? ArangoDB.ReplaceOptions - See ArangoDB manual.

Example (in route)

// load an user instance
const user = Users.find('123') = 'This will be ignored'
// replace the user using Foxx collection._replace
user.replace({email:'[email protected]'}, {overwrite:true})



Removes the document from the collection using collection._remove

  • options? ArangoDB.RemoveOptions - See ArangoDB manual.
    • waitForSync? boolean
    • overwrite? boolean
    • returnOld? boolean
    • silent? boolean

Example (in route)

// load an user instance
const user = Users.find('123')
// deletes the document from the collection


Saves the values of all changed attributes (entity._saveKeys) to the documents collection. Creates a new document when no _key is provided. Use the option {update:false} to always create a new document even when a _key is available.

  • options? EntitySaveOptions - See ArangoDB manual for insert / save.
    • keepNull? boolean
    • mergeObjects? boolean
    • waitForSync? boolean
    • silent? boolean
    • returnNew? boolean

Example (in route)

// load an user instance
const user = Users.find('123')
// deletes the document from the collection



Returns a list of unsaved / modified properties. Is used by in order to determine which attributes need to be written.

Example (in route)

// load an user instance
const user = Users.find('123')
// modify the user = 'RienNeVaPlus'
// return a list of modified properties
console.log(user._saveKeys) // => ['name']
// save changes
// _saveKeys is now empty
console.log(user._saveKeys) // => []


entity.related(attribute, keepAttributes?)

Returns the related document/s of attributes decorated with @OneToOne or @OneToMany.

  • attribute string - Attribute to load the related document from.
  • keepAttributes? string[] - List of attributes to load from the collection, default is all attributes.

Some relations have values, but these are mainly used for fetching the related document. Type-arango overwrites these values with the fetcher function described here. However the original value is available by simply prefixing the property key with an underscore (eg entity._profile).

📘 Read more on relations

Example (in route)

// in a route
const user = Users.find('1')
// returns an address entity instance
const address = user.related('address')
// returns a profile entity instance limited to the selected attributes
const profile = user.related('profile', ['attributes','to','select'])
// read the profile id when stored inside user.profile
const profileId = user.profile



Decorates a class that has been extended by Entity. Documents are consumed by @Collection(of => Document) and define a schema which is derived from the property types and additional decorator information.


class User extends Entity { ... }



Decorates a class that has been extended by Entity. Edges are consumed by @Collection(of => Edge) and define a schema which is derived from the property types and additional decorator information.


class Relation extends Entity { ... }



Documents in ArangoDB can be nested. Make sure to define nested classes before the documents.


class UserPerson {
    gender: string

class User extends Entity {
    person: UserPerson



Applied on client data when using json() inside a route.


@FromClient(doc => Object.assign(doc, {requestTime:new Date()})
class User extends Entity {}



Applied on response document when using send() inside a route.


@ForClient(doc => Object.assign(doc, {requestTime:new Date()})
class User extends Entity {}


@Attribute(schema?, readers?, writers?)

Defines an attribute of the document. Uses metadata reflection to derive a Joi schema for the attribute by using the TypeScript type. Schemas will be validated when using routes or modifying entity instances.

  • schema? (enjoi: Enjoi, joi: Joi) => Joi - Function where the first argument is a Joi type of the property metadata type (Joi.string() in the example below).
  • readers? string[] - Roles with read permission to the attribute.
  • writers? string[] - Roles with write permission to the attribute.

For more details on roles, see @Authorized().


class User extends Entity {
    // attribute has to be an email address
    @Attribute(string =>
    email: string
    // attribute has to be a positive integer with a max of 100
    @Attribute(number => number.integer().positive().max(100))
    age: number


@Authorized(readers?, writers?)

Defines reader and writer roles to protect attributes in routes. The the 2nd example for details on role authorization.

  • readers? string[] - Roles with read permission to the attribute.
  • writers? string[] - Roles with write permission to the attribute.


@Authorized(readers => ['user'], writers => ['admin'])
name: string

// roles can also be defined by only using attribute
@Attribute(readers => ['viewer'], writers => ['viewer','admin'])
age: number

// even when the attribute has a type
@Attribute(string =>, readers => ['viewer'], writers => ['viewer'])
email: string


@Index(additionalFieldsOrType?, options?)

Creates an index on the attribute.

