These people helped me bringing life to Noko:
- Hans Radke - (my dad) hardware construction and a lot of soldering.
- Nora Linder - creating and sewing the monster suit and spellchecking.
- Carsten Caniglia - the voice of Noko. Look at his Homepage.
- Norma Anthes - the new female voice of Noko. Look at her Homepage.
- Ian Berell - some english translations and spelling. Look at his bike locks and his new Hexlox Kickstarter campain.
- Helga Hansen - The great article in the german Make-Magazin.
Active supporters:
- Hein-Peter Mahlzahn - lots of corrections in the Wiki and GitHub.
- David Feindel - corrections.
- Reinhard Hund - corrections.
- Ronny Roscher - he found an annoying hardware bug.
- Thomas "Crayfish68" - schemtics corrections, the (wheeee!) pcb and a LOT of beta testing.
- Yannik "ylth94" - for the first pcb and supporting Thomas with the pcb design.
- Tim "Wetimer" - for supporting Thomas with the pcb design.
- "jlegen" - for supporting Thomas with the pcb design.
- Thomas "teuler" - for supporting Thomas with the pcb design.
- Ralf Warmuth - corrections.
- BigAngelina - ideas,testing and the (horray!) 3D casing.
- Issue-Community - ideas, inspirations and (alas!) bugs.
Used ressources:
- Arduino board and IDE -
- Display library - Marco Schwartz
- Old display library - Francisco Malpartida
- RTC library - Wagner Sartori Junior
- JQ6500 library - James Sleeman
- Si4703 library - Gary Bell
- TimerFreeTone library - Tim Eckel
- Time library - Michael Margolis
- Clock font - Ishan Karve
- Suit inspiration - Ninni - RevoluzZa Blog