Contributions are always welcome!
- Pick any good first issue and add comment on it (Example: "I'll take this up"), or Add classic DSA problem which is currently not present in this repo
- Read description on the issue (Mostly it will be the link to the question)
- Add question on top of file
- Add sample input and output
- Explain approach with comments
- Take care of Readability (Code is written once and read multiple times, so keep this in mind)
- Provide link for further reading (optional)
- Send a PR against dev branch
- You can suggest an idea for this project under issues tab (add list of questions you think it is important, it will be assigned to you)
- You can directly make a PR against dev branch with the proposed problems with appropriate comments and description
- Keep pulling from origin/main see below, this way you will be up to date with the latest changes in main branch
- git pull origin main