  • additionalFieldsOrType? string[] | ArangoDB.IndexType - List of additional fields for the index or the index type.
  • options? ``
    • type? "hash" | "skiplist" | "fulltext" | "geo"
    • additionalFields? string[]
    • sparse? boolean
    • unique? boolean
    • deduplicate? boolean

Warning: Creating an index on an existing collections can take a some time.


@Index(type => 'hash')
name: string

@Index(['height'], {type:'skiplist',sparse:true})
age: number


@OneToOne(type, relation?)

Defines a 1:1 relation to another entity. Decorated properties have additional functions to fetch related entities, see entity.relation. See also entity.related('attribute').

  • type? Entity - The related document entity.
  • relation? (TypeEntity) => TypeEntity.attribute - TypeEntity is an object with the same keys as the related entity and can be used to create a relation to a certain field. The default relation is Entity._key.


class User extends Entity {
    // use @Attribute when relational data is stored in document
    @OneToOne(type => Address)
    primaryAddress: Related<Address>
    // don't use @Attribute when the property is "virtual" and relational data is stored on the other end
    @OneToOne(type => Profile, Profile => Profile.owner)
    profile: Related<Profile>

📘 Read more on relations


@OneToMany(type, relation?)

Defines a 1:n relation to another entity. Mostly the same as @OneToOne except requesting the relation returns an array of entity instances instead of a single instance. See also entity.related('attribute').

  • type? Entity - The related document entity.
  • relation? (TypeEntity) => TypeEntity.attribute - See @OneToOne.


class User {
    @OneToMany(type => Address, Address => Address.owner)
    addresses: Related<Address[]>


👂 Listener

The @Before.* and @After.* decorators can be used as ClassDecorator (to apply a listener to a document) or as PropertyDecorator (to apply a listener to an attribute).

Both decorators provide the same methods with a slightly different resolver syntax.

  • Single listeners
    • .document(resolver) - Document is loaded.
    • .insert(resolver) - Document is inserted.
    • .update(resolver) - Document is updated.
    • .replace(resolver) - Document is patched.
    • .remove(resolver) - Document is removed.
  • Combined listeners
    • .modify(resolver) - Document is either updated or patched.
    • .write(resolver) - Document is either inserted, updated or patched.

Warning: Resolvers are executed when using CRUD-Routes, the methods document, insert, update, replace and remove of RouteArg or save, insert, replace & remove of an Entity - but not when using query.



Executes the resolver before data from the database is read / inserted / updated / replaced or removed.


// avoids deletions
@Before.remove(doc => false)
class User {
    // use `new Date` as a default value when inserting documents
    @Before.insert(value => value || new Date)
    createdAt: Date



Executes the resolver after data from the database has been read / inserted / updated / replaced or removed.


const MAP = ['one','two','three']

// add virtual field to documents
@After.document(doc => Object.assign(doc, {extra:'free'}))
class User {
    @After.document(value => MAP[value])
    numericIndex: Date



  • DocumentData - any object that is - or will - become a document
  • ArangoDB.HttpStatus - String of http status code (eg forbidden or not-found).
  • Passive - true or undefined - Does nothing
  • Cancel - false or ArangoDB.HttpStatus - Cancels the operation
Listener arguments when used as ClassDecorator
// Before a document will be loaded. The callback can cancel the request.
@Before.document( (loadDocumentKey: string, {_key, method}) => Passive | Cancel )

// After a document has been loaded. Can modify the loaded document before it's returned.
// Changes to loadedDocument are temporary until the response has been sent (like forClient).
@After.document( (loadedDocument: DocumentData, {_key, document, method}) => Passive | Cancel | DocumentData )

// Before a document is inserted. Can modify the document before it's written.
// Changes to insertDocument are permanent (like fromClient).
@Before.insert( (insertDocument: DocumentData, {json, method}) => Passive | Cancel | DocumentData)

// After a document has been inserted. Can modify the inserted document before it's returned.
// Changes to insertedDocument are temporary until the response has been sent (like forClient).
@After.insert( (insertedDocument: DocumentData, {_key, document, method}) => Passive | Cancel | DocumentData )

// Before a document is updated. Can modify the document before it's written.
// Changes to updateDocument are permanent (like fromClient).
@Before.update( (updateDocument: DocumentData, {_key, json, method}) => Passive | Cancel | DocumentData )

// After a document has been updated. Can modify the updated document before it's returned.
// Changes to updatedDocument are temporary until the response has been sent (like forClient).
@After.update( (updatedDocument: DocumentData, {_key, document, method} ) => Passive | Cancel | DocumentData )

