From a26a8f91adf6ea10f36097b013aee1b0b24e761f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alfred Nutile Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 15:50:23 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] this will allow the user to choose between pusher or reverb --- .env.example | 1 + .env.production.encrypted | 1 - Modules/LlmDriver/app/Orchestrate.php | 1 - resources/js/Pages/Chat/Chatv2.vue | 22 ++++------------------ resources/js/bootstrap.js | 6 +++++- resources/js/echoPusher.js | 11 ++++------- tests/fixtures/after_mapping.json | 8 ++++---- 7 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .env.production.encrypted diff --git a/.env.example b/.env.example index a00dcca1..5293fce2 100644 --- a/.env.example +++ b/.env.example @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ AWS_BUCKET= AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT=false VITE_APP_NAME="${APP_NAME}" +VITE_BROADCAST_CONNECTION="${BROADCAST_CONNECTION}" OPENAI_API_KEY= OPENAI_ORGANIZATION= diff --git a/.env.production.encrypted b/.env.production.encrypted deleted file mode 100644 index c78a408a..00000000 --- a/.env.production.encrypted +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -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 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Modules/LlmDriver/app/Orchestrate.php b/Modules/LlmDriver/app/Orchestrate.php index 0288bc88..97f5024c 100644 --- a/Modules/LlmDriver/app/Orchestrate.php +++ b/Modules/LlmDriver/app/Orchestrate.php @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ public function handle( string $tool = ''): ?string { - if ($tool) { Log::info('[LaraChain] Orchestration Has Tool', [ 'tool' => $tool, diff --git a/resources/js/Pages/Chat/Chatv2.vue b/resources/js/Pages/Chat/Chatv2.vue index b2bcf239..9a4acbcd 100644 --- a/resources/js/Pages/Chat/Chatv2.vue +++ b/resources/js/Pages/Chat/Chatv2.vue @@ -56,9 +56,10 @@ const getting_results = ref(false) onMounted(() => { Echo.private(`${}.${}`) .listen('.status', (e) => { - router.reload({ - preserveScroll: true, - }) + // @NOTE hmm why did I do this? + // router.reload({ + // preserveScroll: true, + // }) }) .listen('.update', (e) => { if(e.updateMessage === 'Complete') { @@ -66,21 +67,6 @@ onMounted(() => { router.reload({ preserveScroll: true, }) - } else { - toast.success(e.updateMessage, { - position: "bottom-right", - timeout: 2000, - closeOnClick: true, - pauseOnFocusLoss: false, - pauseOnHover: false, - draggable: false, - draggablePercent: 0.6, - showCloseButtonOnHover: true, - hideProgressBar: true, - closeButton: "button", - icon: true, - rtl: false - }); } }); }); diff --git a/resources/js/bootstrap.js b/resources/js/bootstrap.js index deb2e10c..28689219 100644 --- a/resources/js/bootstrap.js +++ b/resources/js/bootstrap.js @@ -8,5 +8,9 @@ window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'; * for events that are broadcast by Laravel. Echo and event broadcasting * allow your team to quickly build robust real-time web applications. */ +if(import.meta.env.VITE_BROADCAST_CONNECTION === 'pusher') { + import('./echoPusher'); +} else { + import('./echo'); +} -import './echo'; diff --git a/resources/js/echoPusher.js b/resources/js/echoPusher.js index 9349afae..c848f6af 100644 --- a/resources/js/echoPusher.js +++ b/resources/js/echoPusher.js @@ -4,11 +4,8 @@ import Pusher from 'pusher-js'; window.Pusher = Pusher; window.Echo = new Echo({ - broadcaster: 'reverb', - key: import.meta.env.VITE_REVERB_APP_KEY, - wsHost: import.meta.env.VITE_REVERB_HOST, - wsPort: import.meta.env.VITE_REVERB_PORT ?? 80, - wssPort: import.meta.env.VITE_REVERB_PORT ?? 443, - forceTLS: (import.meta.env.VITE_REVERB_SCHEME ?? 'https') === 'https', - enabledTransports: ['ws', 'wss'], + broadcaster: 'pusher', + key: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_APP_KEY, + cluster: import.meta.env.VITE_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER, + forceTLS: true }); diff --git a/tests/fixtures/after_mapping.json b/tests/fixtures/after_mapping.json index fbf6ece2..f7e634af 100644 --- a/tests/fixtures/after_mapping.json +++ b/tests/fixtures/after_mapping.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "role": "user" }, { - "content": "**Role**\nA Summarization and Prompt Answering system that sticks to the context in this prompt.\n**Task**\nUsing the context of the prompt and the users query return a concise, clear, and accurate response.\n**Format**\nDeliver the response in a concise, clear Markdown format (Text). Use quotes as needed from the context.