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Tutorial - Create Your Own Data Source

Implementing data sources is split into three parts:

  1. Creating the data source class (MyCustomDataType.cs)
  2. Creating data downloader/processor (process.*)
  3. Creating tests and a demonstration algorithm


  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub profile
  2. Install .NET 5.0 SDK

Part 1: Setup C# Data Source Class

  1. Open the MyCustomDataType.cs file for editing
  2. Rename the class name MyCustomDataType to the data you'll be offering, starting with your vendor name (e.g. MyCompanyFlightData)
  3. Remove the SomeCustomProperty property
  4. Add your dataset's fields/properties.
  • Add [ProtoMember(n)] to each field/property you add, where n starts at 10 and increments by 1 per field/property added
  1. Implement GetSource(...) to point to where your data lives
  • Replace mycustomdatatype with your vendor name (all lowercase), followed by the directory name where your data is in
  • Specify the file where your data is expected to be in
  • Use the date variable to get the date of data being requested
  • Use config.Symbol.Value to get the current ticker. Make sure that the ticker capitalization is correct. Default is uppercase.
  1. Implement Reader(...) to parse your data
  • Set Symbol = config.Symbol when creating the instance of the class
  • Set EndTime equal to the time the data first became available for consumption
  1. Implement Clone() to allow Lean to create copies of your data
  2. If your dataset is NOT for equities data, Make RequiresMapping() return false, otherwise return true
  1. Make IsSparseData() return true
  2. Make DefaultResolution() return the resolution of your data if the user does not specify a resolution
  3. Make SupportedResolutions() return the resolutions that your data supports
  4. Set the timezone that your data is saved as in DataTimeZone()
  5. (Optional) Implement ToString() to return pretty output
  6. Rename the file MyCustomDataType.cs to the name of the class contained within
  7. Open the QuantConnect.DataSource.csproj file for editing
  8. Add <AssemblyName>QuantConnect.DataSource.{{dataSourceClassName}}</AssemblyName> below <RootNamespace>QuantConnect.DataSource</RootNamespace>
  • Replace {{dataSourceClassName}} with the name of the class you implemented

Part 2: Setup Downloading/Processing Script

  1. Create one of the following files to download/process your data:
  1. In process.*, output your processed/final data to: /temp-output-directory/alternative/{{vendorName}}/{{dataSourceName}}/
  • Replace {{vendorName}} with your vendor name (e.g. quantconnect)
  • Replace {{dataSourceType}} with the name of your data (e.g. corporate-flights)
  • Path should be completely lowercase, unless absolutely required
  • Do not use special characters in your output path (prefer - over _ in directories, and _ over - for file names)
  • Output should be in CSV format (comma delimited)
  • Example output directory: /temp-output-directory/alternative/quantconnect/fred
  • Example output file: /temp-output-directory/alternative/quantconnect/fred/oecdrecd.csv
  1. If you are processing data that is associated with stocks/equities, review the data sources related to equities section

Part 3: Setup Testing and Demonstration Algorithm

  1. Edit Demonstration.cs and create an example of how to load and use your data
  • Rename the algorithm class name to the name of the class created in part 1
  • The algorithm should be very simple and minimal
  1. Open the tests/MyCustomDataTypeTests.cs file for editing
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the code and make CreateNewInstance() return your new data type
  • Data can be fake data, it doesn't have to be real
  • Set all fields/properties of your class when creating your new data type
  1. Ensure that tests are passing. Run the following commands in order to check for test status:
  • dotnet build tests/Tests.csproj
  • dotnet test tests/bin/Debug/net5.0/Tests.dll
  1. Rename tests/MyCustomDataTypeTests.cs to the name of the class you created in part 1, ending with "Tests.cs"

Subsection - Data Sources Related to Equities

Your data source is related to equities whenever the following is true:

  • The data source describes data about a specific equity Symbol, e.g. AAPL
  • The data source is directly linked to the equity, i.e. if my data source describes data for AAPL, then this data only applies to the AAPL equity Symbol

For equity related data sources, update RequiresMapping() to return true in the data source class you created in part 1

(Note: ticker WW is used for example purposes)

If your source/raw data is "point in time", then no further special handling is required. Example:

  • Ticker name as of today (2021-06-24) is WW
  • Ticker WTW was renamed to WW on 2019-04-19
  • Data before 2019-04-19 has ticker WTW, not WW

Otherwise, you'll need to use QuantConnect data to get the ticker's previous name at a given point in time.

To do so, follow the steps below (Python/Jupyter Notebooks only):

  1. Import required classes:
  • from QuantConnect.Data.Auxiliary import *
  • from QuantConnect import *
  1. Create a MapFileResolver instance:
  • resolver = MapFileResolver.Create(Globals.DataFolder, Market.USA)
  1. For each ticker you encounter, resolve the map file, and provide the current time:
  • map_file = resolver.ResolveMapFile('WW',
  1. Get the ticker symbol for the date provided. Provide the time of the data you're processing that contains the ticker
  • data_time = datetime(2018, 1, 1)
  • ticker = map_file.GetMappedSymbol(data_time)
  1. (Optional) If you need a Symbol, you can create one:
  • first_date = map_file.FirstDate
  • symbol = Symbol(SecurityIdentifier.GenerateEquity(first_date, ticker, Market.USA), ticker)
  • symbol should now represent WTW