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2024.10.15: Doris Afriyie Amoakohene, Performance Testing and Comparative Benchmarking for data.table, "Women in Statistics and Data Science conference 2024" Presentation by Speed Talk and Poster Presentation
2024.08.06: "Creating a self-sustaining ecosystem for data.table" by Ani, JSM 2024 (Portland, Oregon), Slides
2024.08.06: Tyson S. Barrett, "Efficient Tools for Your Tidy Workflow: A case for incorporating data.table", JSM 2024 in Portland, OR slides
2024.07.11: Doris Afriyie Amoakohene, Performance Testing and Comparative Benchmarking for data.table, useR! 2024 online presentation video, useR! 2024 presentation in Salzburg, Austria slides
2024.07.09: Tyson S. Barrett, "The Past, Present, and Future of data.table", useR! 2024 presentation in Salzburg, Austria slides
2024.05.18: Tyson S. Barrett, "data.table: New Developments", R Finance 2024 presentation in Chicago slides
2024.03.28: Toby Dylan Hocking, R Project in Google Summer of Code, virtual talk for Chicago R User Group, slides.
2024.03.05: "GitHub Actions: Automated performance regression testing on pull requests" by Ani, NAU SICCS (Flagstaff, AZ), Slides
2024.02.29: David Shilane, R Programming: Introduction to data.table, course at Conference on Statistical Practice (CSP2024), slides and practice exercises
2024.02.08: intro to data.table at SevillaR: High productivity data frame operations with data.table, by Jan Gorecki, slides, video.
2024.01.26: Rolling statistics - Edinburgh R user group meeting, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, by Jan Gorecki, slides
2023.10.18: Using and contributing to the data.table package for efficient big data analysis - LatinR meeting, Montevideo, Uruguay.
- Original presentation by Toby Dylan Hocking, google slides, source files.
- Spanish translation by Mara Destefanis.
2020.04: Manejo eficiente de grandes volúmenes de datos usando el paquete data.table en R - Nestor Montano,
Youtube Playlist
Facebook Playlist
2020.04: Data wrangling and cleaning with data.table - Grant McDermott, Big Data in Economics (UOregon)
2020.02.01: Machine Learning and Data Munging in H2O Driverless AI with (python) datatable - Parul Pandey, Hyderabad AI & DL meetup
2020.01.30: List-columns in data.table - Tyson Barrett, rstudio::conf(2020L)
2019.12.26: Efficiency in data processing. data.table basics - Jan Gorecki, R@IISA 2019
2019.10 : data.table for R and Python, Matt Dowle, H2OWorld New York
2019.10 : Why I love data.table, Chris Mainey, Warwick R User Group
2019.09 : Introduction to data.table, Jan Gorecki, whyR? Warsaw
2019.07 : Not So Standard Deviations; 84 - All The Easy Issues, Hilary Parker and Roger Peng
2019.07 : How to use .SD in the data.table package, Sharon Machlis, IDG TECHtalk
2019.07 : Summary of developments in R's data.table package, Arun Srinivasan, useR! Toulouse
2019.07 : Bayesian analysis with Stan & Data manipulation with data.table, Jared Kai Swan, Los Angeles East
2019.07 : Start using data.table, Megan Stodel, Ministry of Justice Coffee and Coding
2019.07 : Wrangling 4.6M rows of Financial Data (Home Loans Time Series) in R with data.table, Matt Dancho, Business Science Learning Lab
2019.07 : data.table: a slide deck of data.table piping Gina Reynolds, slides
2019.06 : why data.table?, Jan Gorecki, Poznan R User Group
2019.05 : Machine Learning and Data Munging in H2O Driverless AI with datatable, Pasha Stetsenko & Oleksiy Kononenko, H2O Meetup Mountain View
2019.05 : Workshop: Getting Started in R and data.table - Saghir Bashir, ilustat.com
2019.04 : Pipes or Brackets: dplyr and data.table, Jeremy Guinta & Amy Linehan, satRday LA
2019.02 : Machine Learning and Data Munging in H2O Driverless AI with datatable, Pasha Stetsenko & Oleksiy Kononenko, H2O World San Francisco
2019.01 : Introduction to Automatic and Scalable Machine Learning with H2O and R (afternoon session data.table), Dmytro Perepolkin and Raoul Wolf, University of Oslo Library
2018.12 : Workshop: Getting Started in R and data.table, Saghir Bashir, Data Science Unplugged Lisbon
2018.10 : data.table for R, Python and updated-daily benchmarks, Matt Dowle, H2OWorld London
2018.09 : Life in the Fast Lane: data.table Intro and Best Practices, Bill Gold, New York OSPM
2018.09 : ALTREP from a data.table perspective, Matt Dowle, DSC Stanford
I talked ad-lib and showed code on screen; no slides.