\n\n[DO NOT INCLUDE THE ABOVE IN THE RESPONSE]\n\n**The User's Query**:\n```Can you summarize this for me```\n\n**Context from the database search of documents for Response**:\n```Read how LaraLlama Embeds Documents Content Read how LaraLlama Embeds Documents Read more about it here https:\/\/\/@alnutile\/local-llm-and-laravel-in-10-minutes-with-local-llm-embedding-for-free-ac96e49288d2Posted on: June 8th, 2024 On: Blog how Share this on social media Facebook Twitter Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog Contact Us Reach Us +1-413-225-1844 Newsletter Doc Site Released! Content Doc Site Released! Start learning about LaraLlama at https:\/\/\/See numerous Use Cases to quickly, with no code, start automation common workflows at your company! https:\/\/\/use-cases.html Posted on: June 7th, 2024 On: Press Release inspiration technology newsletter Share this on social media Facebook Twitter Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog Contact Us Reach Us +1-413-225-1844 Newslette Turn your Docs into a Support Chat Widget Content Turn your Docs into a Support Chat Widget This YouTube video will show you how easily you can turn GitHub Webhooks into a unified Change-Log! Posted on: June 8th, 2024 By: LaraLlama Team On: Blog automations Share this on social media Facebook Twitter About the author LaraLlama Team A Team with 20+ years experience with Laravel and 2 years building LLM based applications Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog Contact Us Reach Us info Numerous UI Updates, Prompt Template Improvements, and More! Content Numerous UI Updates, Prompt Template Improvements, and More! More Than Just a New UIThis update lays the foundation for us as developers to work more efficiently on the system. By integrating DaisyUI https:\/\/\/, we now have access to a plethora of easy-to-use components. This shift moves us towards a more modular, Lego brick building approach for the UI while still utilizing Tailwind CSS. Prompting EverywhereThe goal of LaraLlama is to make prompting and automa LaraLamma - Email to Daily Report in 2 Steps - No Code Content LaraLamma - Email to Daily Report in 2 Steps - No Code Turn Marketing Emails, Customer Feedback Emails and more into a daily report sent to you or your team! Posted on: June 8th, 2024 By: LaraLlama Team On: Blog automations Share this on social media Facebook Twitter About the author LaraLlama Team A Team with 20+ years experience with Laravel and 2 years building LLM based applications Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog C Getting Started with LaraChain (LaraLamma) Content Getting Started with LaraChain (LaraLamma) This video will help you get started with Posted on: June 8th, 2024 By: LaraLlama Team On: Blog help intro Share this on social media Facebook Twitter About the author LaraLlama Team A Team with 20+ years experience with Laravel and 2 years building LLM based applications Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog Contact Us Reach Us +1-413-225-1844 Ne LaraLlama Standards Checking Tool Content LaraLlama Standards Checking Tool We introduce in this release a Standards Checking tool. Just imagine you have a documentation team and when they write new content in their CMS it can then check the API LaraLlama provides to check it matches the Standards in your Collection. One - Easily choose a persona!Two - Find any of the ones you made in the \"Style Guide\" areaThree - LaraLlama will auto discover the tool to use but this helps for some LLMs like Ollama that do not have tools 100% working yet. Just upload the docume Introducing LaraLlamas New Target Audience Feature: Tailor Your Prompts with Precision Content Introducing LaraLlamas New Target Audience Feature: Tailor Your Prompts with Precision is excited to announce the launch of its latest feature, designed to revolutionize how users create prompts by allowing them to choose and define target audiences with ease. This enhancement empowers users to craft highly effective and relevant prompts tailored to specific audiences, ensuring their content hits the mark every time. With LaraLlamas innovative user i```", + "content": "**Role**\nA Summarization and Prompt Answering system that sticks to the context in this prompt.\n**Task**\nUsing the context of the prompt and the users query return a concise, clear, and accurate response.\n**Format**\nDeliver the response in a concise, clear Markdown format (Text). Use quotes as needed from the context.\n\n[DO NOT INCLUDE THE ABOVE IN THE RESPONSE]\n\n**The User's Query**:\n```Can you summarize this for me```\n\n**Context from the database search of documents for Response**:\n```1. Employee Handbook\n\nThe employee handbook outlines the company's policies and procedures, including attendance, dress code, and communication protocols. It also covers employee benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans.\n\n2. Job Description and Responsibilities\n\nAs an [Position] at [Company], my primary responsibilities include [list specific tasks and duties]. I am expected to [list specific performance expectations]. If I have any questions or concerns about my job description, who should I contact?\n\n3. Performance Evaluation Process\n\nThe performance evaluation process is cond who should I contact?\n\n3. Performance Evaluation Process\n\nThe performance evaluation process is conducted annually, with a mid-year review and a formal evaluation at the end of the year. The evaluation will assess my progress against my job description and set goals for the upcoming year. Who will be conducting my performance evaluation, and what are the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to evaluate my performance?