From 1d1e0c46053d93ef2650e55be11e4e5c49bb3dd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Swannell <>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 09:50:09 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] added 2 experimental versions of corkendall
src/KendallTau.jl | 9 +
src/corkendall_experimental.jl | 469 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/corkendall_experimental2.jl | 481 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 959 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 src/corkendall_experimental.jl
create mode 100644 src/corkendall_experimental2.jl
diff --git a/src/KendallTau.jl b/src/KendallTau.jl
index a8fb998..f73d882 100644
--- a/src/KendallTau.jl
+++ b/src/KendallTau.jl
@@ -3,6 +3,15 @@ module KendallTau
+module Experimental
+module Experimental2
export corkendall, corkendall_fromfile
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/corkendall_experimental.jl b/src/corkendall_experimental.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..620204a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corkendall_experimental.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+# Kendall correlation
+#RoM stands for "Real or Missing"
+const RoMVector{T<:Real} = AbstractVector{<:Union{T,Missing}}
+const RoMMatrix{T<:Real} = AbstractMatrix{<:Union{T,Missing}}
+TODO 16 Feb 2023
+1) Should the default value of skipmissing be :none or :pairwise? :none forces the user to
+ address question of how missings should be handled, but at least for REPL use, it's
+ rather inconvenient.
+2) KendallTau.corkendall currently slower than StatsBase.corkendall for very small
+ vector\matrix output(4x4 or smaller, assuming vector length 1000) , presumably thanks to
+ overhead of threading and populating the "scratch-space" vectors. Does this matter?
+3) Ask for code review?
+4) Make PR to StatsBase?
+ corkendall(x, y=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
+Compute Kendall's rank correlation coefficient, τ. `x` and `y` must both be either
+vectors or matrices, with elements that are either real numbers or missing values.
+# Keyword argument
+- `skipmissing::Symbol=:none`: if `:none`, missing values in either `x` or `y`
+ cause the function to raise an error. Use `:pairwise` to skip entries with a missing
+ value in either of the two vectors used to calculate (an element of) the return. Use
+ `:listwise` to skip entries where a missing value appears anywhere in a given row of `x`
+ or `y`; note that this might drop a high proportion of entries.
+function corkendall(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
+ length(x) == length(y) || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
+ x, y = handlelistwise(x, y, skipmissing)
+ if x isa Vector{Missing} || y isa Vector{Missing}
+ return (NaN)
+ end
+ x = copy(x)
+ y = copy(y)
+ if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
+ x, y = handlepairwise(x, y)
+ end
+ permx = sortperm(x)
+ permute!(x, permx)
+ return (corkendall_sorted!(x, y, permx, similar(y), similar(y), T[], U[]))
+#= Function returns a vector in this case, inconsistent with with Statistics.cor and
+StatsBase.corspearman. Fixing that is a breaking change. =#
+function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix, y::RoMVector; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
+ return (vec(corkendall(x, reshape(y, (length(y), 1)); skipmissing)))
+function corkendall(x::RoMVector, y::RoMMatrix; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
+ return (corkendall(reshape(x, (length(x), 1)), y; skipmissing))
+function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
+ symmetric = x === y
+ if size(x, 1) != size(y, 1)
+ throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
+ end
+ #Swap x and y for more efficient threaded loop.
+ if size(x, 2) < size(y, 2)
+ return (collect(transpose(corkendall(y, x; skipmissing))))
+ end
+ x, y = handlelistwise(x, y, skipmissing)
+ m, nr = size(x)
+ nc = size(y, 2)
+ if x isa Matrix{Missing} || y isa Matrix{Missing}
+ if symmetric
+ return (ifelse.((1:nr) .== (1:nc)', 1.0, NaN))
+ else
+ return (fill(NaN, nr, nc))
+ end
+ end
+ C = ones(Float64, nr, nc)
+ ndups = min(Threads.nthreads(), symmetric ? nr - 1 : nr)
+ use_atomic = ndups < Threads.nthreads()
+ if use_atomic
+ a = Threads.Atomic{Int}(1)
+ end
+ #= Create scratch vectors so that threaded code can be non-allocating. One vector per
+ thread to avoid cross-talk between threads.=#
+ scratchyvectors = similar(y, m, ndups)
+ ycolis = similar(y, m, ndups)
+ xcoljsorteds = similar(x, m, ndups)
+ permxs = zeros(Int, m, ndups)
+ txs = Array{T}(undef, m, ndups)
+ tys = Array{U}(undef, m, ndups)
+ sortyspaces = Array{U}(undef, m, ndups)
+ Threads.@threads for j = (symmetric ? 2 : 1):nr
+ if use_atomic
+ id = Threads.atomic_add!(a, 1)[]
+ else
+ id = Threads.threadid()
+ end
+ scratchyvector = view(scratchyvectors, :, id)
+ sortyspace = view(sortyspaces, :, id)
+ ycoli = view(ycolis, :, id)
+ xcoljsorted = view(xcoljsorteds, :, id)
+ permx = view(permxs, :, id)
+ tx = view(txs, :, id)
+ ty = view(tys, :, id)
+ sortperm!(permx, view(x, :, j))
+ @inbounds for k in eachindex(xcoljsorted)
+ xcoljsorted[k] = x[permx[k], j]
+ end
+ for i = 1:(symmetric ? j - 1 : nc)
+ ycoli .= view(y, :, i)
+ C[j, i] = corkendall_sorted!(xcoljsorted, ycoli, permx, scratchyvector,
+ sortyspace, tx, ty)
+ symmetric && (C[i, j] = C[j, i])
+ end
+ end
+ return C
+# Auxiliary functions for Kendall's rank correlation
+# Knight, William R. “A Computer Method for Calculating Kendall's Tau with Ungrouped Data.”
+# Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 61, no. 314, 1966, pp. 436–439.
+ corkendall_sorted!(sortedx::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
+ permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, scratchyvector::RoMVector, sortyspace::RoMVector,
+ tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
+Kendall correlation between two vectors but this function omits the initial sorting of
+the first argument. So calculating Kendall correlation between `x` and `y` is a two stage
+process: a) sort `x` to get `sortedx`; b) call this function on `sortedx` and `y`, with
+subsequent arguments being:
+- `permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}`: the permutation that achieved the sorting of `x` to
+ yield `sortedx`.
+- `scratchyvector::RoMVector`: a vector of the same element type and length as `y`; used
+ to permute `y` without allocation.
+- `sortyspace::RoMVector`: a vector of the same element type and length as `y`; used
+ (in the call to `merge_sort!`) to avoid allocations.
+- `tx, ty`: vectors of the same length as `x` and `y` whose element types match the types
+ of the non-missing elements of `x` and `y` respectively; used (in the call to
+ `handlepairwise!`) to avoid allocations.
+function corkendall_sorted!(sortedx::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
+ permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, scratchyvector::RoMVector, sortyspace::RoMVector,
+ tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
+ @inbounds for i in eachindex(y)
+ scratchyvector[i] = y[permx[i]]
+ end
+ if missing isa eltype(sortedx) || missing isa eltype(scratchyvector)
+ sortedx, scratchyvector = handlepairwise!(sortedx, scratchyvector, tx, ty)
+ end
+ length(sortedx) >= 2 || return (NaN)
+ shuffledy = scratchyvector
+ if any(isnan, sortedx) || any(isnan, shuffledy)
+ return NaN
+ end
+ n = length(sortedx)
+ # Use widen to avoid overflows on both 32bit and 64bit
+ npairs = div(widen(n) * (n - 1), 2)
+ ntiesx = ndoubleties = nswaps = widen(0)
+ k = 0
+ @inbounds for i = 2:n
+ if sortedx[i-1] == sortedx[i]
+ k += 1
+ elseif k > 0
+ #=
+ Sort the corresponding chunk of shuffledy, so the rows of hcat(sortedx,shuffledy)
+ are sorted first on sortedx, then (where sortedx values are tied) on shuffledy.
+ Hence double ties can be counted by calling countties.
+ =#
+ sort!(view(shuffledy, (i-k-1):(i-1)))
+ ntiesx += div(widen(k) * (k + 1), 2) # Must use wide integers here
+ ndoubleties += countties(shuffledy, i - k - 1, i - 1)
+ k = 0
+ end
+ end
+ if k > 0
+ sort!(view(shuffledy, (n-k):n))
+ ntiesx += div(widen(k) * (k + 1), 2)
+ ndoubleties += countties(shuffledy, n - k, n)
+ end
+ nswaps = merge_sort!(shuffledy, 1, n, sortyspace)
+ ntiesy = countties(shuffledy, 1, n)
+ # Calls to float below prevent possible overflow errors when
+ # length(sortedx) exceeds 77_936 (32 bit) or 5_107_605_667 (64 bit)
+ (npairs + ndoubleties - ntiesx - ntiesy - 2 * nswaps) /
+ sqrt(float(npairs - ntiesx) * float(npairs - ntiesy))
+ countties(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
+Return the number of ties within `x[lo:hi]`. Assumes `x` is sorted.
