The following mbed shields may be used with NucleoLxxx platforms:
- SX1272MB2DAS
- SX1276MB1LAS
- SX1276MB1MAS
- SX1261MB2BAS
- SX1262MB2CAS
- LR1110MB1DIS
- LR1110MB1DJS
- LR1110MB1GIS
- LR1110MB1GJS
Development kit:
- SX126xDVK1xAS
- SX1261DVK1BAS uses a SX1261MB1BAS shield
- SX1262DVK1CAS uses a SX1262MB1CAS shield
- SX1262DVK1DAS uses a SX1262MB1DAS shield
- Other variants can also be used but require some adjustments
Note: The MBX abbreviation used by the shield name variables(i.e: SX1261MBXBAS) on this project means that the shields named SX126xMB1xAS (SX126xDVK1xAS development kit only) and SX126xMB2xAS (standalone shields) are supported.
- LR1110DVK1TBKS uses a LR1110MB1DIS or LR1110MB1DJS shield
- LR1110DVK1TCKS uses a LR1110MB1DIS or LR1110MB1DJS shield
- LR1110DVK1TGKS uses a LR1110MB1GJS or LR1110MB1GJS shield