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Changelog for rocPRIM

Documentation for rocPRIM is available at

Unreleased rocPRIM-3.3.0 for ROCm 6.3.0


  • Add --test smoke option in It will run a subset of tests such that the total test time is in 5 minutes. Use python3 ./ --test smoke or python3 ./ -t smoke to execute smoke test.
  • Option --seed to benchmarks to specify a seed for the generation of random inputs. The default behavior is to keep using a random seed per benchmark measurement.
  • Added configuration autotuning to device partition (rocprim::partition, rocprim::partition_two_way, and rocprim::partition_three_way), device select (rocprim::select, rocprim::unique, and rocprim::unique_by_key), and device reduce by key (rocprim::reduce_by_key) for improved performance on selected architectures.
  • Added rocprim::uninitialized_array which provides uninitialized storage in local memory for user-defined types.
  • Added large segment support for rocprim:segmented_reduce.
  • Added a parallel nth_element device function similar to std::nth_element, this function rearranges elements smaller than the n-th before and bigger than the n-th after the n-th element.
  • Added deterministic (bitwise reproducible) algorithm variants rocprim::deterministic_inclusive_scan, rocprim::deterministic_exclusive_scan, rocprim::deterministic_inclusive_scan_by_key, rocprim::deterministic_exclusive_scan_by_key, and rocprim::deterministic_reduce_by_key. These provide run-to-run stable results with non-associative operators such as float operations, at the cost of reduced performance.
  • Added a parallel partial_sort and partial_sort_copy device function similar to std::partial_sort and std::partial_sort_copy, these functions rearranges elements such that the elements are the same as a sorted list up to and including the middle index.


  • Modified the input size in device adjacent difference benchmarks. Observed performance with these benchmarks might be different.
  • Changed the default seed for device_benchmark_segmented_reduce.


  • Fixed an issue in where if the build folder was made without release or debug directory it would crash the program
  • Fixed an issue where while running on windows and passing in an absolute path to --install_dir causes a FileNotFound error.
  • rocPRIM functions are no longer forcefully inlined on Windows, significantly reducing the build time in debug builds.
  • block_load, block_store, block_shuffle, block_exchange and warp_exchange now use placement new instead of copy assignment (operator=) when writing to local memory. This fixes the behavior of custom types with non-trivial copy assignments.
  • Fixed a bug in the generation of input data for benchmarks, which caused incorrect performance to be reported in specific cases. It may affect the reported performance for one-byte types (uint8_t and int8_t) and instantiations of custom_type. Specifically, device binary search, device histogram, device merge and warp sort are affected.
  • Fixed a bug for rocprim::merge_path_search where using unsigned offsets would output wrong results.
  • Fixed a bug for rocprim::thread_load and rocprim::thread_store where float and double were not casted to the correct type resulting in wrong results.
  • Fix tests failing when compiling with -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS=ON.


  • rocprim::thread_load and rocprim::thread_store, use dereference instead. Not all of those functions are available on every device architecture, and their usage can hurt performance, because inline assembly inhibits optimizations.

rocPRIM-3.2.1 for ROCm 6.2.1


  • Improved performance of block_reduce_warp_reduce when warp size == block size.

rocPRIM-3.2.0 for ROCm 6.2.0


  • New overloads for warp_scan::exclusive_scan that take no initial value. These new overloads will write an unspecified result to the first value of each warp.
  • The internal accumulator type of inclusive_scan(_by_key) and exclusive_scan(_by_key) is now exposed as an optional type parameter.
    • The default accumulator type is still the value type of the input iterator (inclusive scan) or the initial value's type (exclusive scan). This is the same behaviour as before this change.
  • New overload for device_adjacent_difference_inplace that allows separate input and output iterators, but allows them to point to the same element.
  • New public API for deriving resulting type on device-only functions:
    • rocprim::invoke_result
    • rocprim::invoke_result_t
    • rocprim::invoke_result_binary_op
    • rocprim::invoke_result_binary_op_t
  • New rocprim::batch_copy function added. Similar to rocprim::batch_memcpy, but copies by element, not with memcpy.
  • Added more test cases, to better cover supported data types.
  • Updated some tests to work with supported data types.
  • An optional decomposer argument for all member functions of rocprim::block_radix_sort and all functions of device_radix_sort. To sort keys of an user-defined type, a decomposer functor should be passed. The decomposer should produce a rocprim::tuple of references to arithmetic types from the key.
  • New rocprim::predicate_iterator which acts as a proxy for an underlying iterator based on a predicate. It iterates over proxies that holds the references to the underlying values, but only allow reading and writing if the predicate is true. It can be instantiated with:
    • rocprim::make_predicate_iterator
    • rocprim::make_mask_iterator
  • Added custom radix sizes as the last parameter for block_radix_sort. The default value is 4, it can be a number between 0 and 32.
  • New rocprim::radix_key_codec, which allows the encoding/decoding of keys for radix-based sorts. For user-defined key types, a decomposer functor should be passed.


