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Tim Paine edited this page Feb 4, 2024 · 37 revisions

csp ("Composable Stream Processing") is a functional-like reactive language that makes time-series stream processing simple to do.  The main reactive engine is a C++ based engine which has been exposed to python ( other languages may optionally be extended in future versions ). csp applications define a connected graph of components using a declarative language (which is essentially python).  Once a graph is constructed it can be run using the C++ engine. Graphs are composed of some number of "input" adapters, a set of connected calculation "nodes" and at the end sent off to "output" adapters. Inputs as well as the engine can be seamlessly run in simulation mode using historical input adapters or in realtime mode using realtime input adapters.



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For bug reports or small feature requests, please open an issue on our issues page.

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For contributions, please see our developer documentation. We have help wanted and good first issue tags on our issues page, so these are a great place to start.


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