+function countties(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
+ # Use of widen below prevents possible overflow errors when
+ # length(x) exceeds 2^16 (32 bit) or 2^32 (64 bit)
+ thistiecount = result = widen(0)
+ checkbounds(x, lo:hi)
+ @inbounds for i = (lo+1):hi
+ if x[i] == x[i-1]
+ thistiecount += 1
+ elseif thistiecount > 0
+ result += div(thistiecount * (thistiecount + 1), 2)
+ thistiecount = widen(0)
+ end
+ end
+ if thistiecount > 0
+ result += div(thistiecount * (thistiecount + 1), 2)
+ end
+ result
+# Tests appear to show that a value of 64 is optimal,
+# but note that the equivalent constant in base/sort.jl is 20.
+# merge_sort! copied from Julia Base
+# (commit 28330a2fef4d9d149ba0fd3ffa06347b50067647, dated 20 Sep 2020)
+ merge_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer,
+ t::AbstractVector=similar(v, 0))
+Mutates `v` by sorting elements `x[lo:hi]` using the merge sort algorithm.
+This method is a copy-paste-edit of sort! in base/sort.jl, amended to return the bubblesort
+function merge_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer,
+ t::AbstractVector=similar(v, 0))
+ # Use of widen below prevents possible overflow errors when
+ # length(v) exceeds 2^16 (32 bit) or 2^32 (64 bit)
+ nswaps = widen(0)
+ @inbounds if lo < hi
+ hi - lo <= SMALL_THRESHOLD && return insertion_sort!(v, lo, hi)
+ m = midpoint(lo, hi)
+ (length(t) < m - lo + 1) && resize!(t, m - lo + 1)
+ nswaps = merge_sort!(v, lo, m, t)
+ nswaps += merge_sort!(v, m + 1, hi, t)
+ i, j = 1, lo
+ while j <= m
+ t[i] = v[j]
+ i += 1
+ j += 1
+ end
+ i, k = 1, lo
+ while k < j <= hi
+ if v[j] < t[i]
+ v[k] = v[j]
+ j += 1
+ nswaps += m - lo + 1 - (i - 1)
+ else
+ v[k] = t[i]
+ i += 1
+ end
+ k += 1
+ end
+ while k < j
+ v[k] = t[i]
+ k += 1
+ i += 1
+ end
+ end
+ return nswaps
+# insertion_sort! and midpoint copied from Julia Base
+# (commit 28330a2fef4d9d149ba0fd3ffa06347b50067647, dated 20 Sep 2020)
+midpoint(lo::T, hi::T) where {T<:Integer} = lo + ((hi - lo) >>> 0x01)
+midpoint(lo::Integer, hi::Integer) = midpoint(promote(lo, hi)...)
+ insertion_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
+Mutates `v` by sorting elements `x[lo:hi]` using the insertion sort algorithm.
+This method is a copy-paste-edit of sort! in base/sort.jl, amended to return the bubblesort
+function insertion_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
+ if lo == hi
+ return widen(0)
+ end
+ nswaps = widen(0)
+ @inbounds for i = lo+1:hi
+ j = i
+ x = v[i]
+ while j > lo
+ if x < v[j-1]
+ nswaps += 1
+ v[j] = v[j-1]
+ j -= 1
+ continue
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ v[j] = x
+ end
+ return nswaps
+ handlepairwise(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}) where {T,U}
+Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `x` and `y`, in which elements `x[i]` and `y[i]`
+are filtered out if `ismissing(x[i])||ismissing(y[i])`.
+function handlepairwise(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}) where {T,U}
+ n = length(x)
+ a = Vector{T}(undef, n)
+ b = Vector{U}(undef, n)
+ j::Int = 0
+ @inbounds for i in eachindex(x)
+ if !(ismissing(x[i]) || ismissing(y[i]))
+ j += 1
+ a[j] = x[i]
+ b[j] = y[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return (resize!(a, j), resize!(b, j))
+ handlepairwise!(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
+ tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
+Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `(x,y)`, in which elements `x[i]` and
+`y[i]` are filtered out if `ismissing(x[i])||ismissing(y[i])`.
+function handlepairwise!(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
+ tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
+ j = 0
+ @inbounds for i in eachindex(x)
+ if !(ismissing(x[i]) || ismissing(y[i]))
+ j += 1
+ tx[j] = x[i]
+ ty[j] = y[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return (view(tx, 1:j), view(ty, 1:j))
+ handlelistwise(x::AbstractArray,y::AbstractArray,skipmissing::Symbol)
+If `skipmissing` is `:listwise` and `x` and `y` are both matrices then do listwise filtering
+of `x` and `y`. Otherwise merely validate `skipmissing` argument.
+function handlelistwise(x::AbstractArray, y::AbstractArray, skipmissing::Symbol)
+ if skipmissing == :listwise
+ if x isa Matrix && y isa Matrix
+ return (handlelistwise(x, y))
+ end
+ elseif skipmissing == :pairwise
+ elseif skipmissing == :none
+ if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
+ throw(ArgumentError("When missing is an allowed element type \
+ then keyword argument skipmissing must be either\
+ `:pairwise` or `:listwise`, but got `:$skipmissing`"))
+ end
+ else
+ if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
+ throw(ArgumentError("keyword argument skipmissing must be either \
+ `:pairwise` or `:listwise`, but got `:$skipmissing`"))
+ else
+ throw(ArgumentError("keyword argument skipmissing must be either \
+ `:pairwise`, `:listwise` or `:none` but got \
+ `:$skipmissing`"))
+ end
+ end
+ return (x, y)
+ handlelistwise(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}) where {T,U}
+Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `(x,y)`, in which the rows `x[i,:]` and
+`y[i,:]` are both filtered out if `any(ismissing,x[i,:])||any(ismissing,y[i,:])`.
+function handlelistwise(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}) where {T,U}
+ nrx, ncx = size(x)
+ nry, ncy = size(y)
+ nrx == nry || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
+ chooser = fill(true, nrx)
+ nrout = nrx
+ @inbounds for i = 1:nrx
+ for j = 1:ncx
+ if ismissing(x[i, j])
+ chooser[i] = false
+ nrout -= 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if chooser[i]
+ for j = 1:ncy
+ if ismissing(y[i, j])
+ chooser[i] = false
+ nrout -= 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ a = Matrix{T}(undef, nrout, ncx)
+ @inbounds for j = 1:ncx
+ k = 0
+ for i = 1:nrx
+ if chooser[i]
+ k += 1
+ a[k, j] = x[i, j]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ b = Matrix{U}(undef, nrout, ncy)
+ @inbounds for j = 1:ncy
+ k = 0
+ for i = 1:nrx
+ if chooser[i]
+ k += 1
+ b[k, j] = y[i, j]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return (a, b)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/corkendall_experimental2.jl b/src/corkendall_experimental2.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c48b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corkendall_experimental2.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+# Kendall correlation
+#RoM stands for "Real or Missing"
+const RoMVector{T<:Real} = AbstractVector{<:Union{T,Missing}}
+const RoMMatrix{T<:Real} = AbstractMatrix{<:Union{T,Missing}}
+TODO 16 Feb 2023
+1) Should the default value of skipmissing be :none or :pairwise? :none forces the user to
+ address question of how missings should be handled, but at least for REPL use, it's
+ rather inconvenient.
+2) KendallTau.corkendall currently slower than StatsBase.corkendall for very small
+ vector\matrix output(4x4 or smaller, assuming vector length 1000) , presumably thanks to
+ overhead of threading and populating the "scratch-space" vectors. Does this matter?
+3) Ask for code review?
+4) Make PR to StatsBase?
+ corkendall(x, y=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
+Compute Kendall's rank correlation coefficient, τ. `x` and `y` must both be either
+vectors or matrices, with elements that are either real numbers or missing values.
+# Keyword argument
+- `skipmissing::Symbol=:none`: if `:none`, missing values in either `x` or `y`
+ cause the function to raise an error. Use `:pairwise` to skip entries with a missing
+ value in either of the two vectors used to calculate (an element of) the return. Use
+ `:listwise` to skip entries where a missing value appears anywhere in a given row of `x`
+ or `y`; note that this might drop a high proportion of entries.
