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Activity 4: NumPy and Plotting

GitHub Classroom Workflow Points badge

In this class we will us many tools that are used in professional software development. In particular, we will make use of the git version control software (we will learn in class how to use it) and we will use GitHub as a cloud storage service. Each of your homework assignments will be stored in a repository and autograded on GitHub.


Part of the activity will be life-coded, part of the activity will be yours to solve during class time (or afterwards). Follow the instructions in assignment.pdf and submit as described below.


The workflow for submitting homeworks in this class will be

  1. Follow the repository creation link (on Canvas). It will be posted in the current Module as Activity NN where "NN" is the number of the activity. The link looks like This will create your personal, private repository, named activity-NN-yourname where yourname is your GitHub username and NN is the activity number.

  2. In the shell on your computer, clone the repository to your own computer, using the specific repository name:

     git clone

    This creates a directory activity-NN-yourname on your computer. This is your local repository.

  3. Navigate to the local repository

     cd activity-NN-yourname
  4. Solve the problem: read the instructions in the assignment file and do what you need to do, e.g., add code, create files and directories, etc.

  5. Add your changes (can be done as often as you like):

     git add -A .
  6. Commit your changes (can be done as often as you like):

     git commit -m "updated assignment"

    (Write a more expressive message than "updated assignment".)

  7. Push your changes to GitHub (can be done as often as you like):

     git push

    This will synchronize your repository in the cloud on GitHub with your local repository. When you push the changes, you submit your homework. You can push changes as often as you like until the submission deadline.

    Only changes in your GitHub repository until the deadline count for grading.

  8. Check autograding: Your homework repository on GitHub has "pull request" named Feedback. Navigate to it in your webbrowser and look at the checks. If you have a green checkmark then all the tests passed. If you have red X then some tests failed and you should look at the output of the tests to see what exactly failed. This will initially look dauting and complicated but you'll quickly learn what to look for.

    There is more help available in Viewing autograding results.

    Alternatively, run the tests locally with

    pytest --tb=short

    This will provide you a quick view of what is failing (but will not compute points.)

  9. If you have errors then fix your submission and resubmit: GOTO 4

  10. Else: your done