Releases: Nesvilab/FragPipe
v2.8.2 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
a one-time warning about poor MSFragger MGF file compatibility
landing page for MSFragger download with academic/commercial licenses
Dropdown selector for MSFragger output type: pepXML or tsv
option was removed temporarily, while we're figuring out how to do it better
v2.8.1 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
Use with Philosopher 1.0+
Dropdown selector for MSFragger output type: pepXML or tsv
changed landing page for MSFragger download
option was removed temporarily, while we're figuring out how to do it better
v2.8 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
Use with Philosopher 1.0+
Dropdown selector for MSFragger output type: pepXML or tsv
option was removed temporarily, while we're figuring out how to do it better
v2.7 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
Use with Philosopher 1.0+
option was removed temporarily, while we're figuring out how to do it better -
Checkbox selector for Protein/Peptide level FDR in Reports
ANSI Colors in console output recognized
Philosopher init and clean commands replaced with workspace command
Updates for the new version of TPP in Philosopher
Separate Report/Filter defaults for all the tools.
- Buttons on Config page reset defaults for all tools.
- Each page can also be reset separately.
v2.6 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
Use with Philosopher 1.0+
- Checkbox selector for Protein/Peptide level FDR in Reports
- ANSI Colors in console output recognized
- Philosopher init and clean commands replaced with workspace command
- Updates for the new version of TPP in Philosopher
- Separate Report/Filter defaults for all the tools.
- Buttons on Config page reset defaults for all tools.
- Each page can also be reset separately.
v2.5 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
Use with Philosopher RC8+.
- ANSI Colors in console output recognized
- Philosopher init and clean commands replaced with workspace command
- Updates for the new version of TPP in Philosopher
- Separate Report/Filter defaults for all the tools.
- Buttons on Config page reset defaults for all tools.
- Each page can also be reset separately.
v2.4 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
Use with Philosopher RC7+.
- Updates for the new version of TPP in Philosopher
- Separate Report/Filter defaults for Open/Closed search
v2.3 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
Use with Philosopher RC7+.
- Updates for the new version of TPP in Philosopher
- Separate Report/Filter defaults for Open/Closed search
v2.2 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
Use with Philosopher RC7+.
- Updates for the new version of TPP in Philosopher
- Separate Report/Filter defaults for Open/Closed search
v2.1 GUI: MSFragger + Peptide/ProteinProphet + Reports
- Default parameters for Open and Closed searches.
- Store field values between sessions.
- Updates for Philosopher RC6.