+function corkendall(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
+ length(x) == length(y) || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
+ x, y = handlelistwise(x, y, skipmissing)
+ if x isa Vector{Missing} || y isa Vector{Missing}
+ return (NaN)
+ end
+ x = copy(x)
+ y = copy(y)
+ if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
+ x, y = handlepairwise(x, y)
+ end
+ permx = sortperm(x)
+ permute!(x, permx)
+ return (corkendall_sorted!(x, y, permx, similar(y), similar(y), T[], U[]))
+#= Function returns a vector in this case, inconsistent with with Statistics.cor and
+StatsBase.corspearman. Fixing that is a breaking change. =#
+function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix, y::RoMVector; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
+ return (vec(corkendall(x, reshape(y, (length(y), 1)); skipmissing)))
+function corkendall(x::RoMVector, y::RoMMatrix; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
+ return (corkendall(reshape(x, (length(x), 1)), y; skipmissing))
+ duplicate(x)
+Construct a vector with `Threads.nthreads()` elements, each a copy of `x`.
+function duplicate(x,n)
+ [copy(x) for _ in 1:n]
+function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
+ symmetric = x === y
+ if size(x, 1) != size(y, 1)
+ throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
+ end
+ #Swap x and y for more efficient threaded loop.
+ if size(x, 2) < size(y, 2)
+ return (collect(transpose(corkendall(y, x; skipmissing))))
+ end
+ x, y = handlelistwise(x, y, skipmissing)
+ m, nr = size(x)
+ nc = size(y, 2)
+ if x isa Matrix{Missing} || y isa Matrix{Missing}
+ if symmetric
+ return (ifelse.((1:nr) .== (1:nc)', 1.0, NaN))
+ else
+ return (fill(NaN, nr, nc))
+ end
+ end
+ C = ones(Float64, nr, nc)
+ ndups = min(Threads.nthreads(), symmetric ? nr - 1 : nr)
+ use_atomic = ndups < Threads.nthreads()
+ if use_atomic
+ a = Threads.Atomic{Int}(1)
+ end
+ #= Create scratch vectors so that threaded code can be non-allocating. One vector per
+ thread to avoid cross-talk between threads.=#
+ scratchyvectors = duplicate(similar(y, m),ndups)
+ ycolis = duplicate(similar(y, m),ndups)
+ xcoljsorteds = duplicate(similar(x, m),ndups)
+ permxs = duplicate(zeros(Int, m),ndups)
+ txs = duplicate(Vector{T}(undef, m),ndups)
+ tys = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m),ndups)
+ sortyspaces = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m),ndups)
+ Threads.@threads for j = (symmetric ? 2 : 1):nr
+ if use_atomic
+ id = Threads.atomic_add!(a, 1)[]
+ else
+ id = Threads.threadid()
+ end
+ scratchyvector = scratchyvectors[id]
+ sortyspace = sortyspaces[id]
+ ycoli = ycolis[id]
+ xcoljsorted = xcoljsorteds[id]
+ permx = permxs[id]
+ tx = txs[id]
+ ty = tys[id]
+ sortperm!(permx, view(x, :, j))
+ @inbounds for k in eachindex(xcoljsorted)
+ xcoljsorted[k] = x[permx[k], j]
+ end
+ for i = 1:(symmetric ? j - 1 : nc)
+ ycoli .= view(y, :, i)
+ C[j, i] = corkendall_sorted!(xcoljsorted, ycoli, permx, scratchyvector,
+ sortyspace, tx, ty)
+ symmetric && (C[i, j] = C[j, i])
+ end
+ end
+ return C
+# Auxiliary functions for Kendall's rank correlation
+# Knight, William R. “A Computer Method for Calculating Kendall's Tau with Ungrouped Data.”
+# Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 61, no. 314, 1966, pp. 436–439.
+ corkendall_sorted!(sortedx::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
+ permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, scratchyvector::RoMVector, sortyspace::RoMVector,
+ tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
+Kendall correlation between two vectors but this function omits the initial sorting of
+the first argument. So calculating Kendall correlation between `x` and `y` is a two stage
+process: a) sort `x` to get `sortedx`; b) call this function on `sortedx` and `y`, with
+subsequent arguments being:
+- `permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}`: the permutation that achieved the sorting of `x` to
+ yield `sortedx`.
+- `scratchyvector::RoMVector`: a vector of the same element type and length as `y`; used
+ to permute `y` without allocation.
+- `sortyspace::RoMVector`: a vector of the same element type and length as `y`; used
+ (in the call to `merge_sort!`) to avoid allocations.
+- `tx, ty`: vectors of the same length as `x` and `y` whose element types match the types
+ of the non-missing elements of `x` and `y` respectively; used (in the call to
+ `handlepairwise!`) to avoid allocations.
+function corkendall_sorted!(sortedx::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
+ permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, scratchyvector::RoMVector, sortyspace::RoMVector,
+ tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
+ @inbounds for i in eachindex(y)
+ scratchyvector[i] = y[permx[i]]
+ end
+ if missing isa eltype(sortedx) || missing isa eltype(scratchyvector)
+ sortedx, scratchyvector = handlepairwise!(sortedx, scratchyvector, tx, ty)
+ end
+ length(sortedx) >= 2 || return (NaN)
+ shuffledy = scratchyvector
+ if any(isnan, sortedx) || any(isnan, shuffledy)
+ return NaN
+ end
+ n = length(sortedx)
+ # Use widen to avoid overflows on both 32bit and 64bit
+ npairs = div(widen(n) * (n - 1), 2)
+ ntiesx = ndoubleties = nswaps = widen(0)
+ k = 0
+ @inbounds for i = 2:n
+ if sortedx[i-1] == sortedx[i]
+ k += 1
+ elseif k > 0
+ #=
+ Sort the corresponding chunk of shuffledy, so the rows of hcat(sortedx,shuffledy)
+ are sorted first on sortedx, then (where sortedx values are tied) on shuffledy.
+ Hence double ties can be counted by calling countties.
+ =#
+ sort!(view(shuffledy, (i-k-1):(i-1)))
+ ntiesx += div(widen(k) * (k + 1), 2) # Must use wide integers here
+ ndoubleties += countties(shuffledy, i - k - 1, i - 1)
+ k = 0
+ end
+ end
+ if k > 0
+ sort!(view(shuffledy, (n-k):n))
+ ntiesx += div(widen(k) * (k + 1), 2)
+ ndoubleties += countties(shuffledy, n - k, n)
+ end
+ nswaps = merge_sort!(shuffledy, 1, n, sortyspace)
+ ntiesy = countties(shuffledy, 1, n)
+ # Calls to float below prevent possible overflow errors when
+ # length(sortedx) exceeds 77_936 (32 bit) or 5_107_605_667 (64 bit)
+ (npairs + ndoubleties - ntiesx - ntiesy - 2 * nswaps) /
+ sqrt(float(npairs - ntiesx) * float(npairs - ntiesy))
+ countties(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
+Return the number of ties within `x[lo:hi]`. Assumes `x` is sorted.
+function countties(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
+ # Use of widen below prevents possible overflow errors when
+ # length(x) exceeds 2^16 (32 bit) or 2^32 (64 bit)
+ thistiecount = result = widen(0)
+ checkbounds(x, lo:hi)
+ @inbounds for i = (lo+1):hi
+ if x[i] == x[i-1]
+ thistiecount += 1
+ elseif thistiecount > 0
+ result += div(thistiecount * (thistiecount + 1), 2)
+ thistiecount = widen(0)
+ end
+ end
+ if thistiecount > 0
+ result += div(thistiecount * (thistiecount + 1), 2)
+ end
+ result
+# Tests appear to show that a value of 64 is optimal,
+# but note that the equivalent constant in base/sort.jl is 20.
+# merge_sort! copied from Julia Base
+# (commit 28330a2fef4d9d149ba0fd3ffa06347b50067647, dated 20 Sep 2020)
+ merge_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer,
+ t::AbstractVector=similar(v, 0))
+Mutates `v` by sorting elements `x[lo:hi]` using the merge sort algorithm.
+This method is a copy-paste-edit of sort! in base/sort.jl, amended to return the bubblesort
+function merge_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer,
+ t::AbstractVector=similar(v, 0))
+ # Use of widen below prevents possible overflow errors when
+ # length(v) exceeds 2^16 (32 bit) or 2^32 (64 bit)
+ nswaps = widen(0)
+ @inbounds if lo < hi
+ hi - lo <= SMALL_THRESHOLD && return insertion_sort!(v, lo, hi)
+ m = midpoint(lo, hi)
+ (length(t) < m - lo + 1) && resize!(t, m - lo + 1)
+ nswaps = merge_sort!(v, lo, m, t)
+ nswaps += merge_sort!(v, m + 1, hi, t)
+ i, j = 1, lo
+ while j <= m
+ t[i] = v[j]
+ i += 1
+ j += 1
+ end
+ i, k = 1, lo
+ while k < j <= hi
+ if v[j] < t[i]
+ v[k] = v[j]
+ j += 1
+ nswaps += m - lo + 1 - (i - 1)
+ else
+ v[k] = t[i]
+ i += 1
+ end
+ k += 1
+ end
+ while k < j
+ v[k] = t[i]
+ k += 1
+ i += 1
+ end
+ end
+ return nswaps
+# insertion_sort! and midpoint copied from Julia Base
+# (commit 28330a2fef4d9d149ba0fd3ffa06347b50067647, dated 20 Sep 2020)
+midpoint(lo::T, hi::T) where {T<:Integer} = lo + ((hi - lo) >>> 0x01)
+midpoint(lo::Integer, hi::Integer) = midpoint(promote(lo, hi)...)