  • Improved the performance of warp_sort_shuffle and block_sort_bitonic.
  • Created an optimized version of the warp_exchange functions blocked_to_striped_shuffle and striped_to_blocked_shuffle when the warpsize is equal to the items per thread.
  • Improved the performance of device_transform.


  • Fixed incorrect results of warp_exchange::blocked_to_striped_shuffle and warp_exchange::striped_to_blocked_shuffle when the block size is larger than the logical warp size. The test suite has been updated with such cases.
  • Fixed incorrect results returned when calling device unique_by_key with overlapping values_input and values_output.
  • Fixed incorrect output type used in device_adjacent_difference.
  • Hotfix for incorrect results on the GFX10 (Navi 10/RDNA1, Navi 20/RDNA2) ISA and GFX11 ISA (Navi 30 GPUs) on device scan algorithms rocprim::inclusive_scan(_by_key) and rocprim::exclusive_scan(_by_key) with large input types.
  • device_adjacent_difference now considers both the input and the output type for selecting the appropriate kernel launch config. Previously only the input type was considered, which could result in compilation errors due to excessive shared memory usage.
  • Fixed incorrect data being loaded with rocprim::thread_load when compiling with -O0.
  • Fixed a compilation failure in the host compiler when instantiating various block and device algorithms with block sizes not divisible by 64.


  • The internal header detail/match_result_type.hpp has been deprecated.
  • TwiddleIn and TwiddleOut have been deprecated in favor of radix_key_codec.
  • The internal ::rocprim::detail::radix_key_codec has been deprecated in favor of the new public utility with the same name.

rocPRIM-3.1.0 for ROCm 6.1.0


  • New primitive: block_run_length_decode
  • New primitive: batch_memcpy


  • Renamed:
    • scan_config_v2 to scan_config
    • scan_by_key_config_v2 to scan_by_key_config
    • radix_sort_config_v2 to radix_sort_config
    • reduce_by_key_config_v2 to reduce_by_key_config
    • radix_sort_config_v2 to radix_sort_config
  • Removed support for custom config types for device algorithms
  • host_warp_size() was moved into rocprim/device/config_types.hpp; it now uses either device_id or a stream parameter to query the proper device and a device_id out parameter
    • The return type is hipError_t
  • Added support for __int128_t in device_radix_sort and block_radix_sort
  • Improved the performance of match_any, and block_histogram which uses it


  • Removed reduce_by_key_config, MatchAny, scan_config, scan_by_key_config, and radix_sort_config


  • Build issues with on Windows when using VS 2017 15.8 or later (due to a breaking fix with extended aligned storage)
  • Fix tests for block_histogram, block_exchange, device_histogram and device_reduce_by_key for various types

Known Issues

  • device_run_length_encode, warp_exchange and warp_load tests fail with rocprim::half

rocPRIM-3.0.0 for ROCm 6.0.0


  • block_sort::sort() overload for keys and values with a dynamic size, for all block sort algorithms. Additionally, all block_sort::sort() overloads with a dynamic size are now supported for block_sort_algorithm::merge_sort and block_sort_algorithm::bitonic_sort.
  • New two-way partition primitive partition_two_way which can write to two separate iterators.


  • Improved the performance of partition.


  • Fixed rocprim::MatchAny for devices with 64-bit warp size. The function rocprim::MatchAny is deprecated and rocprim::match_any is preferred instead.

rocPRIM-2.13.1 for ROCm 5.7.0


  • Deprecated configuration radix_sort_config for device-level radix sort as it no longer matches the algorithm's parameters. New configuration radix_sort_config_v2 is preferred instead.
  • Removed erroneous implementation of device-level inclusive_scan and exclusive_scan. The prior default implementation using lookback-scan now is the only available implementation.
  • The benchmark metric indicating the bytes processed for exclusive_scan_by_key and inclusive_scan_by_key has been changed to incorporate the key type. Furthermore, the benchmark log has been changed such that these algorithms are reported as scan and scan_by_key instead of scan_exclusive and scan_inclusive.
  • Deprecated configurations scan_config and scan_by_key_config for device-level scans, as they no longer match the algorithm's parameters. New configurations scan_config_v2 and scan_by_key_config_v2 are preferred instead.