2018.09 : Tutorial: efficient data manipulation with data.table, Jaap Walhout, uRos The Hague
2018.08 : Success with OpenMP in R package data.table, Matt Dowle, JSM Vancouver
2018.07 : 12 years of data.table (past, present and future), Arun Srinivasan, R in Montreal
2018.07 : What's new in data.table, Jan Gorecki, WhyR Wroclaw
2018.06 : Data munging in driverless.ai with datatable, Pasha Stetsenko, H2OWorld New York
2018.05 : Top 10 reasons to use data.table; O Jossome, T Robert and F Meyer, dreamRs 2018
2018.05 : The beauty of data manipulation with data.table, János Divényi, eRum Budapest
2017.12 : data.table, Matt Dowle, H2O World Mountain View
2017.11 : data.table, Sebastian Jeworutzki, useR! Bochum
2017.07 : data.table for beginners (tutorial), Arun Srinivasan, useR! Brussels
2017.04 : Parallel fread and other news from data.table, Matt Dowle, Bay Area RUG
2017.04 : data.table power hour, Steph Locke, SQLBits London
2017.01 : New developments in the data.table package, Arun Srinivasan, AmstRdam RUG
2016.09 : Data manipulation the #rdatatable way, Arun Srinivasan, SatRdays Budapest
2016.07 : Parallel and distributed ordered join benchmark, Matt Dowle, H2O Open Tour New York
2016.07 : Proposal for parallel sort in base R (and Python/Julia), Matt Dowle, DSC Stanford
2016.06 : Efficient in-memory non-equi joins, Arun Srinivasan, useR! Stanford
2016.06 : Ninja Moves with data.table 3hr tutorial, Matt Dowle & Arun Srinivasan, useR! Stanford
2016.05 Data Science Retreat, 3-day data.table course, Arun Srinivasan, DSR Berlin
2016.05 : Parallel and Distributed Joins in H2O, Matt Dowle, Data by the Bay San Francisco
2016.05 : Parallel and Distributed Joins in H2O, Matt Dowle, H2O Open Tour Chicago
2016.05 : R Lecture #3: data.table, Peter Hurford
2016.02 Data Science Retreat, 3-day data.table course, Arun Srinivasan, DSR Berlin
2016.02 Parallel and Distributed Joining, Matt Dowle, Bay Area R User Group
2016.01 Invited lecture by Matt Dowle at Stat290 Paradigms for Computing with Data, Stanford
2016.01 Invited lecture by Matt Dowle at FNCE3490 Data Science and Business Analytics, Santa Clara University
2016.01 data table discussion, Gaurav Chaturedi & Nicholas Ng, Singapore R User Group
2015.10 Data Science Retreat, 3-day data.table course, Arun Srinivasan, DSR Berlin
2015.09 Blazing fast load and transform with data.table and Pentaho's PDI, Serban Tanasa, Data Wranglers Washington DC
2015.09 The Joys of Clean Data, Matt Dowle, Silicon Valley Big Data Science Meetup
2015.07 Data Science Retreat, 2-day data.table course, Arun Srinivasan, DSR Berlin
2015.07 Fast, flexible and memory efficient data manipulation, Arun Srinivasan, useR! Denmark
2015.07 Fast, stable and scalable true radix sorting, Matt Dowle, useR! Denmark
2015.06 H2O Design and Infrastructure, Matt Dowle, R Summit Copenhagen
2015.06 News from data.table 1.9 and H2O, Matt Dowle, London R
2015.05 Fast automatic indexing with data.table, Matt Dowle, R/Finance Chicago
2015.05 Thinking in data.table, Arun Srinivasan, RBelgium, Brussels
2015.05 Introduction to data.table, Matt Dowle, Bay Area R User Group
2015.04 Making R Go Faster and Bigger, Jared Lander, New York R Conference
2015.04 Fast automatic indexing with data.table for beginners, Matt Dowle, Big Data Science Meetup
2015.02 Data Science Retreat, 2-day data.table course, Arun Srinivasan, DSR Berlin
2014.11 data.table talk, Matt Dowle, Budapest R Users Group [ TO DO - link to video ]
2014.11 data.table talk, Matt Dowle, Budapest BI Forum [ TO DO - link to slides ]
2014.11 data.table and R in Insurance, Matt Dowle, H2O World Mountain View
2014.11 A look at what's new in data.table, Matt Dowle, Bay Area R User Group, San Fransisco
2014.10 Data Science Retreat, 1-day data.table course, Arun Srinivasan, DSR Berlin
2014.10 data.table talk, Matt Dowle, SQL Relay, London
2014.10 data.table talk, Matt Dowle, SQL Relay, Cardiff
2014.09 New feature - Overlapping range joins for Genomics by Arun Srinivasan, history and benchmarks by Matt Dowle and four hour workshop, EARL Conference London [agenda] [ TO DO - link to video ]
2014.07 data.table talk, Matt Dowle, R/Insurance London [agenda]
2014.06 data.table : fast and flexible data manipulation, Matt Dowle, useR! Los Angeles
2014.05 One hour tutorial, Matt Dowle, R/Finance Chicago [agenda]
2013.12 Introduction and news from 1.8.11, Matt Dowle and Arun Srinivasan, Köln R User Group
2013.05 Lightning introduction and tutorial, Matt Dowle, R/Finance Chicago
2013.02 Data Tables: An introduction (and pitch), Gene Leynes, ChicagoR. Online examples
2012.06 News from data.table 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8, Matt Dowle, LondonR
2012.03 Advanced analytics with R and SAP HANA (slides 22-24), Jitender Aswani and Jens Doerpmund. Code snippets on their blog.
2011.06 Data munging with R, Jim Holtman, CinDayR
2011.06 The data.table package, Fernando Figueiredo
2010.07 News from data.table 1.4 and 1.5, Matt Dowle, LondonR
2010.01 Data munging with SQL and R, Joshua Reich
2009.07 Higher speed time series queries, Matt Dowle, London R