- divide the project into smaller modules:
- masstodon_bokeh
- spectrum_bokeh
- something like that
- add support for tinker on Linux so that it is easier to actually plot the spectrum
- save results of the procedures
- collect the errors in one file
- aggregate the information on precursors and save it
- save the estimated intensities and probabilities resulting from parsing
- update docs and readmes.
- implement back the multiprocessing version of the software.
- it is an argument for the graph representation
- Update to IsoSpec 2.0
- check different modes of isotopic calculations under IsoSpec2.0
- add assertions to read_mzxml_spectrum
- Replace ubiquitin dataset
- now, the intensity if monotonically increasing
- RE must parse H-200 -> {'H': -200}
- Have a look at IsotopeCalculator/simulator.py
- DO WE USE SPECTRUM CLASS HERE? We certainly could.
- Spectrum reader must be run without sorting the spectra all the time.
- Export data to ETDetective
- Support multiple input precursors!!!
- To each deconvolution problem add a measure of the problem's complexity
- for instance in terms of the conditional number of the Gramm matrix.
- simplify MassTodon Api
- there should be a structure taking care of the molecules
- it might be the precursor itself, but think if it should not be something
- more general, that could encompass more than one precursor.
- Set the defaults to the spectrum plot parsing from bash, and types too.
- add l1 optmization for more robust optimization
- the adding of spectra is far from optimal:
- should be some structure that will add them linearly (maintain the order)
- make it into a separate Python module
- removing theoretical molecules
- implement an algorithm that establishes empirical clusters
- compare the empirical clusters with real datai
- deconvolution:
- implement the L1 fit to data using the simplex algorithm
- implement gaussian kernel approach
- implement Bayesian setting
- implement EM settting
- Memoization of isotopic distributions should be an option, not a must.
- add another intensity-based criterion here.
- basically, check how much of a substance could there be, if the was the only possible source of these ions. and accept if it is more than some number. This way silly solutions should be eliminated.
- To write the results to file only write a method that will generate all the rows and then simply use the general write_from_buffer function.
- The bloody Proline has precursor.get_AA(4,'C_alpha') == lCnt()
- The +1H makes part of the c-fragment definition
- think about the possible products.
- Get rid of spurious dependencies in setup.py
- Get a version that does not need string parsing.
- no need to be wrapped in 'cdata2numpyarray'.
- rounded m/z to some precision.
- with probabilities not logprobabilities.
- when more than one precursor
- exception for the same precursor tags in make_molecules
- Rationale: otherwise we will not be able to trace the origin of a fragment
- Problem: what if two substances point to the same formula?
- check hashes
- exception for the same precursor tags in make_molecules
- implement the additional 1D-regression-test for fragment inclusion.
- this is unlikely to result in some reduction of the number of possible formulas.
- add the plots of
- fragments probability
- aggregated fragments intensity
- eliminate the alphas and raw estimates
- we are saving them with the reporter class
- add reading from '.json'
- Both:
- D = Deconvolutor(molecules, spectrum, L1_x=0.002, L2_x=0.002, L1_alpha=0.002, L2_alpha=0.002)
- D = Deconvolutor(molecules, spectrum)
- work
- subclass linearCounter into the project and rename it as atom_cnt.
- add monoisotopic mass
- add IsotopeCalculator as a subroutine here: not bad! This can be a class field.
- The Formula class should initiate a field called isotopic generator.
- Cannot pass different non-default args to mol.isotopologues()
- e.g. mol.isotopologues(5, .99) seems to loop like hell.
- might be because of some issues with aggregation.
- Get rid of highcharts -> turn it into Bokeh
- Drawing of
- spectra
- deconvolution
- Add the simple plot (observed-predicted) to the module
- Add the complex plot (observed-predicted-per-molecule)
- Bash scripts:
- plot_spectrum to open any mzXml, mzMl, txt spectra file
- IsoSpecPy plot tools
- Automate devel set up
- Add the invisible buffers to Measure.plot()
- csv:
- input spectrum
- save results
- no pandas