  • Fixed build issue caused by missing header in thread/thread_search.hpp.

rocPRIM-2.13.0 for ROCm 5.5.0


  • New block level radix_rank primitive
  • New block level radix_rank_match primitive
  • Added a stable block sorting implementation, which can be used with block_sort by adding the block_sort_algorithm::stable_merge_sort algorithm


  • Improved the performance of:
    • block_radix_sort
    • device_radix_sort
    • device_merge_sort
  • Updated the docs directory structure to match the standard of rocm-docs-core

Known Issues

  • Disabled GPU error messages relating to incorrect warp operation usage with Navi GPUs on Windows (due to GPU printf performance issues on Windows)
  • When ROCPRIM_DISABLE_LOOKBACK_SCAN is set, device_scan fails for input sizes larger than scan_config::size_limit, which defaults to std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()

rocPRIM-2.12.0 for ROCm 5.4.0


  • device_partition, device_unique, and device_reduce_by_key now support problem sizes larger than 2^32 items
  • Device algorithms now return hipErrorInvalidValue if the amount of passed temporary memory is insufficient
  • Lists of sizes for tests are unified, restored scan and reduce tests for half and bfloat16 values


  • block_sort::sort() overload for keys and values with a dynamic size
    • This overload was documented but the implementation is missing; to avoid further confusion, the documentation is removed until a decision is made on implementing the function

rocPRIM-2.11.1 for ROCm 5.3.3


  • Fixed the compilation failure in device_merge when the two key iterators don't match

rocPRIM-2.11.0 for ROCm 5.3.2

Known Issues

  • device_merge doesn't correctly support different types for keys_input1 and keys_input2 (as of the 5.3.0 release)

rocPRIM-2.11.0 for ROCm 5.3.0


  • New functions subtract_left and subtract_right in block_adjacent_difference to apply functions on pairs of adjacent items distributed between threads in a block
  • New device-level adjacent_difference primitives
  • Experimental tooling for automatic kernel configuration tuning for various architectures
  • Benchmarks collect and output more detailed system information
  • CMake functionality improves build parallelism of the test suite that splits compilation units by function or by parameters
  • Reverse iterator
  • Support for problem sizes over UINT_MAX in device functions inclusive_scan_by_key and exclusive_scan_by_key


  • Improved the performance of warp primitives using the swizzle operation on Navi
  • Improved build parallelism of the test suite by splitting up large compilation units
  • device_select now supports problem sizes larger than 2^32 items
  • device_segmented_radix_sort now partitions segments to group small, medium, and large segments
    • Each segment group can be sorted by specialized kernels to improve throughput
  • Improved histogram performance for the case of highly uneven sample distribution

rocPRIM-2.10.14 for ROCm 5.2.0


  • Packages for tests and benchmark executables on all supported operating systems using CPack
  • Added file and folder reorganization changes with backward compatibility support using wrapper headers

rocPRIM-2.10.13 for ROCm 5.1.0


  • Fixed Radix Sort int64_t bug introduced in version 2.10.11


  • Future value
  • Device partition_three_way to partition input to three output iterators based on two predicates


  • The reduce/scan algorithm precision issues in the tests has been resolved for half types
  • The device Radix Sort algorithm supports indexing with 64-bit unsigned integers
    • The indexer type is chosen based on the type argument of parameter size
    • If sizeof(size) is not larger than 4 bytes, the indexer type is 32-bit unsigned int, otherwise, the indexer type is 64-bit unsigned int
    • The maximum problem size is based on the compile time configuration of the algorithm according to the following formula:
      • max_problem_size = (UINT_MAX + 1) * config::scan::block_size * config::scan::items_per_thread


  • Flags API of block_adjacent_difference

Known issues

  • device_segmented_radix_sort unit test is failing for HIP on Windows

rocPRIM-2.10.12 for ROCm 5.0.0


  • Enable bfloat16 tests and reduce threshold for bfloat16
  • Fix device scan limit_size feature
  • Non-optimized builds no longer trigger local memory limit errors


