This folder contains the implementation of MemoRec. It allows to run the evaluation on all our datasets.
- Apache Maven >= 3.0
- Java >= 1.8
- (optional) Bash for running all evaluations automatically
To start the evaluation of MemoRec using the default
file (see below), run the following command:
mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=it.univaq.disim.Runner
The command runs 5 times the evaluation process with different number of neighbors, i.e., k = 1, 5, 10, 15, 20. Each time the ten-fold validation is executed where the input dataset is splitted into training and testing data.
Results in average (success rate, precision, recall) for different cut-off values (N) are displayed in the console directly as follows:
Runner:106 - Running the evaluation with k = 1
Runner:167 - Fold 0 time 6160 ms
Runner:167 - Fold 1 time 7177 ms
Runner:167 - Fold 2 time 6177 ms
Runner:167 - Fold 3 time 5175 ms
Runner:167 - Fold 4 time 6335 ms
Runner:167 - Fold 5 time 7346 ms
Runner:167 - Fold 6 time 6379 ms
Runner:167 - Fold 7 time 7269 ms
Runner:167 - Fold 8 time 56265 ms
Runner:167 - Fold 9 time 6246 ms
Runner:182 - ### 10-FOLDS RESULTS ###
Runner:183 - N, SuccessRate,Precision,Recall,k
Runner:185 - 1,8.692,0.087,0.010,1
Runner:185 - 2,11.168,0.080,0.019,1
Runner:185 - 3,13.364,0.076,0.023,1
Runner:185 - 4,14.720,0.071,0.026,1
Runner:185 - 5,15.421,0.067,0.028,1
Runner:185 - 6,16.075,0.065,0.031,1
Runner:185 - 7,16.542,0.062,0.033,1
Runner:185 - 8,17.056,0.060,0.035,1
Runner:185 - 9,17.523,0.058,0.037,1
Runner:185 - 10,17.944,0.056,0.039,1
Runner:185 - 11,18.224,0.055,0.040,1
Runner:185 - 12,18.505,0.053,0.041,1
Runner:185 - 13,18.692,0.052,0.043,1
Runner:185 - 14,18.832,0.051,0.044,1
Runner:185 - 15,18.972,0.049,0.044,1
Runner:185 - 16,19.019,0.048,0.045,1
Runner:185 - 17,19.065,0.047,0.046,1
Runner:185 - 18,19.393,0.046,0.047,1
Runner:185 - 19,19.486,0.045,0.048,1
Runner:185 - 20,19.626,0.045,0.049,1
The log output lists the execution time for each fold and the average metric (success rate, precision recall) scores.
Intermediate results for every fold (recommendations, groundtruth data, metamodel similarities, etc.) are stored in the evaluation
folder of the corresponding dataset (e.g. <dataset_folder>/evaluation/
The evaluation of MemoRec is configured with a .properties
file that specifies the dataset. For instance, the default
runs 10-fold cross-validation on the curated dataset supported by IE_S
# Dataset directory