+ insertion_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
+Mutates `v` by sorting elements `x[lo:hi]` using the insertion sort algorithm.
+This method is a copy-paste-edit of sort! in base/sort.jl, amended to return the bubblesort
+function insertion_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
+ if lo == hi
+ return widen(0)
+ end
+ nswaps = widen(0)
+ @inbounds for i = lo+1:hi
+ j = i
+ x = v[i]
+ while j > lo
+ if x < v[j-1]
+ nswaps += 1
+ v[j] = v[j-1]
+ j -= 1
+ continue
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ v[j] = x
+ end
+ return nswaps
+ handlepairwise(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}) where {T,U}
+Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `x` and `y`, in which elements `x[i]` and `y[i]`
+are filtered out if `ismissing(x[i])||ismissing(y[i])`.
+function handlepairwise(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}) where {T,U}
+ n = length(x)
+ a = Vector{T}(undef, n)
+ b = Vector{U}(undef, n)
+ j::Int = 0
+ @inbounds for i in eachindex(x)
+ if !(ismissing(x[i]) || ismissing(y[i]))
+ j += 1
+ a[j] = x[i]
+ b[j] = y[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return (resize!(a, j), resize!(b, j))
+ handlepairwise!(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
+ tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
+Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `(x,y)`, in which elements `x[i]` and
+`y[i]` are filtered out if `ismissing(x[i])||ismissing(y[i])`.
+function handlepairwise!(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
+ tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
+ j = 0
+ @inbounds for i in eachindex(x)
+ if !(ismissing(x[i]) || ismissing(y[i]))
+ j += 1
+ tx[j] = x[i]
+ ty[j] = y[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return (view(tx, 1:j), view(ty, 1:j))
+ handlelistwise(x::AbstractArray,y::AbstractArray,skipmissing::Symbol)
+If `skipmissing` is `:listwise` and `x` and `y` are both matrices then do listwise filtering
+of `x` and `y`. Otherwise merely validate `skipmissing` argument.
+function handlelistwise(x::AbstractArray, y::AbstractArray, skipmissing::Symbol)
+ if skipmissing == :listwise
+ if x isa Matrix && y isa Matrix
+ return (handlelistwise(x, y))
+ end
+ elseif skipmissing == :pairwise
+ elseif skipmissing == :none
+ if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
+ throw(ArgumentError("When missing is an allowed element type \
+ then keyword argument skipmissing must be either\
+ `:pairwise` or `:listwise`, but got `:$skipmissing`"))
+ end
+ else
+ if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
+ throw(ArgumentError("keyword argument skipmissing must be either \
+ `:pairwise` or `:listwise`, but got `:$skipmissing`"))
+ else
+ throw(ArgumentError("keyword argument skipmissing must be either \
+ `:pairwise`, `:listwise` or `:none` but got \
+ `:$skipmissing`"))
+ end
+ end
+ return (x, y)
+ handlelistwise(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}) where {T,U}
+Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `(x,y)`, in which the rows `x[i,:]` and
+`y[i,:]` are both filtered out if `any(ismissing,x[i,:])||any(ismissing,y[i,:])`.
+function handlelistwise(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}) where {T,U}
+ nrx, ncx = size(x)
+ nry, ncy = size(y)
+ nrx == nry || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
+ chooser = fill(true, nrx)
+ nrout = nrx
+ @inbounds for i = 1:nrx
+ for j = 1:ncx
+ if ismissing(x[i, j])
+ chooser[i] = false
+ nrout -= 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if chooser[i]
+ for j = 1:ncy
+ if ismissing(y[i, j])
+ chooser[i] = false
+ nrout -= 1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ a = Matrix{T}(undef, nrout, ncx)
+ @inbounds for j = 1:ncx
+ k = 0
+ for i = 1:nrx
+ if chooser[i]
+ k += 1
+ a[k, j] = x[i, j]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ b = Matrix{U}(undef, nrout, ncy)
+ @inbounds for j = 1:ncy
+ k = 0
+ for i = 1:nrx
+ if chooser[i]
+ k += 1
+ b[k, j] = y[i, j]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return (a, b)
\ No newline at end of file
From bafe4093990e5699f687b13bc34ba303f9502a83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Swannell <>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 12:05:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] work on "many threads but small correlation matrix"
...ced_allocations_prior_to_threaded_loop.svg | 1 +
plots/plot_1.svg | 1 +
plots/plot_2.svg | 1 +
...=> threading_with_too_much_allocation.svg} | 0
scripts/performancetests.jl | 2 +-
src/corkendall_experimental2.jl | 31 +++++++++----------
test/rankcorr.jl | 2 +-
7 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Test_of_reduced_allocations_prior_to_threaded_loop.svg
create mode 100644 plots/plot_1.svg
create mode 100644 plots/plot_2.svg
rename plots/{plot_24.svg => threading_with_too_much_allocation.svg} (100%)
diff --git a/Test_of_reduced_allocations_prior_to_threaded_loop.svg b/Test_of_reduced_allocations_prior_to_threaded_loop.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e92e981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test_of_reduced_allocations_prior_to_threaded_loop.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plots/plot_1.svg b/plots/plot_1.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7beb358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plots/plot_1.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plots/plot_2.svg b/plots/plot_2.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be7f940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plots/plot_2.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plots/plot_24.svg b/plots/threading_with_too_much_allocation.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from plots/plot_24.svg
rename to plots/threading_with_too_much_allocation.svg
diff --git a/scripts/performancetests.jl b/scripts/performancetests.jl
index 72946e9..6644dcb 100644
--- a/scripts/performancetests.jl
+++ b/scripts/performancetests.jl
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ function how_scaleable(fns, nr::Integer, ncs::Vector{<:Integer},
- scatter(x=ncs, y=datatoplot[:, i], mode="line", name=fullnameof(fns[i])) for i in 1:length(fns)], Layout(; title="Time to evaluate corkendall(x) vs num cols in x",
+ scatter(x=ncs, y=datatoplot[:, i], mode="line", name=fullnameof(fns[i])) for i in 1:length(fns)], Layout(; title="Time to evaluate corkendall(x) vs num cols in x ($(Threads.nthreads()) threads)",
xaxis=attr(title="Num cols (num rows = $nr)", type="log"),
yaxis=attr(title="Seconds", type="log")))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/corkendall_experimental2.jl b/src/corkendall_experimental2.jl
index 4c48b2d..39ef629 100644
--- a/src/corkendall_experimental2.jl
+++ b/src/corkendall_experimental2.jl
@@ -66,17 +66,14 @@ function corkendall(x::RoMVector, y::RoMMatrix; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
- duplicate(x)
+ duplicate(x, n)
-Construct a vector with `Threads.nthreads()` elements, each a copy of `x`.
+Construct a vector with `n` copies of `x`.