  • Scan size limit feature
  • Reduce size limit feature
  • Transform size limit feature
  • block_load_striped and block_store_striped
  • gather_to_blocked to gather values from other threads into a blocked arrangement
  • The block sizes for device merge sorts initial block sort and its merge steps are now separate in its kernel config
    • The block sort step supports multiple items per thread


  • you can now set the size_limit for scan, reduce, and transform in the config struct instead of using a parameter
  • device_scan and device_segmented_scan: inclusive_scan now uses the input-type as accumulator-type; exclusive_scan uses initial-value-type
    • This changes the behavior of small-size input types with large-size output types (e.g., short input, int output) and low-res input with high-res output (e.g., float input, double output)
  • Revert an old Fiji workaround because they solved the issue at the compiler side
  • Update README CMake minimum version number
  • Added block sort support for multiple items per thread
    • Currently only powers of two block sizes, and items per threads are supported and only for full blocks
  • Bumped the minimum required version of CMake to 3.16

Known issues

  • device_segmented_radix_sort and device_scan unit tests failing for HIP on Windows
  • ReduceEmptyInput causes random failure with bfloat16

rocPRIM-2.10.11 for ROCm 4.5.0


  • Initial HIP on Windows support
  • bfloat16 support added


  • Packaging has been split into a runtime package (rocprim) and a development package (rocprim-devel): The development package depends on the runtime package. When installing the runtime package, the package manager will suggest the installation of the development package to aid users transitioning from the previous version's combined package. This suggestion by package manager is for all supported operating systems (except CentOS 7) to aid in the transition. The suggestion feature in the runtime package is introduced as a deprecated feature and will be removed in a future ROCm release.
    • Because rocPRIM is a header-only library, the runtime package is an empty placeholder used to aid in the transition. This package is also a deprecated feature and will be removed in a future rocm release.

Known issues

  • Unit tests may soft hang on MI200 when running in hipMallocManaged mode

rocPRIM-2.10.11 for ROCm 4.4.0


  • Code coverage tools build option
  • AddressSanitizer build option
  • gfx1030 support added
  • Experimental HIP-CPU support; build using GCC/Clang/MSVC on Windows and Linux (this is work in progress and many algorithms are known to fail)


  • Added single tile Radix Sort for smaller sizes
  • Improved performance for Radix Sort for larger element sizes

rocPRIM-2.10.10 for ROCm 4.3.0


  • Bug fix and minor performance improvement for merge_sort when input and output storage are the same


  • gfx90a support added


  • warp_size() function; use host_warp_size() and device_warp_size() for host and device references, respectively

rocPRIM-2.10.9 for ROCm 4.2.0


  • Size zero inputs are now properly handled with newer ROCm builds that no longer allow zero-size kernel grid and block dimensions


  • Minimum CMake version required is now 3.10.2

Known issues

  • Device scan unit test is currently failing due to an LLVM bug

rocPRIM-2.10.8 for ROCm 4.1.0


  • Texture cache iteration support has been re-enabled
  • Benchmark builds have been re-enabled
  • Unique operator is no longer called on invalid elements

Known issues

  • Device scan unit test is currently failing because of an LLVM bug

rocPRIM-2.10.7 for ROCm 4.0.0

  • No new features

rocPRIM-2.10.6 for ROCm 3.10


  • Updates to DPP instructions for warp shuffle

Known issues

  • Benchmark builds are disabled due to compiler bug

rocPRIM-2.10.5 for ROCm 3.9.0


  • HIP CMake dependency


  • Updates to warp shuffle for gfx10
  • Disabled DPP functions on gfx10++

Known issues

  • Benchmark builds are disabled due to compiler bug

rocPRIM-2.10.4 for ROCm 3.8.0


  • Fix for rocPRIM texture cache iterator

rocPRIM-2.10.3 for ROCm 3.7.0


  • Package dependency correct to hip-rocclr

Known issues

  • rocPRIM texture cache iterator functionality is broken in the runtime (this will be fixed in the next release); you can use the prior release if calling this function

rocPRIM-2.10.2 for ROCm 3.6.0

  • No new features

rocPRIM-2.10.1 for ROCm 3.5.1


  • Point release with compilation fix

rocPRIM-2.10.1 for ROCm 3.5.0


  • Improved tests with fixed and random seeds for test data
  • Network interface improvements with API v3


  • Switched to HIP-Clang as the default compiler
  • CMake searches for rocPRIM locally first; if t's not found, CMake downloads it from GitHub