`# Technical Design Document: Bus Route Map Matching CLI Tool (in Rust)
This Rust CLI tool will take a GeoJSON file containing bus routes in Dhaka in the form of LineStrings, map match those routes using the Valhalla routing engine, and output a new GeoJSON file with map-matched LineStrings. The tool will download a Valhalla Docker image, initialize a Docker container with the road network of Bangladesh from OpenStreetMap, communicate with Valhalla for map matching, and finally clean up resources after the operation is complete.
- The tool accepts a GeoJSON file with a FeatureCollection of LineStrings representing bus routes in Dhaka.
- Each LineString must be map matched to the closest routes in the Valhalla routing engine using OpenStreetMap road data for Bangladesh.
- The tool generates a new GeoJSON file with the same FeatureCollection structure, but with map-matched LineStrings.
- The tool must handle the process of downloading and running Valhalla inside a Docker container.
- Valhalla should automatically shut down and the Docker container should be cleaned up after map matching is complete.
- The tool must be easy to run via a command-line interface.
- The communication with the Valhalla engine must be efficient, minimizing network or resource overhead.
- The tool should handle errors such as:
- Invalid GeoJSON files.
- Network issues when downloading the Docker image or OpenStreetMap data.
- Failure to start or stop the Docker container.
- The tool should be able to handle moderately large input GeoJSON files with multiple LineStrings.
User -> CLI Tool: Provide GeoJSON Input
CLI Tool -> Docker: Download Valhalla Docker Image
CLI Tool -> Docker: Start Valhalla Container
Docker -> Valhalla: Initialize Routing Engine with OSM Data
CLI Tool -> Valhalla: Send LineStrings for Map Matching
Valhalla -> CLI Tool: Return Map Matched LineStrings
CLI Tool -> File System: Write New GeoJSON Output
CLI Tool -> Docker: Stop Valhalla Container
transit-bd map-match <input-file> <output-file> [OPTIONS]
: Path to the input GeoJSON file that contains the FeatureCollection of bus routes (LineStrings).<output-file>
: Path to the output GeoJSON file that will contain map-matched routes.
--docker-image <image>
: The Docker image of Valhalla to use. Defaults tovalhalla-docker
.--osm-data <path>
: Path to the OpenStreetMap data for Bangladesh. If not specified, the tool downloads it automatically.--valhalla-port <port>
: The port on which Valhalla will run. Defaults to8002
: Automatically removes the Docker container after the process is complete. (Enabled by default)--no-cleanup
: If passed, the Docker container is not removed after the process.--help
: Shows the help menu.
transit-bd map-match bus_routes.geojson map_matched_routes.geojson --docker-image valhalla-docker --osm-data ./bangladesh.osm.pbf
- Option to keep the Valhalla container running for multiple map matching operations.