-function duplicate(x,n)
+function duplicate(x, n)
[copy(x) for _ in 1:n]
function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
symmetric = x === y
if size(x, 1) != size(y, 1)
@@ -101,8 +98,9 @@ function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:non
C = ones(Float64, nr, nc)
- ndups = min(Threads.nthreads(), symmetric ? nr - 1 : nr)
- use_atomic = ndups < Threads.nthreads()
+ #Avoid unnecessary allocation when nthreads is large but output matrix is small
+ n_duplicates = min(Threads.nthreads(), symmetric ? nr - 1 : nr)
+ use_atomic = n_duplicates < Threads.nthreads()
if use_atomic
a = Threads.Atomic{Int}(1)
@@ -110,19 +108,20 @@ function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:non
#= Create scratch vectors so that threaded code can be non-allocating. One vector per
thread to avoid cross-talk between threads.=#
- scratchyvectors = duplicate(similar(y, m),ndups)
- ycolis = duplicate(similar(y, m),ndups)
- xcoljsorteds = duplicate(similar(x, m),ndups)
- permxs = duplicate(zeros(Int, m),ndups)
- txs = duplicate(Vector{T}(undef, m),ndups)
- tys = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m),ndups)
- sortyspaces = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m),ndups)
+ scratchyvectors = duplicate(similar(y, m), n_duplicates)
+ ycolis = duplicate(similar(y, m), n_duplicates)
+ xcoljsorteds = duplicate(similar(x, m), n_duplicates)
+ permxs = duplicate(zeros(Int, m), n_duplicates)
+ txs = duplicate(Vector{T}(undef, m), n_duplicates)
+ tys = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m), n_duplicates)
+ sortyspaces = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m), n_duplicates)
Threads.@threads for j = (symmetric ? 2 : 1):nr
if use_atomic
id = Threads.atomic_add!(a, 1)[]
+ #=Check that threads are using distinct scratch vectors=#
+ @assert permxs[id][1] == 0
id = Threads.threadid()
diff --git a/test/rankcorr.jl b/test/rankcorr.jl
index 1c473be..f7e2255 100644
--- a/test/rankcorr.jl
+++ b/test/rankcorr.jl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ x2 = x[:, 2]
y = Y[:, 1]
# corkendall and friends
-for f in (KendallTau.corkendall, corkendall_naive)
+for f in (KendallTau.corkendall, corkendall_naive,KendallTau.Experimental.corkendall,KendallTau.Experimental2.corkendall)
println("f = $(Base.parentmodule(f)).$(Base.nameof(f))")
# Check error, handling of NaN, Inf etc
From 90f708eaa226d5c11e06033a38dcea5520fe7d41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Swannell <>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 12:17:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Ready to merge in to main branch
src/KendallTau.jl | 9 -
src/corkendall.jl | 50 ++--
src/corkendall_experimental.jl | 469 -------------------------------
src/corkendall_experimental2.jl | 480 --------------------------------
test/rankcorr.jl | 2 +-
5 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 982 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 src/corkendall_experimental.jl
delete mode 100644 src/corkendall_experimental2.jl
diff --git a/src/KendallTau.jl b/src/KendallTau.jl
index f73d882..a8fb998 100644
--- a/src/KendallTau.jl
+++ b/src/KendallTau.jl
@@ -3,15 +3,6 @@ module KendallTau
-module Experimental
-module Experimental2
export corkendall, corkendall_fromfile
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/corkendall.jl b/src/corkendall.jl
index f01dd24..42e218a 100644
--- a/src/corkendall.jl
+++ b/src/corkendall.jl
@@ -9,15 +9,12 @@ const RoMVector{T<:Real} = AbstractVector{<:Union{T,Missing}}
const RoMMatrix{T<:Real} = AbstractMatrix{<:Union{T,Missing}}
-TODO 16 Feb 2023
+TODO 17 Feb 2023
1) Should the default value of skipmissing be :none or :pairwise? :none forces the user to
- address question of how missings should be handled, but at least for REPL use, it's
+ address the question of how missings should be handled, but at least for REPL use, it's
rather inconvenient.
-2) KendallTau.corkendall currently slower than StatsBase.corkendall for very small
- vector\matrix output(4x4 or smaller, assuming vector length 1000) , presumably thanks to
- overhead of threading and populating the "scratch-space" vectors. Does this matter?
-3) Ask for code review?
-4) Make PR to StatsBase?
+2) Ask for code review?
+3) Make PR to StatsBase?
@@ -65,14 +62,6 @@ function corkendall(x::RoMVector, y::RoMMatrix; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
return (corkendall(reshape(x, (length(x), 1)), y; skipmissing))
- duplicate(x)
-Construct a vector with `Threads.nthreads()` elements, each a copy of `x`.
-function duplicate(x)
- [copy(x) for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
symmetric = x === y
@@ -98,20 +87,35 @@ function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:non
C = ones(Float64, nr, nc)
+ #Avoid unnecessary allocation when nthreads is large but output matrix is small.
+ n_duplicates = min(Threads.nthreads(), symmetric ? nr - 1 : nr)
+ use_atomic = n_duplicates < Threads.nthreads()
+ if use_atomic
+ a = Threads.Atomic{Int}(1)
+ end
#= Create scratch vectors so that threaded code can be non-allocating. One vector per
thread to avoid cross-talk between threads.=#
- scratchyvectors = duplicate(similar(y, m))
- ycolis = duplicate(similar(y, m))
- xcoljsorteds = duplicate(similar(x, m))
- permxs = duplicate(zeros(Int, m))
- txs = duplicate(Vector{T}(undef, m))
- tys = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m))
- sortyspaces = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m))
+ duplicate(x, n) = [copy(x) for _ in 1:n]
+ scratchyvectors = duplicate(similar(y, m), n_duplicates)
+ ycolis = duplicate(similar(y, m), n_duplicates)
+ xcoljsorteds = duplicate(similar(x, m), n_duplicates)
+ permxs = duplicate(zeros(Int, m), n_duplicates)
+ txs = duplicate(Vector{T}(undef, m), n_duplicates)
+ tys = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m), n_duplicates)
+ sortyspaces = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m), n_duplicates)
Threads.@threads for j = (symmetric ? 2 : 1):nr
- id = Threads.threadid()
+ if use_atomic
+ id = Threads.atomic_add!(a, 1)[]
+ #=Check that threads are using distinct scratch vectors=#
+ @assert permxs[id][1] == 0
+ else
+ id = Threads.threadid()
+ end
scratchyvector = scratchyvectors[id]
sortyspace = sortyspaces[id]
ycoli = ycolis[id]
diff --git a/src/corkendall_experimental.jl b/src/corkendall_experimental.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 620204a..0000000
--- a/src/corkendall_experimental.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-# Kendall correlation
-#RoM stands for "Real or Missing"
-const RoMVector{T<:Real} = AbstractVector{<:Union{T,Missing}}
-const RoMMatrix{T<:Real} = AbstractMatrix{<:Union{T,Missing}}
-TODO 16 Feb 2023
-1) Should the default value of skipmissing be :none or :pairwise? :none forces the user to
- address question of how missings should be handled, but at least for REPL use, it's
- rather inconvenient.
-2) KendallTau.corkendall currently slower than StatsBase.corkendall for very small
- vector\matrix output(4x4 or smaller, assuming vector length 1000) , presumably thanks to
- overhead of threading and populating the "scratch-space" vectors. Does this matter?
-3) Ask for code review?
-4) Make PR to StatsBase?
- corkendall(x, y=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
-Compute Kendall's rank correlation coefficient, τ. `x` and `y` must both be either
-vectors or matrices, with elements that are either real numbers or missing values.
-# Keyword argument
-- `skipmissing::Symbol=:none`: if `:none`, missing values in either `x` or `y`
- cause the function to raise an error. Use `:pairwise` to skip entries with a missing
- value in either of the two vectors used to calculate (an element of) the return. Use
- `:listwise` to skip entries where a missing value appears anywhere in a given row of `x`
- or `y`; note that this might drop a high proportion of entries.
-function corkendall(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
- length(x) == length(y) || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
- x, y = handlelistwise(x, y, skipmissing)
- if x isa Vector{Missing} || y isa Vector{Missing}
- return (NaN)
- end
- x = copy(x)
- y = copy(y)
- if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
- x, y = handlepairwise(x, y)
- end
- permx = sortperm(x)
- permute!(x, permx)
- return (corkendall_sorted!(x, y, permx, similar(y), similar(y), T[], U[]))
-#= Function returns a vector in this case, inconsistent with with Statistics.cor and
-StatsBase.corspearman. Fixing that is a breaking change. =#
-function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix, y::RoMVector; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
- return (vec(corkendall(x, reshape(y, (length(y), 1)); skipmissing)))
-function corkendall(x::RoMVector, y::RoMMatrix; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
- return (corkendall(reshape(x, (length(x), 1)), y; skipmissing))
-function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
- symmetric = x === y
- if size(x, 1) != size(y, 1)
- throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
- end
- #Swap x and y for more efficient threaded loop.
- if size(x, 2) < size(y, 2)
- return (collect(transpose(corkendall(y, x; skipmissing))))
- end
- x, y = handlelistwise(x, y, skipmissing)
- m, nr = size(x)
- nc = size(y, 2)
- if x isa Matrix{Missing} || y isa Matrix{Missing}
- if symmetric
- return (ifelse.((1:nr) .== (1:nc)', 1.0, NaN))
- else
- return (fill(NaN, nr, nc))
- end
- end
- C = ones(Float64, nr, nc)
- ndups = min(Threads.nthreads(), symmetric ? nr - 1 : nr)
- use_atomic = ndups < Threads.nthreads()
- if use_atomic
- a = Threads.Atomic{Int}(1)
- end
- #= Create scratch vectors so that threaded code can be non-allocating. One vector per
- thread to avoid cross-talk between threads.=#
- scratchyvectors = similar(y, m, ndups)
- ycolis = similar(y, m, ndups)
- xcoljsorteds = similar(x, m, ndups)
- permxs = zeros(Int, m, ndups)
- txs = Array{T}(undef, m, ndups)
- tys = Array{U}(undef, m, ndups)
- sortyspaces = Array{U}(undef, m, ndups)
- Threads.@threads for j = (symmetric ? 2 : 1):nr
- if use_atomic
- id = Threads.atomic_add!(a, 1)[]
- else
- id = Threads.threadid()
- end
- scratchyvector = view(scratchyvectors, :, id)
- sortyspace = view(sortyspaces, :, id)
- ycoli = view(ycolis, :, id)
- xcoljsorted = view(xcoljsorteds, :, id)
- permx = view(permxs, :, id)
- tx = view(txs, :, id)
- ty = view(tys, :, id)
- sortperm!(permx, view(x, :, j))
- @inbounds for k in eachindex(xcoljsorted)
- xcoljsorted[k] = x[permx[k], j]
- end
- for i = 1:(symmetric ? j - 1 : nc)
- ycoli .= view(y, :, i)
- C[j, i] = corkendall_sorted!(xcoljsorted, ycoli, permx, scratchyvector,
- sortyspace, tx, ty)
- symmetric && (C[i, j] = C[j, i])
- end
- end
- return C
-# Auxiliary functions for Kendall's rank correlation
-# Knight, William R. “A Computer Method for Calculating Kendall's Tau with Ungrouped Data.”
-# Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 61, no. 314, 1966, pp. 436–439.
- corkendall_sorted!(sortedx::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
- permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, scratchyvector::RoMVector, sortyspace::RoMVector,
- tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
-Kendall correlation between two vectors but this function omits the initial sorting of
-the first argument. So calculating Kendall correlation between `x` and `y` is a two stage
-process: a) sort `x` to get `sortedx`; b) call this function on `sortedx` and `y`, with
-subsequent arguments being:
-- `permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}`: the permutation that achieved the sorting of `x` to
- yield `sortedx`.
-- `scratchyvector::RoMVector`: a vector of the same element type and length as `y`; used
- to permute `y` without allocation.
-- `sortyspace::RoMVector`: a vector of the same element type and length as `y`; used
- (in the call to `merge_sort!`) to avoid allocations.
-- `tx, ty`: vectors of the same length as `x` and `y` whose element types match the types
- of the non-missing elements of `x` and `y` respectively; used (in the call to
- `handlepairwise!`) to avoid allocations.
-function corkendall_sorted!(sortedx::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
- permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, scratchyvector::RoMVector, sortyspace::RoMVector,
- tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
- @inbounds for i in eachindex(y)
- scratchyvector[i] = y[permx[i]]
- end
- if missing isa eltype(sortedx) || missing isa eltype(scratchyvector)
- sortedx, scratchyvector = handlepairwise!(sortedx, scratchyvector, tx, ty)
- end
- length(sortedx) >= 2 || return (NaN)
- shuffledy = scratchyvector
- if any(isnan, sortedx) || any(isnan, shuffledy)
- return NaN
- end
- n = length(sortedx)
- # Use widen to avoid overflows on both 32bit and 64bit
- npairs = div(widen(n) * (n - 1), 2)
- ntiesx = ndoubleties = nswaps = widen(0)
- k = 0
- @inbounds for i = 2:n
- if sortedx[i-1] == sortedx[i]
- k += 1
- elseif k > 0
- #=
- Sort the corresponding chunk of shuffledy, so the rows of hcat(sortedx,shuffledy)
- are sorted first on sortedx, then (where sortedx values are tied) on shuffledy.
- Hence double ties can be counted by calling countties.
- =#
- sort!(view(shuffledy, (i-k-1):(i-1)))
- ntiesx += div(widen(k) * (k + 1), 2) # Must use wide integers here
- ndoubleties += countties(shuffledy, i - k - 1, i - 1)
- k = 0
- end
- end
- if k > 0
- sort!(view(shuffledy, (n-k):n))
- ntiesx += div(widen(k) * (k + 1), 2)
- ndoubleties += countties(shuffledy, n - k, n)
- end
- nswaps = merge_sort!(shuffledy, 1, n, sortyspace)
- ntiesy = countties(shuffledy, 1, n)
- # Calls to float below prevent possible overflow errors when
- # length(sortedx) exceeds 77_936 (32 bit) or 5_107_605_667 (64 bit)
- (npairs + ndoubleties - ntiesx - ntiesy - 2 * nswaps) /
- sqrt(float(npairs - ntiesx) * float(npairs - ntiesy))
- countties(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
-Return the number of ties within `x[lo:hi]`. Assumes `x` is sorted.
-function countties(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
- # Use of widen below prevents possible overflow errors when
- # length(x) exceeds 2^16 (32 bit) or 2^32 (64 bit)
- thistiecount = result = widen(0)
- checkbounds(x, lo:hi)
- @inbounds for i = (lo+1):hi
- if x[i] == x[i-1]
- thistiecount += 1
- elseif thistiecount > 0
- result += div(thistiecount * (thistiecount + 1), 2)
- thistiecount = widen(0)
- end
- end
- if thistiecount > 0
- result += div(thistiecount * (thistiecount + 1), 2)
- end
- result
-# Tests appear to show that a value of 64 is optimal,
-# but note that the equivalent constant in base/sort.jl is 20.
-# merge_sort! copied from Julia Base
-# (commit 28330a2fef4d9d149ba0fd3ffa06347b50067647, dated 20 Sep 2020)
- merge_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer,
- t::AbstractVector=similar(v, 0))
-Mutates `v` by sorting elements `x[lo:hi]` using the merge sort algorithm.
-This method is a copy-paste-edit of sort! in base/sort.jl, amended to return the bubblesort
-function merge_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer,
- t::AbstractVector=similar(v, 0))
- # Use of widen below prevents possible overflow errors when
- # length(v) exceeds 2^16 (32 bit) or 2^32 (64 bit)
- nswaps = widen(0)
- @inbounds if lo < hi
- hi - lo <= SMALL_THRESHOLD && return insertion_sort!(v, lo, hi)
- m = midpoint(lo, hi)
- (length(t) < m - lo + 1) && resize!(t, m - lo + 1)
- nswaps = merge_sort!(v, lo, m, t)
- nswaps += merge_sort!(v, m + 1, hi, t)
- i, j = 1, lo
- while j <= m
- t[i] = v[j]
- i += 1
- j += 1
- end
- i, k = 1, lo
- while k < j <= hi
- if v[j] < t[i]
- v[k] = v[j]
- j += 1
- nswaps += m - lo + 1 - (i - 1)
- else
- v[k] = t[i]
- i += 1
- end
- k += 1
- end
- while k < j
- v[k] = t[i]
- k += 1
- i += 1
- end
- end
- return nswaps
-# insertion_sort! and midpoint copied from Julia Base
-# (commit 28330a2fef4d9d149ba0fd3ffa06347b50067647, dated 20 Sep 2020)
-midpoint(lo::T, hi::T) where {T<:Integer} = lo + ((hi - lo) >>> 0x01)
-midpoint(lo::Integer, hi::Integer) = midpoint(promote(lo, hi)...)
- insertion_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
-Mutates `v` by sorting elements `x[lo:hi]` using the insertion sort algorithm.
-This method is a copy-paste-edit of sort! in base/sort.jl, amended to return the bubblesort
-function insertion_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
- if lo == hi
- return widen(0)
- end
- nswaps = widen(0)
- @inbounds for i = lo+1:hi
- j = i
- x = v[i]
- while j > lo
- if x < v[j-1]
- nswaps += 1
- v[j] = v[j-1]
- j -= 1
- continue
- end
- break
- end
- v[j] = x
- end
- return nswaps
- handlepairwise(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}) where {T,U}
-Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `x` and `y`, in which elements `x[i]` and `y[i]`
-are filtered out if `ismissing(x[i])||ismissing(y[i])`.
-function handlepairwise(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}) where {T,U}
- n = length(x)
- a = Vector{T}(undef, n)
- b = Vector{U}(undef, n)
- j::Int = 0
- @inbounds for i in eachindex(x)
- if !(ismissing(x[i]) || ismissing(y[i]))
- j += 1
- a[j] = x[i]
- b[j] = y[i]
- end
- end
- return (resize!(a, j), resize!(b, j))
- handlepairwise!(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
- tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
-Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `(x,y)`, in which elements `x[i]` and
-`y[i]` are filtered out if `ismissing(x[i])||ismissing(y[i])`.
-function handlepairwise!(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
- tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
- j = 0
- @inbounds for i in eachindex(x)
- if !(ismissing(x[i]) || ismissing(y[i]))
- j += 1
- tx[j] = x[i]
- ty[j] = y[i]
- end
- end
- return (view(tx, 1:j), view(ty, 1:j))
- handlelistwise(x::AbstractArray,y::AbstractArray,skipmissing::Symbol)
-If `skipmissing` is `:listwise` and `x` and `y` are both matrices then do listwise filtering
-of `x` and `y`. Otherwise merely validate `skipmissing` argument.