// Before a document is replaced. Can modify the document before it's written.
// Changes to replaceDocument are permanent (like fromClient).
@Before.replace( (replaceDocument: DocumentData, {_key, json, method}) => Passive | Cancel | DocumentData)

// After a document has been replaced. Can modify the document before it's returned.
// Changes to replacedDocument are temporary until the response has been sent (like forClient).
@After.replace( (replacedDocument: DocumentData, {_key, document, method}) => Passive | Cancel | DocumentData )

// Before a document is removed. Can avoid deletions.
@Before.remove( (removeDocumentKey: string, {_key, method}) => Passive | Cancel )

// After a document has been removed.
@After.remove( (removedDocumentKey: string, {_key, method}) => Passive )
Listener arguments when used as PropertyDecorator
// Before a document will be loaded. Rarely needed, available for the sake of completeness
@Before.document( (loadDocumentKey: string, {_key,attribute,method} ) => void )

// After an attribute has been loaded. Can modify the attribute before it's returned.
// Changes to attributeValue are temporary until the response has been sent (like forClient).
@After.document( (attributeValue: any, {_key, document, attribute, method}) => any )

// Before a document in inserted. Can modify the attribute before it's written.
// Changes to attributeValue are permanent (like fromClient).
@Before.insert( (insertAttributeValue: any, {json, attribute, method}) => any )

// After a document has been inserted. Can modify the inserted document before it's returned.
// Changes to insertedAttributeValue are temporary until the response has been sent (like forClient).
@After.insert( (insertedAttributeValue: any, {_key, document, attribute, method}) => any )

// Before a document is updated. Can modify the attribute before it's written.
// Changes to attributeValueToUpdate are permanent (like fromClient).
@Before.update( (updateAttributeValue: any, {_key, json, attribute, method}) => any )

// After a document has been updated. Can modify the updated attribute before it's returned.
// Changes to updatedAttributeValue are temporary until the response has been sent (like forClient).
@After.update( (updatedAttributeValue : any, {_key, document, attribute, method}) => any )

// Before a document is replaced. Can modify the attribute before it's written.
// Changes to documentToReplace are permanent (like fromClient).
@Before.replace( (replaceAttributeValue: any, {_key, json, attribute, method}) => any )

// After a document has been replaced. Can modify the attribute before it's returned.
// Changes to replacedDocument are temporary until the response has been sent (like forClient).
@After.replace( (replacedAttributeValue : any, {_key, document, attribute, method}) => any )

// Before a document is removed.
@Before.remove( (removeDocumentKey: string, {_key, attribute, method}) => void )

// After a document has been removed.
@After.remove( (removedDocumentKey: string, {_key, attribute, old, method}) => void )

Note: Don't use listeners when you can use @ForClient / @FromClient instead.


🗄 Entities

The Entities class is primarily used to provide the functions find and filter to collection instances.

Extend all collection from the Entities class provided by type-arango:

import { Collection, Entities } from 'type-arango'

class User extends Entities { ... }

When using the collection inside a route, it comes with handy ORM features:

static route(){
    // returns a single User instance
    const user: User = Users.find('myDocumentKey')
    // returns a list of matching User instances
    const users: User[] = Users.find({filter:{name:'RienNeVaPlus'},limit:10})



Returns a list of entity instances.

  • options FilterOptions
    • filter? QueryFilter | QueryFilter[] - Object of values to filter the collection. When multiple attributes are provided, the logical operator AND is used. Provide a different operator using the attribute $ (possible values are AND/&& and OR/||). When an array is given, each QueryFilter will become a single FILTER statement and thus work the same as the AND operator.
      • value? value | [operator, value] - Filter value can be an array with a comparison operator like != or > and more. Supports the usage of array ['HAS', value].
    • sort? string[] - Sorts the results AQL style, i.e. ['email DESC', 'name ASC'].
    • limit? number | [offset, count] - Limits the results AQL style i.e. [10, 2].
    • keep? string[] - List of attributes to load from collection
    • unset? string[] - Instead of selecting attributes with keep, unset returns every other attribute, except the provided ones.


static route(){
    // returns a list of User instances of (type == "user" && createdAt > 2022) AND (email starting with "bill" OR name == "Bill")
    const user: User[] = Users.filter({
      filter: [
        {type: 'user', createdAt: ['>', new Date(2022)]},
        {$: 'OR', email: ['LIKE', 'bill@%'], name: 'Bill'}



The same as entities.filter except it returns a single instance instead of an array and options can be a string alias for {filter:{_key:options}.


static route(){
    // returns a single User instance
    const user: User = Users.find('123')


@Collection(ofDocument, options?)

