- Common style guide followed across all openst repos using prettier (openst-platform#156)
- Environment variables were a hard dependency. The flexibility of creating two different instances of platform was not possible. For Example: If an application wants to interact with multiple utility chains. With environment variables they could only interact with the one set in the variables. Interacting with multiple utility chains was not possible. To achieve this flexibility, we now take configuration as OpenST Platform constructor params and then use the config in place of environment variables, where-ever needed. This allows platform to connect to a configured set of services - Redis , Memcache, DynamoDB, Geth. After this change the application using OpenST Platform will create different configurations, instantiate platform for each configuration and then communicate with respective (appropriate) platform instance. (openst-platform#152)
#####OpenST-storage and dynamoDB integration for token balances (openst-platform#136) Now the balances (settled and unsettled debits) are being stored in DynamoDB. Openst-Storage takes care of implementing the model class for DynamoDB tables and is integrated in OpenST-Platform in this release. Cache for token balances is now responsibility of the OpenST-Storage module and is removed from OpenST-Platform module.
Logger, response helper, promise context, promise queue manager and web3 from OpenST Base is now used in OpenST platform. OpenST Base repository was created and all the common functionality which different openst modules need were moved to it.
Web socket connection to Geth is now being used and preferred over RPC connection in OpenST platform.
Stake and mint processor inter chain communicator now publishes update notifications for each step completion.
OpenST platform module has exposed core ABI files for all the contracts which can be used by users to deploy these contracts, listen events, etc.
Log level support was introduced and non-important logs were moved to debug log level.
Standardized error codes are now being used in OpenST platform.
In this release OpenST platform is published as a node module, now independent development can be supported using platform as the base layer. Sample restful APIs have been released in a separate repository Sample Restful APIs. Various services are exposed for handling tasks involved in on boarding, get balance, stake & mint and transactions.
Auto registration is introduced after propose branded token to support requests coming from sandbox environments.
Deployment of platform was simplified to help developers to quickly get platform up and running.
There was a limitation in the earlier stake and mint process because the keystore files needed to be there on both utility chain geth node and value chain geth node for staker and redeemer addresses. This was solved by change in process in which all the transactions are now done by a single address and the beneficiary address is credited with the desired value in terms of Branded tokens in stake & mint and in terms of Simple tokens in redeem and unstake. Process staking, process minting and claim is now to be done using inter chain communicator.
Event listening using web3 websocket provider in inter chain communicator was not robust to process restarts and network glitches. To solve this, the approach was changed to scanning each block and maintaining the last processed block in a file. So if the process restarts, the processing continues from where it left and events are not missed.
Inter chain communicators now have SIGINT handling. The current processing is completed and then the process stops gracefully.
Stake and mint inter chain communicator needs to confirm staking intent hash in the same order in which it was generated, i.e. in the order of staking nonce. This was solved by adding the option to process events sequentially for the events.
OpenST Cache was developed to replace "in process" caching implemented in previous version, which became inconsistent in presence of multiple workers/processes. Caching layer now provide Redis, Memcached and none (in process) options to suite the platform run environment. Decision of which caching layer to use is governed by an ENV variable 'OST_CACHING_ENGINE'.
OpenST Notification was developed to publish events into RabbitMQ. OpenST Platform sends critical events which help subscribers to maintain the state of various transactions.
Detailed changelog:
- Platform Sample Restful APIs in separate repository (openst-platform#97)
- Publish platform as node module (openst-platform#98)
- Simplified platform setup for development and test environments (openst-platform#99)
- Service for following tasks were exposed out of the platform module:
- Get transaction receipt(openst-platform#109)
- Services for transfer of branded tokens, simple tokens, eth and simple token prime(openst-platform#108)
- Stake and mint (openst-platform#107)
- On Boarding service - propose branded token (openst-platform#105)
- On Boarding service - get registration information (openst-platform#102)
- Get balance services for Simple Token, Simple Token Prime, Eth and Branded Token (openst-platform#104)
- Service to do approve on branded token contract. (openst-platform#119)
- Service for estimating gas for a transaction (openst-platform#120)
- Service to generate new address having keystore file on a particular chain's geth machine (openst-platform#121)
- Generate raw key via a service (openst-platform#122)
- Get branded token details using a uuid via a service (openst-platform#123)
- Service to get geth status to help writing apis around it (openst-platform#124)
- Enable auto-register on both chains after proposal using an Inter chain communicator (openst-platform#101)
- Stake and mint process changes (openst-platform#106)
- Inter chain communicator should depend on block scanning and not websocket events (openst-platform#116)
- Inter chain communicators to have SIGINT handling (openst-platform#117)
- Stake and mint inter chain communicator needs to confirm staking intent hash in the same order in which it was generated, i.e. in the order of staking nonce. (openst-platform#118)
- Integrate openst-cache in platform (openst-platform#96)
- Publish events from platform (openst-platform#100)
- Cache flush not happening in stake and mint for branded token (openst-platform#76)
- Fixed - Scripts: variables/members are appended and not overwritten (openst-platform#94)
- Fixed - Scripts: make confirmations case-insensitive and clarify fails (openst-platform#84)
- Fixed - Failed to unlock Reserve (openst-platform#95)
openst-platform v0.9.1 December 19 2017
This release enables developers to replicate the OpenST protocol on the Ethereum mainnet leveraging the scalability and performance capabilities of OpenST defined blockchains, and stake and mint branded token.