-function handlelistwise(x::AbstractArray, y::AbstractArray, skipmissing::Symbol)
- if skipmissing == :listwise
- if x isa Matrix && y isa Matrix
- return (handlelistwise(x, y))
- end
- elseif skipmissing == :pairwise
- elseif skipmissing == :none
- if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
- throw(ArgumentError("When missing is an allowed element type \
- then keyword argument skipmissing must be either\
- `:pairwise` or `:listwise`, but got `:$skipmissing`"))
- end
- else
- if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
- throw(ArgumentError("keyword argument skipmissing must be either \
- `:pairwise` or `:listwise`, but got `:$skipmissing`"))
- else
- throw(ArgumentError("keyword argument skipmissing must be either \
- `:pairwise`, `:listwise` or `:none` but got \
- `:$skipmissing`"))
- end
- end
- return (x, y)
- handlelistwise(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}) where {T,U}
-Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `(x,y)`, in which the rows `x[i,:]` and
-`y[i,:]` are both filtered out if `any(ismissing,x[i,:])||any(ismissing,y[i,:])`.
-function handlelistwise(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}) where {T,U}
- nrx, ncx = size(x)
- nry, ncy = size(y)
- nrx == nry || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
- chooser = fill(true, nrx)
- nrout = nrx
- @inbounds for i = 1:nrx
- for j = 1:ncx
- if ismissing(x[i, j])
- chooser[i] = false
- nrout -= 1
- break
- end
- end
- if chooser[i]
- for j = 1:ncy
- if ismissing(y[i, j])
- chooser[i] = false
- nrout -= 1
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- a = Matrix{T}(undef, nrout, ncx)
- @inbounds for j = 1:ncx
- k = 0
- for i = 1:nrx
- if chooser[i]
- k += 1
- a[k, j] = x[i, j]
- end
- end
- end
- b = Matrix{U}(undef, nrout, ncy)
- @inbounds for j = 1:ncy
- k = 0
- for i = 1:nrx
- if chooser[i]
- k += 1
- b[k, j] = y[i, j]
- end
- end
- end
- return (a, b)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/corkendall_experimental2.jl b/src/corkendall_experimental2.jl
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-# Kendall correlation
-#RoM stands for "Real or Missing"
-const RoMVector{T<:Real} = AbstractVector{<:Union{T,Missing}}
-const RoMMatrix{T<:Real} = AbstractMatrix{<:Union{T,Missing}}
-TODO 16 Feb 2023
-1) Should the default value of skipmissing be :none or :pairwise? :none forces the user to
- address question of how missings should be handled, but at least for REPL use, it's
- rather inconvenient.
-2) KendallTau.corkendall currently slower than StatsBase.corkendall for very small
- vector\matrix output(4x4 or smaller, assuming vector length 1000) , presumably thanks to
- overhead of threading and populating the "scratch-space" vectors. Does this matter?
-3) Ask for code review?
-4) Make PR to StatsBase?
- corkendall(x, y=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
-Compute Kendall's rank correlation coefficient, τ. `x` and `y` must both be either
-vectors or matrices, with elements that are either real numbers or missing values.
-# Keyword argument
-- `skipmissing::Symbol=:none`: if `:none`, missing values in either `x` or `y`
- cause the function to raise an error. Use `:pairwise` to skip entries with a missing
- value in either of the two vectors used to calculate (an element of) the return. Use
- `:listwise` to skip entries where a missing value appears anywhere in a given row of `x`
- or `y`; note that this might drop a high proportion of entries.
-function corkendall(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
- length(x) == length(y) || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
- x, y = handlelistwise(x, y, skipmissing)
- if x isa Vector{Missing} || y isa Vector{Missing}
- return (NaN)
- end
- x = copy(x)
- y = copy(y)
- if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
- x, y = handlepairwise(x, y)
- end
- permx = sortperm(x)
- permute!(x, permx)
- return (corkendall_sorted!(x, y, permx, similar(y), similar(y), T[], U[]))
-#= Function returns a vector in this case, inconsistent with with Statistics.cor and
-StatsBase.corspearman. Fixing that is a breaking change. =#
-function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix, y::RoMVector; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
- return (vec(corkendall(x, reshape(y, (length(y), 1)); skipmissing)))
-function corkendall(x::RoMVector, y::RoMMatrix; skipmissing::Symbol=:none)
- return (corkendall(reshape(x, (length(x), 1)), y; skipmissing))
- duplicate(x, n)
-Construct a vector with `n` copies of `x`.
-function duplicate(x, n)
- [copy(x) for _ in 1:n]
-function corkendall(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}=x; skipmissing::Symbol=:none) where {T,U}
- symmetric = x === y
- if size(x, 1) != size(y, 1)
- throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
- end
- #Swap x and y for more efficient threaded loop.
- if size(x, 2) < size(y, 2)
- return (collect(transpose(corkendall(y, x; skipmissing))))
- end
- x, y = handlelistwise(x, y, skipmissing)
- m, nr = size(x)
- nc = size(y, 2)
- if x isa Matrix{Missing} || y isa Matrix{Missing}
- if symmetric
- return (ifelse.((1:nr) .== (1:nc)', 1.0, NaN))
- else
- return (fill(NaN, nr, nc))
- end
- end
- C = ones(Float64, nr, nc)
- #Avoid unnecessary allocation when nthreads is large but output matrix is small
- n_duplicates = min(Threads.nthreads(), symmetric ? nr - 1 : nr)
- use_atomic = n_duplicates < Threads.nthreads()
- if use_atomic
- a = Threads.Atomic{Int}(1)
- end
- #= Create scratch vectors so that threaded code can be non-allocating. One vector per
- thread to avoid cross-talk between threads.=#
- scratchyvectors = duplicate(similar(y, m), n_duplicates)
- ycolis = duplicate(similar(y, m), n_duplicates)
- xcoljsorteds = duplicate(similar(x, m), n_duplicates)
- permxs = duplicate(zeros(Int, m), n_duplicates)
- txs = duplicate(Vector{T}(undef, m), n_duplicates)
- tys = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m), n_duplicates)
- sortyspaces = duplicate(Vector{U}(undef, m), n_duplicates)
- Threads.@threads for j = (symmetric ? 2 : 1):nr
- if use_atomic
- id = Threads.atomic_add!(a, 1)[]
- #=Check that threads are using distinct scratch vectors=#
- @assert permxs[id][1] == 0
- else
- id = Threads.threadid()
- end
- scratchyvector = scratchyvectors[id]
- sortyspace = sortyspaces[id]
- ycoli = ycolis[id]
- xcoljsorted = xcoljsorteds[id]
- permx = permxs[id]
- tx = txs[id]
- ty = tys[id]
- sortperm!(permx, view(x, :, j))
- @inbounds for k in eachindex(xcoljsorted)
- xcoljsorted[k] = x[permx[k], j]
- end
- for i = 1:(symmetric ? j - 1 : nc)
- ycoli .= view(y, :, i)
- C[j, i] = corkendall_sorted!(xcoljsorted, ycoli, permx, scratchyvector,
- sortyspace, tx, ty)
- symmetric && (C[i, j] = C[j, i])
- end
- end
- return C
-# Auxiliary functions for Kendall's rank correlation
-# Knight, William R. “A Computer Method for Calculating Kendall's Tau with Ungrouped Data.”
-# Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 61, no. 314, 1966, pp. 436–439.
- corkendall_sorted!(sortedx::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
- permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, scratchyvector::RoMVector, sortyspace::RoMVector,
- tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
-Kendall correlation between two vectors but this function omits the initial sorting of
-the first argument. So calculating Kendall correlation between `x` and `y` is a two stage
-process: a) sort `x` to get `sortedx`; b) call this function on `sortedx` and `y`, with
-subsequent arguments being:
-- `permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}`: the permutation that achieved the sorting of `x` to
- yield `sortedx`.
-- `scratchyvector::RoMVector`: a vector of the same element type and length as `y`; used
- to permute `y` without allocation.
-- `sortyspace::RoMVector`: a vector of the same element type and length as `y`; used
- (in the call to `merge_sort!`) to avoid allocations.
-- `tx, ty`: vectors of the same length as `x` and `y` whose element types match the types
- of the non-missing elements of `x` and `y` respectively; used (in the call to
- `handlepairwise!`) to avoid allocations.
-function corkendall_sorted!(sortedx::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
- permx::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, scratchyvector::RoMVector, sortyspace::RoMVector,
- tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
- @inbounds for i in eachindex(y)
- scratchyvector[i] = y[permx[i]]
- end
- if missing isa eltype(sortedx) || missing isa eltype(scratchyvector)
- sortedx, scratchyvector = handlepairwise!(sortedx, scratchyvector, tx, ty)
- end
- length(sortedx) >= 2 || return (NaN)
- shuffledy = scratchyvector
- if any(isnan, sortedx) || any(isnan, shuffledy)
- return NaN
- end
- n = length(sortedx)
- # Use widen to avoid overflows on both 32bit and 64bit
- npairs = div(widen(n) * (n - 1), 2)
- ntiesx = ndoubleties = nswaps = widen(0)
- k = 0
- @inbounds for i = 2:n
- if sortedx[i-1] == sortedx[i]
- k += 1
- elseif k > 0
- #=
- Sort the corresponding chunk of shuffledy, so the rows of hcat(sortedx,shuffledy)
- are sorted first on sortedx, then (where sortedx values are tied) on shuffledy.