Decorates a class that has been extended by Entities. Collections consume @Documents and provide routes.

  • ofDocument Entity | () => Entity - the entity of the documents in the collection (can be omitted when options are provided).
  • option? ArangoDB.CreateCollectionOptions - See ArangoDB Manual.
    • of? string - Alias for argument ofDocument.
    • name? string - Collection name, by default the class name is used.
    • creators string[] - List of default creator roles.
    • readers string[] - List of default reader roles.
    • updaters string[] - List of default updater roles.
    • deleters string[] - List of default deleter roles.
    • auth string[] - Alias for @Route.auth.
    • roles string[] - Alias for @Route.roles.
    • routes Array<Route | string> - List of default routes to use - see @Route.*.
    • relations string[] | true - List of related attributes that can be read from client request to any route of the collection. Can also be set to true to expose all related attributes.
    • cache number | string - Adds theCache-Control header to all responses of child routes. Numbers can be used to indicate minutes and generate a generic header value of max-age=cache*60, private
    • waitForSync? boolean
    • journalSize? number
    • isVolatile? boolean
    • isSystem? boolean
    • keyOptions? KeyOptions
      • type? "traditional" | "autoincrement"
      • allowUserKeys? boolean
      • increment? number
      • offset? number
    • numberOfShards? number
    • shardKeys? string[]
    • replicationFactor? number


@Collection(of => User)
class Users extends Entities { ... }


@Route.use(...methods, options?)

Shortcut for creating multiple routes. Creates GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE & LIST routes for the collection.

  • ...methods string[] - List of methods or a preset name.
  • options? Partial<RouteOpt> - See RouteOpt.


@Collection(of => Company)
@Route.use('GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE')
class Companies extends Entities { ... }


Instead of writing out all the methods, extremely lazy developers can use common preset strings.

ALL+ or *


@Route.groups(creators, readers, updaters, deleters)

Sets roles for all CRUD-like routes.

  • creators () => string[] | string[] - Required roles for POST requests.
  • readers () => string[] | string[] - Required roles for GET and LIST requests.
  • updaters () => string[] | string[] - Required roles for PUT and PATCH requests.
  • deleters () => string[] | string[] - Required roles for DELETE requests.


@Collection(of => User)
// setup global roles for all requests below
    creators => ['guest'],
    readers => ['user']
class Users extends Entities { ... }



The ClassAndProperyDecorators can be applied on either a static method or a class. When a class is decorated the route will behave as expected from the route method.

For additional details on these routes checkout the Swagger Docs at the API tab inside of the ArangoDB Web Interface.



Takes a function to append additional roles for all requests to any route of the collection. It's mainly for generating user specific roles from the client session, eg adding a viewer role fow own documents.

  • roleFunction (arg: RouteRolesArg) => string[] - Function returning additional roles to grant. The RouteRolesArg contain useful tools and information:
    • req Foxx.Request
    • res Foxx.Response
    • session (set?: Partial<Foxx.Session>) => Foxx.Session - Function to read or write the current session
    • _key? string - Document key of the current request when available
    • document () => DocumentData - Loads & caches the document for the lifetime of the request.
    • collection ArangoDB.Collection - The ArangoDB collection object.
    • path string - The current path.
    • method "get" | "post" | "put" | "patch" | "delete"
    • _ (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...args: any[]) => any[] - Fetch documents with AQL - this is a shortcut for query(aql`...`).toArray().
    • aql ArangoDB.aql - The ArangoDB AQL function used for queries.
    • query (query: ArangoDB.Query, options?: ArangoDB.QueryOptions) => ArangoDB.Cursor - Execute a query the conventional way, example: query(aql`...`). Use the less verbose _`...` whenever possible.
    • db ArangoDB.Database
    • roles? string[]
    • requestedAttributes string[]
    • hasAuth boolean
    • auth? RouteAuthorize
    • error (status: ArangoDB.HttpStatus, reason?: string) => Foxx.Response - Send an error response


@Collection(of => User)
// adds 'viewer' to userRoles when requesting a document where `_key` equals `uid` of the session
@Route.roles(({session, _key}) => session().uid === _key ? ['viewer'] : [])
class Users extends Entities { ... }



Takes a function to determine access permission on a document level. Used whenever there is no other way of determine the permission than deriving them from the document itself. Might cause an additional read, so it is preferred to use Route.roles whenever possible.

