add UKRN Primers on the resources pageperson cardlist groups, affiliations alphabeticallychange website to print URL (instead of "website")?include tags with commas (e.g. "Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division")- (works if the group/affiliation is specified surrounded by quotes)
- review behaviours of links in http://localhost:4000/all_groups
- Once upon a time these groups were required to be events, so links made sense. Now we have some things that are events (ReproducibiliTea), some things that aren't (Steering Group), and some things that are events by other names/multiple events (The Carpentries). We should discuss what to do about this. For the moment I've disabled the links on both the /all_groups page and on the initiative popups on the /people page.
under "People", make "Steering Group" clickable in intial blurb- review pages tagline, description for consistency
change "Ambassadors listed by group OR affiliation" to "People by group OR affiliation"- Should there a link to list people by affiliation in the body?
make people's picture in lower quality so they load more quickly