Named Entity Recognition
Tags: LOC(地名), ORG(机构名), PER(人名)
Tag Strategy:BIO
Split: '\t' (北\tB-LOC)
Data Size:
Train data set ( msra_train_bio.txt ):
句数 | 字符数 | LOC数 | ORG数 | PER数 |
45000 | 2171573 | 36860 | 20584 | 17615 |
Test data set ( msra_test_bio.txt )
句数 | 字符数 | LOC数 | ORG数 | PER数 |
3442 | 172601 | 2886 | 1331 | 1973 |
The third international Chinese
language processing bakeoff: Word segmentation
and named entity recognition