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Ability System

The Ability System (AS) is a set of nodes and resources useful to define and handle your abilities.

It's reccomended to use it with the GameplayAttributeMap for a better and easier result, but it's not required.

There are three main concepts to grasp:

  • Ability is the resource type which describes when an ability can be activated (using a tagging system) and what can do (using it's own methods).
  • AbilityContainer is the node which adds the capability to contain and use abilities.
  • Tags are an array of strings, used to sets arbitrary attributes to an AbilityContainer (like dead, jumped, reloading, cooldowns, shot etc)

Ability and AbilityContainer talk to each other using signals (internally) and a tagging system. It's easier to explain with a simple example (see below).

All abilities must be granted to the owning AbilityContainer and can be granted only if AbilityContainer has all the tags required by Ability.grant_tags_required.

In this way, you can create a skill tree by simply adding tags.

You can also revoke abilities from an AbilityContainer at any time.


You have your character, which can move (thanks to CharactedBody2D/CharactedBody3D) and which can perform certain actions.

One action could be the ability to cast a fireball, while another one could be the ability to resurrect itself when it's dead.

Using a traditional approach, you would have to write every behavior using imperative code or using a state machine.

With the AS, you can describe what an ability can do and at what circumstance it can be activated, blocked, cancelled or ends.

This example will use both AS and GameplayAttributes to work.


Create a scene called Character (which extends CharactedBody2D or CharactedBody3D) and use the base template.

Bind one key to kill you character (like 0 to killme command) and another one to resurrect (like r to resurrect command).

Add a GameplayAttributeMap node and an AbilityContainer node.

Set the GameplayAttributeMap.owning_character to the parent node (CharactedBody2D or CharactedBody3D) and set AbilityContainer.gameplay_attribute_map selecting the GameplayAttributeMap node.

Now create an AttributeTable resource and add health.

Load the previously created attribute table from the GameplayAttributeMap.

Sets the attribute values to:

  • maximum: 5
  • minimum: 0
  • current: 5

It's now time to write your first ability.

Writing our first ability

Let's start creating the resurrection ability (the easiest between the two).

First you need to create a script (gdscript) extending the class Ability

class_name Resurrect extends Ability

Then you have to implement the activate method (which is called when the ability activates).

class_name Resurrect extends Ability

@export_group("Health", "health_")
@export var health_minimum_restored := 2.0
@export var health_maximum_restored := 2.0

func activate(event: ActivationEvent) -> void:
  # remember to call always parent functions

  # let's check if the character is bound correctly to the [GameplayAttributeMap] node
  if event.character:
    # creating a new [GameplayEffect] node
    var effect =
    # creating a new [AttributeEffect] resource
    var health_effect =

    # assigning values. Presuming your [GameplayAttributeMap] has an attribute called health.
    health_effect.attribute_name = "health"
    # assigning export var (optional, you can even hardcode stuff here)
    health_effect.minimum_value = health_minimum_restored
    health_effect.maximum_value = health_maximum_restored

    # adding the affected attribute to the [GameplayEffect]

    # adding the effect to the character, so the [GameplayAttributeMap] can do the job for you to update the attribute(s) and do the effect handling.

func can_activate(event: ActivationEvent) -> bool:
  var health_attribute = event.get_attribute("health")

  if health_attribute:
    return super.can_activate(event) and health_attribute.current_buffed_value <= 0.0
    return super.can_activate(event)

Now on your AbilityContainer node, click the add element button under the abilities parameter, choose Resurrect and then we are ready to configure it.

Configuring an ability

An ability surely has to be activated only when something allows it (if your character is alive there's no need to resurrect it again).

There's a simple but efficient way to handle these behaviors: tags.

A tag is a String, and you can add many you want based on your behaviors.

These are the tag families for an ability (all properties start with tags_):

  • tags_activation: Tags added once ability has been activated.
  • tags_activation_required: Tags required for activation. The ability cannot be activated if the AbilityContainer does not have all the tags provided here
  • tags_block: Blocks execution if ore or more tags are contained by AbilityContainer
  • tags_cancellation_required: Tags required for cancellation.
  • tags_cooldown_start: Tags added when cooldown is started.
  • tags_cooldown_end: Tags added when cooldown is ended.
  • tags_end_blocking: Tags which will block the end of an Ability.
  • tags_to_remove_on_activation: Tags which will be removed on activation.
  • tags_to_remove_on_block: Tags which will be removed on block.
  • tags_to_remove_on_cancellation: Tags which will be removed on cancellation.
  • tags_to_remove_on_cooldown_start: Tags which will be removed when a cooldown start.
  • tags_to_remove_on_cooldown_end: Tags which will be removed when a cooldown end.
  • tags_to_remove_on_end: Tags which will be removed when an ability ends.

In order to proceed with our example, click the AbilityContainer node, then select the added ability and expand it.

You will see all these tags under the Tags group.

For sake of gameplay, we want to add some tags in order to block the resurrection ability.

Let's start adding resurrecting to tags_block (It will mean that the ability is running, so we cannot run it twice or more).

Add dead and resurrect.start to tags_activation_required.

Add resurrecting to tags_cooldown_start.

Add dead, resurrect.start and resurrecting to tags_to_remove_on_end

This way we are telling that the ability requires both dead and resurrect.start to be activated, and cannot be activated anymore if the container is tagged with resurrecting.

The removal of resurrect.start inside tags_to_remove_on_activate and dead, resurrecting inside tags_to_remove_on_end are necessary, otherwise the ability will be used only once (bug or feature? Depends on your needs).

Then, open the group Cooldown and set it to a value you like (use 3.0, just for testing sake).

Important: cooldown will not be taken in consideration if the proper tags are not set.

It's time to test it.

Activating your first ability

Inside your character, assign the AbilityContainer and GameplayAttributeMap to variables

@onready var ability_container: AbilityContainer = $AbilityContainer
@onready var gameplay_attribute_map: GameplayAttributeMap = $GameplayAttributeMap

and then where you handle input events add these lines of code

if Input.is_action_pressed("killme"):
  if not ability_container.has_tag("dead"):
    gameplay_attribute_map.get_attribute_by_name("health").current_value = 0.0

if Input.is_action_pressed("resurrect"):
  # adds the tag, so if the ability container contains the "dead" tag too, the ability will be activated

To see how it works, you can check the example in the example folder.

Searching and activating granted abilities

You can of course activate abilities programmatically. Let's make another (shorter example):

Searching for an ability by a predicate
var resurrect: Ability:
    if ability_container == null:
      return null

    return ability_container.find_by(func (x): return x is Resurrect)
Filtering all abilities by a predicate
var dead_tag_abilities: Array[Ability]:
    if ability_container == null:
      return null
    return ability_container.filter_abilities(func (x): return x.tags_required.has("dead"))
Activating a single ability
func activate_dead_abilities() -> void:
  for ability in dead_tag_abilities:
    # note, always check if an ability is granted or not. 
    # A character like in diablo2 could have dozen of abilities, 
    # but a player should be able to use them if they are not 
    # granted by purchasing them using skill points
    if ability_container.has_ability(ability):