  • authorizeFunction (arg: RouteAuthArg) => boolean - Function returning whether the document can be accessed. The RouteAuthArg contain useful tools and information:
    • req Foxx.Request
    • res Foxx.Response
    • session (set?: Partial<Foxx.Session>) => Foxx.Session - Function to read or write the current session
    • method "get" | "post" | "put" | "patch" | "delete"
    • action "create" | "read" | "update" | "delete"
    • document DocumentData - Requested document
    • doc DocumentData - Alias for document
  • method -


@Collection(of => User)
// allows access to documents with an user attribute qual to session.uid
@Route.auth(({doc, session}) => doc.user === session.uid)
class Users extends Entities { ... }



All route functions receive a single argument, the RouteArg which contains useful information and tools to describe, authenticate, read and answer requests. A lot of them are well known from the Foxx routes.

  • req Foxx.Request
  • res Foxx.Response
  • method "get" | "post" | "put" | "patch" | "delete"
  • action "create" | "read" | "update" | "delete" | "list"
  • path string - Path of the route.
  • param {[key: string]: any} - Object of (only) valid path- and query parameters.
  • validParams string[] - List of path- and query parameter names.
  • roles string[] - Roles used to authorize the request.
  • userRoles string[] - All roles of the client.
  • collection ArangoDB.Collection - Collection object of the entity.
  • _key string - Shortcut for param._key
  • exists (name: string) => boolean - Shortcut for collection.exists
  • document (key = _key) => Document - Resolves and caches a document for the lifetime of the request. Avoids duplicate reads. Loads the current document by default, can load other documents when called with an argument.
  • relations (data: DocumentData) => DocumentData - Loads and adds related entities (provided by req.queryParams.relations) to result. 📘 About relations
  • insert (data: DocumentData) => ArangoDB.InsertResult - Inserts a document into the collection, executes callbacks from @On.insert.
  • update (dataOrKey = _key, dataOrOptions?, options?) => ArangoDB.UpdateResult - Updates a document of the collection, executes callbacks from @On.update. Uses _key as default document key.
  • replace (dataOrKey = _key, dataOrOptions?, options?) => ArangoDB.UpdateResult - Replaces a document of the collection, executes callbacks from @On.replace. Uses _key as default document key.
  • remove (keyOrOptions = _key, options?) => ArangoDB.RemoveResult - Removes a document of the collection, executes callbacks from @On.remove. Uses _key as default document key.
  • _ (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...args: any[]) => any[] - Fetch documents with AQL - this is a shortcut for query(aql`...`).toArray().
  • query (query: ArangoDB.Query, options?: ArangoDB.QueryOptions) => ArangoDB.Cursor - Executes a query. For example: query(aql`...`).
  • aql (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...args: any[]) => ArangoDB.Query - Builds AQL string.
  • requestedAttributes string[] - List of requested attributes.
  • hasAuth boolean - Whether an authorization is required for the current route.
  • auth (doc: DocumentData, method?: RouteMethod, action?: RouteAction) => false | DocumentData - Function to determine access to the document when working with Route.auth.
  • json (omitUnwritableAttributes: boolean = true) => DocumentData - Returns request json without inaccessible attributes.
  • send (data: DocumentData, omitUnreadableAttributes: boolean = true) => Foxx.Response - Strips inaccessible attributes based on roles and sends a response.
  • error (status: ArangoDB.HttpStatus, reason?: string) => Foxx.Response - Function to response with an error.
  • tags string[] - Tags used for the route (
  • summary string - Summary of the route
  • description string - Description of the route
  • deprecated boolean - Whether the route has been deprecated



Routes can be further configured by using the following options.

  • relations? string[] - list of relations that can be fetched using the query param relations=entity1,entity2. 📘 About relations
  • body? RouteBody
  • pathParams? [string, Schema, string?][]
  • queryParams? [string, Schema, string?][]
  • response? RouteResponse
    • description? string
    • mime string[]
    • schema Foxx.Schema | Foxx.Model
    • status RouteStatus
  • errors? [RouteStatus, string][]
  • path? string
  • process? boolean
  • handlerName? string
  • handler? (arg: RouteArg) => any - Handler of the current request.
  • roles? string[] - List of required roles for accessing the current request.
  • cache? string | number - Adds theCache-Control header to the response. Numbers can be used to indicate minutes and generate a generic header value of max-age=cache*60, private


@Route.GET(path?, schema?, roles?, summary?, options?)

Creates a GET route on collectionName/{_key}. When used as a ClassDecorator a default route for returning a single document of the collection is created. When used on a static method of the collection a custom route executing the very same function with the RouteArg argument will be created.

  • path? string - Rich path string (can contain simple types, i.e. /:var=number).
  • schema? (enjoi: Enjoi) => Joi - Joi schema for accessing the request.
  • roles? string[] - Roles required to access the route.
  • summary? string | RouteOpt - Shortcut for options.summary.
  • options? RouteOpt - See RouteOpt.

The order of the arguments does not matter as long as the options are the last argument.


@Collection(of => User)
// executed as a ClassDecorator - creates a route on `GET users/:_key` to return a User
@Route.GET(roles => ['admin'])
class Users extends Entities { 
    // executed as a ProperyDecorator - creates a route on `GET users/hello-world?password`
        path => 'hello/world?password',
        roles => ['user'],
        $ => ({
            password: $(String).min(6)
    static GET({ json, error, collection }: RouteArg){
        const { password } = json()
        if(password !== 'top-secret')
            return error('forbidden')
        return collection._document('123')


@Route.POST(path?, schema?, roles?, summary?, options?)

Creates a POST route on collectionName/{_key}. Provides a route to create documents by using collection._insert, when called as a ClassDecorator.

  • path? string - Rich path string (can contain simple types, i.e. /:var=number).
  • schema? (enjoi: Enjoi) => Joi - Joi schema for accessing the request.
  • roles? string[] - Roles required to access the route.
  • summary? string | RouteOpt - Shortcut for options.summary.
  • options? RouteOpt - See RouteOpt.

The order of the arguments does not matter as long as the options are the last argument.


@Collection(of => User)
// executed as a ClassDecorator - creates a route on `POST users/:_key` to create Users
@Route.POST(roles => ['guest'])
class Users extends Entities { 
    // executed as a ProperyDecorator - creates a route on `POST users/hello-world?password`
    static POST({ aql, query }: RouteArg){
        return query(aql`
            FOR u IN Users
                FILTER u._key == '123'
                RETURN u


@Route.PATCH(path?, schema?, roles?, summary?, options?)

Creates a PATCH route on collectionName/{_key}. Provides a route to update single documents by using collection._update, when called as a ClassDecorator.

  • path? string - Rich path string (can contain simple types, i.e. /:var=number).
  • schema? (enjoi: Enjoi) => Joi - Joi schema for accessing the request.
  • roles? string[] - Roles required to access the route.
  • summary? string | RouteOpt - Shortcut for options.summary.
  • options? RouteOpt - See RouteOpt.

The order of the arguments does not matter as long as the options are the last argument.


@Collection(of => User)
// executed as a ClassDecorator - creates a route on `PATCH users/:_key` to update Users
@Route.PATCH(roles => ['guest'])
class Users extends Entities { 
    // executed as a ProperyDecorator - creates a route on `PATCH users/foo`
    @Route.PATCH('foo', ['admin'])
    static PATCH({ res }: RouteArg){


@Route.PUT(path?, schema?, roles?, summary?, options?)

The same as Route.PATCH but instead of using collection._update it uses collection._replace.


@Collection(of => User)
// executed as a ClassDecorator - creates a route on `PUT users/:_key` to replace Users
@Route.PUT(roles => ['guest'])
class Users extends Entities { 
    // executed as a ProperyDecorator - creates a route on `PUT users/bar`
    @Route.PUT('bar', ['admin'])
    static PUT({ res }: RouteArg){


@Route.DELETE(path?, schema?, roles?, summary?, options?)

Creates a DELETE route on collectionName/{_key}. Provides a route to remove single documents by using collection._remove, when called as a ClassDecorator.

  • path? string - Rich path string (can contain simple types, i.e. /:var=number).
  • schema? (enjoi: Enjoi) => Joi - Joi schema for accessing the request.
  • roles? string[] - Roles required to access the route.
  • summary? string | RouteOpt - Shortcut for options.summary.
  • options? RouteOpt - See RouteOpt.


