- Copy / download
to your Hexchat addons directory:%appdata%\HexChat\addons
- Install PyGetWindow
- In Hexchat, load the script with
/LOAD youtube_nowplaying.py
- Play a song from YouTube in Chrome, Brave, Edge or Firefox.
- Type
into your desired channel

Note: the two lines above can be disabled, they are just part of the debugging.
- Uses API to scrape any info you like from a video. Currently setup to show Title, Channel, Views (human format), Likes (human format) and Uploaded timeframe (human format)
- Will display the current active playing song (i.e you can have mulitple YouTube tabs open but the script will only use the active tab as its source)
- Debugging: Will display any errors if the API call failed (i.e in the case of reaching a limit)
- If API reaches its limit / fails, script will fall back to just showing the title pulled from the active tab in the browser