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A Curated List of Awesome Table Structure Recognition (TSR) Research.

This is a curated list of awesome table structure recognition (TSR) research.Including sota models, influential papers, popular datasets and open-source codes. Continuously updating.

If you find any relevant academic papers that have not been included in our research, please submit a request for an update. We welcome contributions from everyone.

Popular Datasets

Name Tables Data Type TD TSR TCR Year
ICDAR2013 156 Digital 2013
SciTSR 15K Digital × 2019
TableBank 417K Digital × × 2020
TableBank 145K Digital × × 2020
PubTabNet 1M+ Digital × 2020
PubTables-1M 1M+ Digital × 2021
FinbTabNet 91596 Digital × 2021
WTW 14581 Both × × 2021
SynthTabNet 600K Digital × 2022
TabRecSet 38177 Both 2023
iFLYTAB 12104 Both × 2023

TD means Table Detection
TSR means Table Structure Recognition
TCD means Table Content Recognition
Both means including both digital and physical data

SOTA Models

Method Type Method Name Citation Count Year Venue Open Source
Bottom-up Res2TIM 37 2019 ICDAR
CascadeTabNet 182 2020 CVPR
TabStruct-Net 87 2020 ECCV
Cycle-CenterNet 39 2021 ICCV
TGRNet 42 2021 ICCV
FLAG-NET 30 2021 MM
GTE 116 2021 WACV
NCGM 25 2022 CVPR
LORE 7 2023 AAAI
Image2Markup EDD 171 2020 ECCV
TableMaster 34 2021 ICDAR
TableFormer 41 2022 CVPR
VAST 12 2023 CVPR
UniTable 2024
OminParser 2024 CVPR
Split-and-Merge Based SPLERGE 91 2019 ICDAR
SEM 40 2022 PR
TSRFormer 20 2022 MM
RobusTabNet 32 2023 PR
SEMv2 3 2024 PR
TSRFormer-DQ-DETR 2024 PR
Others TableNet 188 2019 ICDAR
DETR 60 2022 CVPR

Influential Papers

CVPR 2024

  • OMNIPARSER: A Unified Framework for Text Spotting, Key Information Extraction and Table Recognition-Paper,code

PR 2024

  • SEMv2: Table Separation Line Detection Based on Conditional Convolution-Paper, code
  • Robust table structure recognition with dynamic queries enhanced detection transformer-Paper

CVPR 2023

  • Improving Table Structure Recognition with Visual-Alignment Sequential Coordinate Modeling-Paper

AAAI 2023

  • LORE: Logical Location Regression Network for Table Structure Recognition=Paper

PR 2023

  • Robust Table Detection and Structure Recognition from Heterogeneous Document Images-Paper
  • Scene table structure recognition with segmentation collaboration and alignment-Paper

ACL 2023

  • TableVLM: Multi-modal Pre-training for Table Structure Recognition-Paper

ICDAR 2023

  • TRACE: Table Reconstruction Aligned to Corner and Edges-Paper
  • Aligning benchmark datasets for table structure recognition-Paper
  • Optimized Table Tokenization for Table Structure Recognition-Paper

CVPR 2022

  • Neural Collaborative Graph Machines for Table Structure Recognition-Paper
  • TableFormer: Table Structure Understanding with Transformers-Paper
  • PubTables-1M: Towards comprehensive table extraction from unstructured documents-Paper, code

PR 2022

  • Split, Embed and Merge: An accurate table structure recognizer-Paper

WACV 2022

  • Visual Understanding of Complex Table Structures from Document Images-Paper

MM 2022

  • TSRFormer: Table Structure Recognition with Transformers-Paper

ICCV 2021

  • Parsing Table Structures in the Wild-Paper
  • TGRNet: A Table Graph Reconstruction Network for Table Structure Recognition-Paper, code

WACV 2021

  • Global Table Extractor (GTE): A Framework for Joint Table Identification and Cell Structure Recognition Using Visual Context-Paper

MM 2021

  • Show, Read and Reason: Table Structure Recognition with Flexible Context Aggregator-Paper

ICDAR 2021

  • LGPMA: Complicated Table Structure Recognition with Local and Global Pyramid Mask Alignment-Paper
  • TabLeX: A Benchmark Dataset for Structure and Content Information Extraction from Scientific Tables-Paper

CVPRW 2020

  • CascadeTabNet: An approach for end to end table detection and structure recognition from image-based documents-Paper, code

ECCV 2020

  • Image-based table recognition: data, model, and evaluation-Paper
  • Table Structure Recognition using Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cues-Paper

LERC 2020

  • TableBank: Table Benchmark for Image-based Table Detection and Recognition-Paper

ICDAR 2019

  • Challenges in end-to-end neural scientific table recognition-Paper
  • Deep Splitting and Merging for Table Structure Decomposition-Paper
  • DeepTabStR: Deep Learning based Table Structure Recognition-Paper
  • Rethinking Table Recognition using Graph Neural Networks-Paper
  • ReS2TIM: Reconstruct Syntactic Structures from Table Images-Paper
  • TableNet: Deep Learning model for end-to-end Table detection and Tabular data extraction from Scanned Document Images-Paper,code,model



  • UniTable: Towards a Unified Framework for Table Structure Recognition via Self-Supervised Pretraining-Paper


  • A large-scale dataset for end-to-end table recognition in the wild-Paper,code


  • Multi-Type-TD-TSR -- Extracting Tables from Document Images using a Multi-stage Pipeline for Table Detection and Table Structure Recognition: from OCR to Structured Table Representations-Paper, code


  • [ICDAR 2023] A Study on Reproducibility and Replicability of Table Structure Recognition Methods-Paper
  • Deep Learning for Table Detection and Structure Recognition: A Survey-Paper

Star History

Star History Chart