@Collection(of => User)
// executed as a ClassDecorator - creates a route on `DELETE users/:_key` to create Users
@Route.DELETE(roles => ['guest'])
class Users extends Entities { 
    // executed as a ProperyDecorator - creates a route on `DELETE users/baz`
    @Route.DELETE('baz', ['admin'])
    static DELETE({ res }: RouteArg){


@Route.LIST(schema?, roles?, summary?, options?)

Creates a GET route on /collectionName for returning a list of documents. Any provided queryParams will be used to filter the list. Additionally the parameters limit, offset, sort & order can be used. For more information see swagger docs.

  • schema? (enjoi: Enjoi) => Joi - Joi schema for accessing the requests queryParams Any values will be used to filter the result list. Use required attributes to avoid full collection access.
  • roles? string[] - Roles required to access the route.
  • summary? string | RouteOpt - Shortcut for options.summary.
  • options? RouteOpt - See RouteOpt.


@Collection(of => User)
// creates a route on `GET users?country=US` 
// to return User[] with == 'US'
@Route.LIST($ => ({country:['US','DE']}), roles => ['guest'])
class Users extends Entities {}


@AQLFunction(isDeterministic?, customName?)

Extends AQL with a User Function. The function name is derived from the collection name and the method name. For example a USERS::METHOD_NAME(). The parameter order does not matter.

  • isDeterministic? () => boolean - Specify whether the function results are fully deterministic (i.e. depend solely on the input and are the same for repeated calls with the same input values).
  • customName? () => string - By default the name of the function is concatenated from the collection- and method name seprated by ::. A different name can be provided, however the collection name will always be the prefix.


@Collection(of => User)
class Users extends Entities {
    // registers "USERS::FUNCTION_NAME()"
    @AQLFunction(isDeterministic => true)
    static FUNCTION_NAME(arg){
        return true
    // registers"USERS::LAZYPI()"
    @AQLFunction(name => 'LAZIPI', isDeterministic => true)
    static IGNORED(arg){
        return 3.14


@Task(period, name?, params?)

Creates a task with the ArangoDB Task Management. The task is either invoked once after startup (when using period => 0) or every n seconds. By default the task id equals to CollectioName/MethodName.

⚠️ It is important to note that the callback function is late bound and will be executed in a different context than in the creation context. The callback function must therefore not access any variables defined outside of its own scope. The callback function can still define and use its own variables. Read more

  • period? () => number | Options - Number of seconds to wait in between executions. Note: when set to zero the function will be executed only once. This argument can also be an options object containing itself and the other arguments below (eg {period:2,name:'abc'}).
  • params? {[key:string}: any] - To pass parameters to a task. Note that the parameters are limited to data types usable in JSON (meaning no callback functions can be passed as parameters into a task).
  • name? string - names are informational only. They can be used to make a task distinguishable from other tasks also running on the server.


@Collection(of => User)
class Users extends Entities {
    // executes the method every 10 seconds (task-id = "Users/MY_TASK")
    // Note: the below is equal to @Task({period:10,name:...,params:...})
    @Task(period => 10, name => 'Log something', {really:true})
    static MY_TASK(params){
        console.log('Hello World',params)


🌐 Type.I18n

Provides simple internationalization support by storing strings in multiple languages as nested objects. If this type is returned in a request with a locale parameter or session().data.locale provided, only the respective value will be returned - or if none provided the english (en) value.

Set the query parameter locale to * in order to return all values from a route.

Don't hesitate to use country specific languages like de-CH. When a provided locale has no direct match, the country code is ignored and the global locale value (de) will be returned.


class Page extends Entity {
    title: Type.I18n

@Collection(of => Page)
class Pages extends Entities { }

// document in collection
{ "_key": "1", "title": { "en": "Hello World", "de": "Hallo Welt", "de-CH": "Grüezi Welt" } }

// request examples
// GET pages/1?locale=de-AT                        => {title:'Hallo Welt'} 
// GET pages/1 && session:{data:{locale:'de-CH'}}  => {title:'Grüezi Welt'} 
// GET pages/1                                     => {title:'Hello World'} 
// GET pages/1?locale=*                            => original value


🌐 Type.Currencies

Provides support for storing numbers in multiple currency objects:

"price": {
    "EUR": 1,
    "USD": 1.12,
    "CAD": 1.45,

If this type is returned in a request with a currency parameter or session().data.currency provided, only the respective value will be returned - or if none provided the value of config.defaultCurrency (default: USD).