Connecting Geth to Utility Chain
Users can download and execute shell script to connect to utility chain.
Main-Net Utility Chain
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.simpletoken.com/scripts/setup_uc_1411_node.sh sh setup_uc_1411_node.sh
Test-Net Utility Chain
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.simpletoken.com/scripts/setup_uc_1410_node.sh sh setup_uc_1410_node.sh
Development Environment
- Scripts to setup local Value Chain & Utility Chain for development/testing purposes have been provided. Please refer test/README.md
- The Deployment script has been split into three parts:
- tools/deploy/openst_and_registrar_value.js
- Deploys Registrar Contract on value chain.
- Deploys OpenST Value Contract on value chain.
- tools/deploy/openst_stprime_registrar_utility.js
- Deploys Registrar contract on utility chain.
- Deploys openSTUtility contract on utility chain.
- Deploys STPrime contract on utility chain.
- tools/deploy/core_and_register_utility_token_value.js
- Deploys ValueCore contract.
- tools/deploy/openst_and_registrar_value.js
- Intercom Services:
Intercom services are responsible for transferring information between value chain & utility chain by listening to events.
The intercom transfers information using registrar contracts. Services:
- executables/inter_comm/stake_and_mint.js
- Listens: StakingIntentDeclared event on value chain.
- Action: confirms staking intent on utility chain.
- executables/inter_comm/redeem_and_unstake.js
- Listens: RedemptionIntentDeclared event on utility chain.
- Action: Confirms redemption intent on value chain.
- executables/inter_comm/stake_and_mint.js
Stake And Mint Tools:
- tools/stake_and_mint/for_st_prime.js
- Stakes
Simple Token
on the value chain and mintsSimple Token Prime
on the utility chain. - By default, Staker Address is Utility-Chain Owner Address
- Stakes
- tools/stake_and_mint/for_branded_token.js
- Stakes
Simple Token
on the value chain and mintsBranded Token
on the utility chain.
- Stakes
- tools/stake_and_mint/for_st_prime.js
Redeem And Unstake Tools:
- tools/unstake_and_redeem/for_st_prime.js
- Redeems
Simple Token Prime
on the utility chain and unstakesSimple Token
on the value chain.
- Redeems
- tools/unstake_and_redeem/for_branded_token.js
- Redeems
Branded Token
on the utility chain and unstakessimple-token
on the value chain.
- Redeems
- tools/unstake_and_redeem/for_st_prime.js
- All branded token API have been moved to /bt/[SYMBOL]/
- Standard format for API has been updated. New format:
success: true/false /*Indicates if API call was successful or not. */
data: {
... /* Any data that is expected from API.*/
error: { /* If an error occours, the error details */
code: "[ERROR_CODE]",
- Available API
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/
- Serves as health check for the
Branded Token
- Serves as health check for the
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/reserve
- Returns the reserve address associated with
Branded Token
- Returns the reserve address associated with
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/name
- Returns the
Branded Token
- Returns the
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/uuid
- Returns the UUID of the
Branded Token
- Returns the UUID of the
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/symbol
- Returns the symbol of the
Branded Token
- Returns the symbol of the
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/decimals
- Returns the decimals configured in the
Branded Token
- Returns the decimals configured in the
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/totalSupply
- Returns the total supply of
Branded Token
- Returns the total supply of
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/balanceOf?owner=[OWNER]
- Returns the amount of
Branded Token
owned by the address [OWNER]
- Returns the amount of
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/newkey
- Creates a new managed user key and returns the address.
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/transfer?sender=[SENDER]&to=[RECIPIENT]&amount=[AMOUNT]&tag=[TRANSFER_TAG].
- Transfers specified [AMOUNT]
Branded Tokens
from SENDER address to RECIPIENT address. - Also returns TRANSACTION_UUID generated for the transaction. This TRANSACTION_UUID can be used fetch transaction logs.
- Notes:
- RESERVE address must be managed address created using tools/init_utility_token script.
- SENDER address must be managed address created using /bt/[SYMBOL]/newkey Api.
- The RESERVE address also transfers ST Prime to the sender address if sender address does not have sufficient ST Prime to carry out the transfer.
- Transfers specified [AMOUNT]
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/failed-transactions
- Returns an array of failed TRANSACTION_UUID(s).
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/pending-transactions
- Returns an array of TRANSACTION_UUID(s) that are currently in progress.
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/transaction-logs?transactionUUID=[TRANSACTION_UUID]
- Returns the transaction logs associated with TRANSACTION_UUID.
- /bt/[SYMBOL]/
openst-platform v0.9.0 November 8 2017
Initial release of the OpenST platform as used in the demonstration video.
Starting the chains and the nodejs app starts a full dev environment to start building on top of the OpenST platform: