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Releases: ProxioDev/ValioBungee

0.7.0 UPDATE

14 Apr 18:08
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EDIT: relocations has been enabled in v0.7.1


The update has big internal changes but it wont effect normal functionality of redis-bungee unless there is bad bugs
before implementing velocity support in v0.8

my initial testing went great and fixed some issue with payloads, Also Old plugins should work great but If by any MEANS getting JedisPool in your plugin it will fail with NoSuchMethod error due maven shade plugin weirdness that i removed.

looking forward for feedbacks

Changes in this update

  • API is longer depending on Bungeecord apis

  • deprecated RedisBungeeAPI#getJedisPool() and replaced with RedisBungeeAPI#requestJedis() which returns instance of Jedis
    reason for this that we are going implement redis sentinel or clusters in future update (JedisPool != SentinelJedisPool)

  • RedisBungeeAPI#getServerFor(UUID player) now returns String which is server name instead of bungeecord net.md_5.bungee.api.config.ServerInfo

  • Relocation was disabled due causing issues with Jedis importing on plugins which throws NoSuchMethod errors
    (if you plan to use redisbungee in your plugins make sure you dont have jedis shaded )

  • Events are now platform dependent, for example RedisBungee-BungeeEvents will be for bungeecord
    reason for this because events on some platforms like bungeecord needs to be extended By Event class
    which not supported to another proxies like velocity + API must be bungeecord clean

  • config option use-random-id-string has been removed due being useless

  • added warnings when ssl/tls is disabled or password is empty

23:50:57 [WARNING] [RedisBungee] INSECURE setup was detected Please set password for your redis instance.
23:50:57 [WARNING] [RedisBungee] INSECURE setup was detected Please setup ssl for your redis instance.

Java docs here

Importing in your projects

way of import RedisBungee has been changed, as it needs 2 imports if you are going to use events

first, install it to your maven local repo as we don't have public maven repo.

git clone
cd RedisBungee
mvn clean install

If you want to have RedisBungeeAPI class


and if you want to use the events Import RedisBungee-BungeeEvents which for bungeecord
note: you need API imported too


new api features and bug fixes

31 Jul 14:16
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changes and additions:

  • Deprecated RedisBungee.getApi(), but it wont be removed to maintain old plugins
  • new api methods!
     * This gets Redis Bungee Jedis pool
     * @return {@link JedisPool}
     * @since 0.6.5
    public JedisPool getJedisPool() {
        return this.plugin.getPool();

     * This alternative to {@link RedisBungee#getApi()}
     * which now deprecated. but to maintain old plugins compatibility it won't be removed.
     * @return the API instance.
     * @since 0.6.5
    public static RedisBungeeAPI getRedisBungeeApi() {
        return redisBungeeApi;


  • Player being added into the Redis database if LoginEvent was cancelled..... (#16) (#12)
  • If user uses different implementation it would show an error, but plugin will still load.

Hot-fix and change requirement of redis-server version

21 Jul 12:22
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What fixed?:

  • Fixed issue that makes redis bungee fail on startup due some bungeecord forks implementations #15 (thanks @foss-mc)

What changed?:

  • Redis bungee no longer supports version below redis 6, due increasing reports of issues

Minor bugs fixes update

21 May 00:00
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  • Fixed the placeholder api not working correctly #6

  • implemented Persistent random server id generation #5 thanks @weihao

  • fixed bug related to last update


17 May 18:45
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  • Random server id please regenerate your config to see the new added config values


  • this related to last update(Changed the log output from fatal to warning)

Small bug fix update!

13 May 18:51
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#1 Thanks @meerpaluten , @mattmalec

ssl update!

07 Jan 19:39
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ssl update! Pre-release


  • SSL support!