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207 lines (167 loc) · 15.3 KB

File metadata and controls

207 lines (167 loc) · 15.3 KB


Table of Contents


The tool can be customized using the git config command. String values are case-insensitive.


git config --global interactive-rebase-tool.foregroundColor black

Git Configuration

Some values from your Git Config are directly used by this application.

Key Description
core.commentChar Used when reading the TODO file to excluded commented lines
core.editor Used when deciding what editor to open when trigger the external editor
diff.context Used by show commit when generating a diff
diff.interHunkContext Used by show commit when generating a diff
diff.renameLimit Used by show commit when generating a diff
diff.renames Used by show commit when generating a diff


Key Default Type Description
autoSelectNext false bool If true, auto select the next line after action modification
diffIgnoreBlankLines none String¹ If to ignore blank lines during diff.
diffIgnoreWhitespace none String¹ If and how to ignore whitespace during diff.
diffShowWhitespace both String² If and how to show whitespace during diff.
diffSpaceSymbol · String The visible symbol for the space character. Only used when diffShowWhitespace is enabled.
diffTabSymbol String The visible symbol for the tab character. Only used when diffShowWhitespace is enabled.
diffTabWidth 4 Integer The width of the tab character
undoLimit 5000 Integer Number of undo operations to store.
postModifiedLineExecCommand String Exec command to attach to modified lines. See modified line exec command for details.
verticalSpacingCharacter ~ String Vertical spacing character. Can be set to an empty string.

¹ Ignore whitespace can be:

  • change to ignore changed whitespace in diffs, same as the --ignore-space-change flag
  • true, on or all to ignore all whitespace in diffs, same as the --ignore-all-space flag
  • false, off, none to not ignore whitespace in diffs

² Show whitespace can be:

  • leading to show leading whitespace only
  • trailing to show trailing whitespace only
  • true, on or both to show both leading and trailing whitespace
  • false, off, none to show no whitespace


The valid colors are the eight original 8 ANSI colors. They are black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white and yellow. Dimmed versions of the 8 ANSI colors can be used by prefixing the color with dark, for example dark red. Each terminal controls the exact color for these color names. On terminals that support 256 colors, a color triplet with the format <red>,<green>,<blue> can be used. Each color has a range of 0 to 255 with 255, 255, 255 resulting in white and 0,0,0 resulting in black. A value of -1 or transparent can be used to use the default terminal color.

Key Default Type Description
backgroundColor Default¹ Color Color used for the background
breakColor white Color Color used for the break action
diffAddColor green Color Color used for lines and files added in a diff
diffChangeColor yellow Color Color used for lines and files changed in a diff
diffContextColor white Color Color used for context in a diff
diffRemoveColor red Color Color used for lines and files removed in a diff
diffWhitespace black Color Color used for whitespace in a diff
dropColor red Color Color used for the drop action
editColor blue Color Color used for the edit action
execColor blue Color Color used for the exec action
fixupColor magenta Color Color used for the fixup action
foregroundColor Default¹ Color Color used for most text and the UI
indicatorColor cyan Color Color used for text the indicates or needs to standout
labelColor dark yellow Color Color used for the label action
mergeColor dark yellow Color Color used for the merge action
pickColor green Color Color used for the pick action
resetColor dark yellow Color Color used for the reset action
rewordColor yellow Color Color used for the reword action
selectedBackgroundColor 35,35,40 Color Color used as the background color for the selected line
squashColor cyan Color Color used for the squash action
updateRefColor dark magenta Color Color used for the update-ref action

¹ By default the foreground and background colors use the terminal defined colors

Key Bindings

Most keys can be changed to any printable character or supported special character. It is possible to provide conflicting bindings, which will result in undefined behavior. The inputConfirmYes binding has a special behavior in that it responds to both the uppercase and lowercase letter of the value set, if the variant exist.

Key Default Type Description
inputAbort q String Key for abort rebase with prompt
inputActionBreak b String Key for setting action to rebase
inputActionDrop d String Key for setting action to drop
inputActionEdit e String Key for setting action to edit
inputActionFixup f String Key for setting action to fixup
inputActionPick p String Key for setting action to pick
inputActionReword r String Key for setting action to reword
inputActionSquash s String Key for setting action to squash
inputConfirmNo n String Key for rejecting a confirmation
inputConfirmYes y String Key for confirming a confirmation
inputEdit E String Key for entering edit mode
inputForceAbort Q String Key for forcing an abort of the rebase
inputForceRebase W String Key for forcing a rebase
inputHelp ? String Key for showing the help
inputInsertLine I String Key for inserting a new line
inputMoveDown Down String Key for moving the cursor down
inputMoveEnd End String Key for moving the cursor to the end of the list
inputMoveHome Home String Key for moving the cursor to the top of the list
inputMoveLeft Left String Key for moving the cursor left
inputMoveRight Right String Key for moving the cursor right
inputMoveSelectionDown j String Key for moving the selected line(s) down
inputMoveSelectionUp k String Key for moving the selected line(s) up
inputMoveStepDown PageDown String Key for moving the cursor down by a large step
inputMoveStepUp PageUp String Key for moving the cursor up by a large step
inputMoveUp Up String Key for moving the cursor up
inputOpenInExternalEditor ! String Key for opening the external editor
inputRebase w String Key for rebasing with confirmation
inputRedo Control+y String Key for redoing the previous undone change
inputRemoveLine Delete String Key for removing selected commits
inputScrollDown Down String Key for scrolling the view down
inputScrollEnd End String Key for scrolling the view to the bottom
inputScrollHome Home String Key for scrolling the view to the top
inputScrollLeft Left String Key for scrolling the view to the left
inputScrollRight Right String Key for scrolling the view to the right
inputScrollStepDown PageDown String Key for scrolling the view one step down
inputScrollStepUp PageUp String Key for scrolling the view one step up
inputScrollUp Up String Key for scrolling the view to the up
inputShowCommit c String Key for showing the overview of the selected commit
inputShowDiff d String Key for showing the diff of the selected commit
inputToggleVisualMode v String Key for toggling visual mode
inputUndo Control+z String Key for undoing the previous change


# single value
git config --global interactive-rebase-tool.inputRebase S
# multiple values
git config --global interactive-rebase-tool.inputRebase "S L K"

Supported Special Keys

Keys that do not have easily printable characters, such as the arrow keys, are set using the special values defined in the table below. Some special keys do not work correctly on some setups.

Key Description
BackTab Back tab key
Backspace Backspace key
Delete Delete key
Down Down arrow key
End End key
Enter Enter key
Esc Escape key
F{1..255} Function X key
Home Home key
Insert Insert key
Left Left arrow key
PageDown Page down key
PageUp Page up key
Right Right arrow key
Tab Tab key
Up Up arrow key

Modifier Keys

Most bindings can be prefixed with Shift, Control or Alt, followed by a +. These bindings can also be combined in any order, for example Alt+Control+Delete. Shift combined with any ASCII alphabetical character will not work, and the uppercase character must be used instead.

Multiple Key Bindings

A single action can have multiple bindings by providing a whitespace separate list of keys. For example the binding, "u Control+z Control+Z" would respond to a keypress of a, Control z and Control Z.

Restricted Keys

Some key combinations are restricted as they have special meaning. They are:

Key Description
Control+c Immediately aborts the program without writing the rebase todo file to disk

External Editor

The external editor action will first attempt to start the editor defined by the Git configuration "core.editor", followed by the VISUAL and EDITOR environment variables. Finally, if neither is set, the external editor defaults to using vi.

The % character in the value will be replaced with the rebase todo file. If the % character is not found, then the git rebase todo file will be provided as the last argument.