Set the query parameter currency to * in order to return all values from a route.


class Product extends Entity {
    price: Type.Currencies

@Collection(of => Product)
class Products extends Entities { }

// document in collection
{ "_key": "1", "price": { "EUR": 1, "USD": 1.12, "CAD": 1.45 } }

// request examples
// GET products/1?currency=EUR                        => {price:1} 
// GET products/1 && session:{data:{currency:'CAD'}}  => {price:1.45} 
// GET products/1?currency=*                          => original value


🕒 Type.DateInsert

Sets a value of new Date() whenever a new document is created.

This is really just another way of using the @Before.insert(resolver) decorator


class User extends Entity {
    createdAt: Type.DateInsert

@Collection(of => User)
class Users extends Entities { }

// request
// POST /users/1 => {_key: "1", createdAt: "2019-03-18T12:00:00.000Z"} 


🕘 Type.DateUpdate

Sets a value of new Date() whenever a document is updated.

This is really just another way of using the @Before.insert(resolver) decorator


class User extends Entity {
    updatedAt: Type.DateUpdate

@Collection(of => User)
class Users extends Entities { }

// request
// PATCH /users/1 => {_key: "1", updatedAt: "2019-03-18T12:00:00.001Z"} 



Does not really do anything as of now. Can decorate a Class, Propery or Method and might be to used to further describe routes / entities in the future.


@Description('Every user has a single profile document with a relation on User.profile')
class UserProfile extends Entitiy {
    @Description('This attribute can be a useless')
    useless: boolean


📜 En-(hanced) Joi

Joi originates from plain JavaScript, but now that we have access to Types, it can be enhanced. Therefore type-arango comes with Enjoi which is a simple wrapper around Joi. Enjoi is especially useful when using the @Attribute Decorator and it's always involved when there is a mention of $ => ... in an example.


const string = $(String)            // = Joi.string()
const obj = $({
    bool: Boolean                   // = Joi.boolean()
    number: $(Number).integer(),    // = Joi.number().integer()
    valid: ['valid','strings'],     // = Joi.any().valid('valid','strings')
    attribute: $(User).email        // = Joi.string().email() (from User entity)
})                                 // = Joi.object().keys(...)


Client operators inside query parameters

In order to allow clients to provide their own operators (ie. for LIST or custom routes), the parameter schema of any route can be extended by calling the custom joi method StringSchema.operator(nameOrList?).

Clients can then provide the operator as a prefix of the parameter value - separated by config.paramOperatorSeparator (default |). For example ?attr=>=|10.

==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, IN, NOT IN, LIKE, =~, !~, HAS

These parameters will be parsed by TypeArango in order to validate them and to transform the value into a tuple of [OPERATOR, VALUE] - it can then use it within its internal queryBuilder (for LIST requests).

They will also be documented in ArangoDBs Web Interface Swagger Docs.

Note: Use HAS to filter array values. For example attribute=HAS|1 will result in FILTER '1' IN TO_ARRAY(col.attribute).

Example setup

@Collection(of => User)
@Route.LIST('operator', $ => ({
    param1: $(String), // allow == (default)
    param2: $(String).operator('!='), //  allow !=
    param3: $(String).operator(['LIKE','NOT LIKE']), // u get the point
    param4: $(String).operator() // allow all
class Users {
    @Route.GET('custom', $ => ({
        test: $(SomeEntity).someAttribute.operator(['!=', 'LIKE'])
    static GET_CUSTOM({param}): RouteArg {
        return param.test

Example requests / responses

GET users/custom?test=LIKE|Searc%
Response 200: [ 'LIKE', 'Searc%']

GET users/custom?test=A
Response 200: [ '==', 'A']

GET users/custom?test=!!|Invalid
Response 200: [ '==', '!!|Invalid'] (invalid operators are ignored)

GET users/custom?test=>=|Nope
Response 400: query parameter "test" operator ">=" must be one of [!=, LIKE]

Note: The operator LIKE is case-sensitive. When capitalization should be ignored the regexp operator =~ can be combined with a flag (?param==~|(?i)search) to match case-insensitive.


"CRUD like"

The decorator @Route.groups expects CRUD roles but provides five instead of the expected four routes, this is intended because the updateRoles can either PATCH (update) or PUT (replace) an entity.

Method CRUD Roles
GET Read readers
LIST Read readers
POST Create creators
PATCH Update updaters
PUT Update updaters
DELETE Delete deleters


Note: Fields have only two access roles: readers and writers.