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Moya Comparison Example

Serialization Services

With NetworkStack requests you can use two different return data :

  • Data
  • JSON

In this example we have four different JSON serialization services :

Right below we will see about implementation and difference between three of them.

Serialization Comparison

Decodable JSONCodable SwiftyJSON ObjectMapper
Protocol conformance Decodable JSONCodable Mappable or ImmutableMappable


// decodable protocol conformance
decode(object: JSONObject) throws // deserialize

Parser : you can see here, Decodable extension conformance for our Realm Video object.

Documentation : Decodable


// JSONCodable protocol conformance
decode(_ json: Any) throws -> T // deserialize

Transformable : JSONTransformer is a protocol to create transformers. Two default trnasformers is implement (StringToURL & StringToDate).

Parser : you can see here, JSONCodable extension conformance for our Video Realm object.

Documentation : JSONCodable


This is a very flexible pod to serialize and deserialize JSON. There is no protocol conformance, but on this example we try to fix limits and usage. So we create Swifty protocol with conformance :

init(json: JSON) // deserialize
func toJSON() -> JSON // serialize

You can create your own protocol or not.

Transformable : map, flatmap to transform datas. Use everything you want to transform JSON <-> Object. You can create you own Tranformable protocol if needed.

Parser : It's more flexible than JSONCodable and there are specific features like JSON merging. you can se here, SwiftyJSON extension conformance for our Video Realm object.

Documentation : SwiftyJSON


It's a Mapper so it manages your object to map properties. Mapping means that you need to set all properties with var keyword.

If you use Realm it would be guidelines to set all properties with var keyword. But as you know, a rule don't come without exceptions, and Realm has own properties like RealmOptional<T> & List<T> where the guideline is to set properties with let keyword. And use respectivily realmOptional.value and realmlist.append() to access and modifiy it correctly.

!! NOW !! with ImmutableMappable protocol we can do something better. You can perform serialization and deserialization by yourself. With this protocol, ObjectMapper instroduce immutable principle. Right way to use it :

// ImmutableMappable protocol conformance
init(map: Map) throws // deserialize

func mapping(map: Map) // serialize

This protocol is under construction, so use it carefully. And to conclude, this protocol keep the legacy of ObjectMapper and it is difficult to understand why the mapper denomination exists inside this protocol cause it's now a parser.

Transformable : TransformType is a protocol to create transformers. You have multiple default transformers like :

  • DateFormatterTransform(dateFormatter: DateFormatter)
  • EnumTransform<T: RawRepresentable>()
  • NSDecimalNumberTransform()
  • URLTransform(shouldEncodeURLString: Bool = true)

Parser : you can see here, ObjectMapper extension conformance for our Video Realm object.

Documentation : ObjectMapper

Moya vs NetworkStack

You will see two network layers that have same possibilities.

TargetType vs RequestParameters

TargetType is a centric object with required property that you need to create requests. RequestParameters is more flexible and you will be able to customize it what you want with few guidelines.


NetworkStack is full RxSwift compare to Moya that you can choose between standard API, RxSwift and ReactiveSwift.

table of comparison

Features NetworkStack Moya
Request with data response
Upload request with data response
Request with JSON response
Upload request with JSON response
auto retry auth
auto renew token
Errors enum