This is a simple quiz game application built using Python and the Tkinter library. The game allows users to select a favorite topic and answer a series of multiple-choice questions related to that topic.It keeps track of the user's scores, provides feedback on correct and incorrect answers, and displays the final results at the end of the quiz.
1.User-friendly GUI interface.
2.Choose between two interesting topics: Movies and Galaxies.
3.Answer 10 questions for each selected topic.
4.Immediate feedback on correct and incorrect answers.
5.Display of final results and scores for each topic.
6.Retry option to start a new quiz.
1.Python 3.x
2.Tkinter library (usually included with Python)
1.Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone:
2.Navigate to the project directory:
cd quiz-game-project
3.Run the application using Python:
1.The game will start with a welcome screen. Click the "Start" button to begin.
2.Select your favorite topic (Movies or Galaxies) and click the "Start Quiz" button.
3.Answer the questions presented one by one. Click on the option you believe is correct.
4.Receive immediate feedback after answering each question.
Once you've completed the quiz, the final results and scores for the selected topic will be displayed.
5.You can retry the quiz by clicking the "Retry" button.
This project was developed by Rajath Kumar V. You can find me on GitHub.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.