diff --git a/docs/migration.md b/docs/migration.md
index a5b12f8..b1ab727 100644
--- a/docs/migration.md
+++ b/docs/migration.md
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ field in OpenFF, Amber, and OpenMM FFXML formats. This re-write also introduced
 -   Ligand force field parameters no longer need to be provided. The [femto.md.config.Prepare][] configuration now
     exposes a `default_ligand_ff` field that can be used to automatically parameterize ligands with an OpenFF based
     force field.
--   HREMD now correctly stores coordinates as ``coords[i] = replica_i_coords`` rather than ``coords[i] = state_i_coords``.
-    Checkpoints from previous versions will likely be incorrect.
+-   HREMD now correctly stores coordinates in checkpoint files as ``coords[i] = replica_i_coords`` rather than
+    ``coords[i] = state_i_coords``. Checkpoints from previous versions will likely be incorrect.
+-   Trajectories and sample files are now correctly truncated when restarting from a checkpoint file.
 #### FE
diff --git a/femto/md/hremd.py b/femto/md/hremd.py
index 79d1585..7d82fc2 100644
--- a/femto/md/hremd.py
+++ b/femto/md/hremd.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import pickle
 import typing
+import mdtraj
 import numpy
 import openmm.app
 import openmm.unit
@@ -103,11 +104,34 @@ def _create_storage(
             yield _HREMDStorage(file, writer, schema)
+def _truncate_trajectories(
+    simulation: openmm.app.Simulation,
+    max_cycles: int,
+    trajectory_interval: int,
+    trajectory_paths: list[pathlib.Path],
+    """Truncate the trajectories to the maximum number of cycles."""
+    max_frames = (max_cycles - 1) // trajectory_interval + 1 if max_cycles > 0 else 0
+    topology_mdtraj = mdtraj.Topology.from_openmm(simulation.topology)
+    for path in trajectory_paths:
+        if not path.exists():
+            continue
+        trajectory = mdtraj.load(str(path), top=topology_mdtraj)
+        trajectory = trajectory[:max_frames]
+        trajectory.save_dcd(str(path))
 def _create_trajectory_storage(
     simulation: openmm.app.Simulation,
     n_replicas: int,
     replica_idx_offset: int,
     n_steps_per_cycle: int,
+    max_cycles: int,
     trajectory_interval: int | None,
     output_dir: pathlib.Path | None,
     exit_stack: contextlib.ExitStack,
@@ -119,6 +143,7 @@ def _create_trajectory_storage(
         n_replicas: The number of replicas being sampled on this process.
         replica_idx_offset: The index of the first replica being sampled on this process
         n_steps_per_cycle: The number of steps per cycle.
+        max_cycles: The maximum number of cycles to retain if the file already exists.
         trajectory_interval: The interval with which to write the trajectory.
         output_dir: The root output directory. Any trajectories will be written to
@@ -138,6 +163,10 @@ def _create_trajectory_storage(
     should_append = [path.exists() for path in trajectory_paths]
+    _truncate_trajectories(
+        simulation, max_cycles, trajectory_interval, trajectory_paths
+    )
     return [
             exit_stack.enter_context(path.open("wb" if not append else "r+b")),
@@ -667,6 +696,7 @@ def run_hremd(
+            start_cycle,
@@ -675,6 +705,7 @@ def run_hremd(
         for cycle in tqdm.tqdm(
             range(start_cycle, config.n_cycles),
             total=config.n_cycles - start_cycle,
+            initial=start_cycle,
             disable=mpi_comm.rank != 0,
             reduced_potentials = _propagate_replicas(
@@ -703,6 +734,7 @@ def run_hremd(
             if should_save_trajectory:
+                mpi_comm.barrier()
                 _store_trajectory(coords, trajectory_storage)
             should_analyze = (