- Hence double ties can be counted by calling countties.
- =#
- sort!(view(shuffledy, (i-k-1):(i-1)))
- ntiesx += div(widen(k) * (k + 1), 2) # Must use wide integers here
- ndoubleties += countties(shuffledy, i - k - 1, i - 1)
- k = 0
- end
- end
- if k > 0
- sort!(view(shuffledy, (n-k):n))
- ntiesx += div(widen(k) * (k + 1), 2)
- ndoubleties += countties(shuffledy, n - k, n)
- end
- nswaps = merge_sort!(shuffledy, 1, n, sortyspace)
- ntiesy = countties(shuffledy, 1, n)
- # Calls to float below prevent possible overflow errors when
- # length(sortedx) exceeds 77_936 (32 bit) or 5_107_605_667 (64 bit)
- (npairs + ndoubleties - ntiesx - ntiesy - 2 * nswaps) /
- sqrt(float(npairs - ntiesx) * float(npairs - ntiesy))
- countties(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
-Return the number of ties within `x[lo:hi]`. Assumes `x` is sorted.
-function countties(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
- # Use of widen below prevents possible overflow errors when
- # length(x) exceeds 2^16 (32 bit) or 2^32 (64 bit)
- thistiecount = result = widen(0)
- checkbounds(x, lo:hi)
- @inbounds for i = (lo+1):hi
- if x[i] == x[i-1]
- thistiecount += 1
- elseif thistiecount > 0
- result += div(thistiecount * (thistiecount + 1), 2)
- thistiecount = widen(0)
- end
- end
- if thistiecount > 0
- result += div(thistiecount * (thistiecount + 1), 2)
- end
- result
-# Tests appear to show that a value of 64 is optimal,
-# but note that the equivalent constant in base/sort.jl is 20.
-# merge_sort! copied from Julia Base
-# (commit 28330a2fef4d9d149ba0fd3ffa06347b50067647, dated 20 Sep 2020)
- merge_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer,
- t::AbstractVector=similar(v, 0))
-Mutates `v` by sorting elements `x[lo:hi]` using the merge sort algorithm.
-This method is a copy-paste-edit of sort! in base/sort.jl, amended to return the bubblesort
-function merge_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer,
- t::AbstractVector=similar(v, 0))
- # Use of widen below prevents possible overflow errors when
- # length(v) exceeds 2^16 (32 bit) or 2^32 (64 bit)
- nswaps = widen(0)
- @inbounds if lo < hi
- hi - lo <= SMALL_THRESHOLD && return insertion_sort!(v, lo, hi)
- m = midpoint(lo, hi)
- (length(t) < m - lo + 1) && resize!(t, m - lo + 1)
- nswaps = merge_sort!(v, lo, m, t)
- nswaps += merge_sort!(v, m + 1, hi, t)
- i, j = 1, lo
- while j <= m
- t[i] = v[j]
- i += 1
- j += 1
- end
- i, k = 1, lo
- while k < j <= hi
- if v[j] < t[i]
- v[k] = v[j]
- j += 1
- nswaps += m - lo + 1 - (i - 1)
- else
- v[k] = t[i]
- i += 1
- end
- k += 1
- end
- while k < j
- v[k] = t[i]
- k += 1
- i += 1
- end
- end
- return nswaps
-# insertion_sort! and midpoint copied from Julia Base
-# (commit 28330a2fef4d9d149ba0fd3ffa06347b50067647, dated 20 Sep 2020)
-midpoint(lo::T, hi::T) where {T<:Integer} = lo + ((hi - lo) >>> 0x01)
-midpoint(lo::Integer, hi::Integer) = midpoint(promote(lo, hi)...)
- insertion_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
-Mutates `v` by sorting elements `x[lo:hi]` using the insertion sort algorithm.
-This method is a copy-paste-edit of sort! in base/sort.jl, amended to return the bubblesort
-function insertion_sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer)
- if lo == hi
- return widen(0)
- end
- nswaps = widen(0)
- @inbounds for i = lo+1:hi
- j = i
- x = v[i]
- while j > lo
- if x < v[j-1]
- nswaps += 1
- v[j] = v[j-1]
- j -= 1
- continue
- end
- break
- end
- v[j] = x
- end
- return nswaps
- handlepairwise(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}) where {T,U}
-Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `x` and `y`, in which elements `x[i]` and `y[i]`
-are filtered out if `ismissing(x[i])||ismissing(y[i])`.
-function handlepairwise(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U}) where {T,U}
- n = length(x)
- a = Vector{T}(undef, n)
- b = Vector{U}(undef, n)
- j::Int = 0
- @inbounds for i in eachindex(x)
- if !(ismissing(x[i]) || ismissing(y[i]))
- j += 1
- a[j] = x[i]
- b[j] = y[i]
- end
- end
- return (resize!(a, j), resize!(b, j))
- handlepairwise!(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
- tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
-Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `(x,y)`, in which elements `x[i]` and
-`y[i]` are filtered out if `ismissing(x[i])||ismissing(y[i])`.
-function handlepairwise!(x::RoMVector{T}, y::RoMVector{U},
- tx::AbstractVector{T}, ty::AbstractVector{U}) where {T,U}
- j = 0
- @inbounds for i in eachindex(x)
- if !(ismissing(x[i]) || ismissing(y[i]))
- j += 1
- tx[j] = x[i]
- ty[j] = y[i]
- end
- end
- return (view(tx, 1:j), view(ty, 1:j))
- handlelistwise(x::AbstractArray,y::AbstractArray,skipmissing::Symbol)
-If `skipmissing` is `:listwise` and `x` and `y` are both matrices then do listwise filtering
-of `x` and `y`. Otherwise merely validate `skipmissing` argument.
-function handlelistwise(x::AbstractArray, y::AbstractArray, skipmissing::Symbol)
- if skipmissing == :listwise
- if x isa Matrix && y isa Matrix
- return (handlelistwise(x, y))
- end
- elseif skipmissing == :pairwise
- elseif skipmissing == :none
- if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
- throw(ArgumentError("When missing is an allowed element type \
- then keyword argument skipmissing must be either\
- `:pairwise` or `:listwise`, but got `:$skipmissing`"))
- end
- else
- if missing isa eltype(x) || missing isa eltype(y)
- throw(ArgumentError("keyword argument skipmissing must be either \
- `:pairwise` or `:listwise`, but got `:$skipmissing`"))
- else
- throw(ArgumentError("keyword argument skipmissing must be either \
- `:pairwise`, `:listwise` or `:none` but got \
- `:$skipmissing`"))
- end
- end
- return (x, y)
- handlelistwise(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}) where {T,U}
-Return a pair `(a,b)`, filtered copies of `(x,y)`, in which the rows `x[i,:]` and
-`y[i,:]` are both filtered out if `any(ismissing,x[i,:])||any(ismissing,y[i,:])`.
-function handlelistwise(x::RoMMatrix{T}, y::RoMMatrix{U}) where {T,U}
- nrx, ncx = size(x)
- nry, ncy = size(y)
- nrx == nry || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y have inconsistent dimensions"))
- chooser = fill(true, nrx)
- nrout = nrx
- @inbounds for i = 1:nrx
- for j = 1:ncx
- if ismissing(x[i, j])
- chooser[i] = false
- nrout -= 1
- break
- end
- end
- if chooser[i]
- for j = 1:ncy
- if ismissing(y[i, j])
- chooser[i] = false
- nrout -= 1
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- a = Matrix{T}(undef, nrout, ncx)
- @inbounds for j = 1:ncx
- k = 0
- for i = 1:nrx
- if chooser[i]
- k += 1
- a[k, j] = x[i, j]
- end
- end
- end
- b = Matrix{U}(undef, nrout, ncy)
- @inbounds for j = 1:ncy
- k = 0
- for i = 1:nrx
- if chooser[i]
- k += 1
- b[k, j] = y[i, j]
- end
- end
- end
- return (a, b)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rankcorr.jl b/test/rankcorr.jl
index f7e2255..1c473be 100644
--- a/test/rankcorr.jl
+++ b/test/rankcorr.jl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ x2 = x[:, 2]
y = Y[:, 1]
# corkendall and friends
-for f in (KendallTau.corkendall, corkendall_naive,KendallTau.Experimental.corkendall,KendallTau.Experimental2.corkendall)
+for f in (KendallTau.corkendall, corkendall_naive)
println("f = $(Base.parentmodule(f)).$(Base.nameof(f))")
# Check error, handling of NaN, Inf etc