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nicobubulle edited this page Aug 22, 2014 · 5 revisions

= Plugin Login Mgr =

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== Description ==

This plugin is used to login to 3rd party torrent sites. It's designed to be used in cased where cookies fail. It is a support plugin used for [PluginRSS RSS] and [PluginExtsearch ExtSearch]

*NOTE: This plugin saves passwords in plain text. *

== Installation ==

If you are using the tarball install of rutorrent 3.2, you can download this plugin from the same download page.

Assuming you've installed rutorrent to /var/www/rutorrent you could use the following commands:

{{{ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/ wget tar xzfv loginmgr-3.2.tar.gz rm -f loginmgr-3.2.tar.gz }}}

If you are using the svn version of rutorrent, you can also install this plugin via SVN. Assumine the same /var/www/rutorrent/ install directory, you could use the following commands:

{{{ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/ svn co }}}

== Usage ==

At the time of the writting of this wiki, this plugin is being used for the following sites:

  • HDDream
  • RUTracker
  • WhatCD
  • BTN
  • ILoveTorrents
  • PlayTheNet
  • TorrentDamage
  • FtN

The configuration is all done via the WebUI. Click the Settings button:


Then, on the left side select "Accounts" Which should bring up the menu shown here:

Accounts tab, This opens the gui settings for LoginMgr

Login: Enter the username for the site here

Password: Enter the password for the site here

Enabled Checkbox: Enabled/Disable LoginMgr for each site

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