Competitive 'Vault Entry' game with multiplayer. Prove that you are better!
Start postgresql, install dependencies and run app
Requires Node.js v14+ to run and .env files provided for client and server sides.
$ make all
✅ Check it out:
▶ (note that app use free instance that spins down with inactivity that can delay first request by 50+ seconds)
- 📱 NestJS — latest version
- 🎉 TypeScript - Type checking
- ⚙️ Dotenv - Supports environment variables
- 🗝 Authentication - Session based
- 💾 Prisma - Database ORM
- 🏪 PostgreSQL - Open-Source Relational Database
- 📃 Swagger - API Documentation
- 🐳 Docker Compose - Container Orchestration
- 🔐 Helmet - secure HTTP headers
- 📏 ESLint — Pluggable JavaScript linter
- 💖 Prettier - Opinionated Code Formatter
- 🕵️♂️ Redis - In-memory data store