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This is an application that manages custom Twitch rewards. The current instance is hosted at

New Reward Interface Rewards Dashboard

Web Interface

Editors and Broadcasters

A broadcaster can add multiple editors who then can manage the rewards. This is done in the Editors-tab.

Important: A broadcaster can only add editors that have registered on this app (like on BTTV).

The editors can access the rewards through the Broadcasters tab.


You can edit the rewards in the Rewards tab.

When adding or editing a reward, you can change the action at the bottom. Click on the pen (✏) icon to select the reward.

First, you can edit Twitch specific parameters like the reward title or the cooldown. The cooldown can be specified like this: 1h, 3.5d, 3m or 123 (seconds).

Some rewards expose a Duration configuration. Here, you can specify the duration like this: 1hour 3min 4ms. For more examples go here.

You can also provide the duration like this: rand( 10m ; 10h ). This would timeout the user for a random duration between 10m and 1h.

Users can rename emotes on 7TV by specifying as=<name>.

Available Rewards

  • Timeout user (constant or random duration - only if they're not yet timed out)
  • Enter Subonly-mode (constant or random duration)
  • Enter Emoteonly-mode (constant or random duration)
  • Swap/Add BTTV/FFZ/7TV emotes (requires RewardMore to be an editor on each platform)
  • Add BTTV/FFZ/7TV emotes to slots that expire after a set amount of time (+/- 2min)
  • Skip a Spotify track
  • Play a Spotify track
  • Queue a Spotify track


  • ::ei <emote>, ::emoteinfo <emote>, ::emote info <emote> Displays information about an emote. Only works for emotes managed by the bot.
  • ::emote ban/unban <url/emote> Ban/unban emotes from being added. Requires editor rights.
  • ::emote eject <name or url> Untracks the emote from the bot's database; doesn't remove the emote from the platform.
  • ::emote inject <name or url> Adds an emote to the bot's database (only works with swap rewards currently).
  • ::emote reload Syncs swap emotes with the platform.
  • ::slots, ::emoteslots Display the current slots.
  • ::emotes, ::ce, ::currentemotes Display the current emotes.
  • ::ping, ::bing Ping the bot.
  • ::about, ::rewardmore, ::who, ::bot Display details about the bot.

Admin only

  • ::debug channel ?name Print debug info about a channel.
  • ::debug platforms Check if the auth-tokens for the platforms are still valid.
  • ::debug edit <name> Add the admin as editor.
  • ::debug rmedit <name> Remove the admin as editor.
  • ::debug sync ?name Sync rewards with Twitch.



  • Setup a postgres database.
  • Create a new application on the Twitch Console.
  • Copy config.toml.example to config.toml and set the appropriate values.
  • Copy .env.example to .env and set the DATABASE_URL to the one you configured.
  • Run or setup.bat depending on your platform.
  • Setup nginx to proxy 8082.
  • Add the following entry to your nginx config:
location /api/v1/metrics {
    return 403;
  • Add the following job to your prometheus config
- job_name: 'rewards'
  scrape_interval: 10s
  metrics_path: '/api/v1/metrics'
    - targets: ['localhost:8082']
  • Now you're done!

Setting up a development environment

  • Use ngrok to create a tunnel to your machine for eventsub.
  • Edit server.url to the ngrok-https-url.
  • In the web directory set the VITE_API_BASE_URL to the ngrok-https-url.


Things to-do are tracked here.

Internal - web API

All endpoints are on /api/v1. All endpoints (except /auth/twich-auth-url and the auth-callbacks) require authentication.

Authentication is done through the Authorization header that has to be set to Bearer { cookie(auth_token) }.