Read this if you are planning to deploy a new version of - otherwise you can return to the main
- Create a free Firebase account at
- Create a project from your Firebase account console
- Configure the authentication providers by going to: Your firebase project->Authentication->Set up sign-in method-> Facebook -> Enable (Go to and My Apps-> Create a new app. Use that app id and app secret. Add under your facebook app Add a new Facebook Login and set the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs to the one firebase gives youA) Then for google perform -> Google -> Enable - set a project name
- Configure firebase Firestore. Database->Firestore->Enable
- Add a Webapp to your firebase by going here:
And choosingAdd Firebase to your web app
Rules are a way to restrict access to the database and give different users different permissions For example - Anyone can create a task. But only a task creator (And assignee)can edit a task
copy the content of firestore.rules
file into Rules of your project. For example -
Then hit Publish
to save it
Go to Database->Create new Firestore database and set the default settings
edit the file .firebaserc
// .firebaserc
"projects": {
"default": "your-project-id"
Edit config.production.js
and app-config.js
to be set to
// src/firebase/config.production.js
export const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: 'your api key',
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
storageBucket: ''
We send emails on task comments to assignee We've used mailgun since it allows 1000 messages free per day. You need to make sure you set up Blaze-pay-as-you-go plan on firestore Don't worry on normal use cases (800 users) you probably won't pay anything Register here -
firebase functions:config:set email.send_notifications='true'
firebase functions:config:set email.from='<[email protected]>'
firebase functions:config:set email.domain=''
firebase functions:config:set email.apikey="Your-MailGun-Api-Key"
firebase functions:config:set email.full_domain='' //Full domain is the one used in the links where the domain is used under mailgun
Then in the future if you want to deploy only function - use this command (No need right now - better run deploy staging / production)
firebase deploy --only functions
To allow cloud functions
to go over the 50 queries per limit you might want to upgrade to blaze plan - it's a pay as you go so at most cases it won't cost anything