\n\n4. Time Off and Leave\n\nAs an employee, I am entitled to [list specific types of leave, such as vacation days, sick leave, and family leave]. How do I request time Employee Handbook\n\nThe employee handbook outlines the company's policies and procedures, including attendance, dress code, and communication protocols. It also covers employee benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans.\n\n\n As an Developer at Acme Devs, my primary responsibilities include designing and developing high-quality software applications, collaborating with cross-functional teams to identify and prioritize project requirements, and troubleshooting and debugging code to ensure optimal performance. I am expected to meet project deadlines, maintain accurate and detailed documentation of my work, and continuously improve my coding skills and knowledge of industry trends and best practices. If I have any questions or concerns about my job description, I should contact my supervisor, Rachel Lee, or HR represe ions or concerns about my job description, I should contact my supervisor, Rachel Lee, or HR representative, John Smith.\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER 1\nINTRODUCTIONCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONA.\tPURPOSEThe United States Trustee appoints and supervises standing trustees and monitors and supervises cases under chapter 13 of title 11 of the United States Code. 28 U.S.C. 586(b). The Handbook, issued as part of our duties under 28 U.S.C. 586, establishes or clarifies the position of the United States Trustee Program (Program) on the duties owed by a standing trustee to the debtors, creditors, other parties in interest, and the United States Trustee. The Handbook does not present a full and complete statement of the law; it United States Trustee. The Handbook does not present a full and complete statement of the law; it should not be used as a substitute for legal research and analysis. The standing trustee must be familiar with relevant provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (Rules), any local bankruptcy rules, and case law. 11 U.S.C. 321, 28 U.S.C. 586, 28 C.F.R. 58.6(a)(3). Standing trustees are encouraged to follow Practice Tips identified in this Handbook but these are not considered mandatory.Nothing in this Handbook should be construed to excuse the standing Performance Evaluation Process\n\nThe performance evaluation process is conducted annually, with a mid-year review and a formal evaluation at the end of the year. The evaluation will assess my progress against my job description and set goals for the upcoming year. Who will be conducting my performance evaluation, and what are the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to evaluate my performance?\n As an employee, I am eligible for a range of benefits, including comprehensive health insurance, a 401(k) retirement plan with company match, and employee discounts on company products and services. How do I enroll in these benefits, and what are the deadlines for making changes to my benefits? I can enroll in benefits during my onboarding process, and I will receive an email with instructions on how to log in to the benefits portal. The open enrollment period for benefits is typically held in November of each year, and changes to benefits can be made during this time. Outside of open enrollme ovember of each year, and changes to benefits can be made during this time. Outside of open enrollment, changes to benefits can be made with a qualified life event, such as a marriage or birth of a child. If I have any questions or concerns about my benefits, I should contact the HR Benefits Coordinator, Karen Thompson.\n Conflict of Interest\n\nAs an employee, I may encounter situations where my personal interests conflict with the company's interests. What are the company's policies and procedures for addressing conflicts of interest, and who should I contact if I have a conflict of interest?\n Time Off and Leave\n\nAs an employee, I am entitled to 15 paid vacation days per year, 10 paid sick days per year, and 5 paid family leave days per year. How do I request time off, and what is the process for approving or denying my request? To request time off, I should submit a request at least 2 weeks in advance through the company's online time-off system. The request will be reviewed by my supervisor, Rachel Lee, who will approve or deny the request based on business needs and availability. If my request is denied, I will be notified and provided with an alternative date or option. Are ther f my request is denied, I will be notified and provided with an alternative date or option. Are there any blackout dates or restrictions on taking time off during peak periods? Yes, the company has a policy of not approving time off requests during the week of our annual company-wide meeting, which typically takes place in late October. Additionally, requests for time off during the holiday season (December 15th to January 1st) may be subject to approval on a case-by-case basis.\n```", "role": "assistant" }, { @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ "content": "Using the surrounding context to continue this response thread" }, { - "content": "**Response:**\n\nHere is a summary of the key information from the context:\n\n- LaraLlama is a company that provides a platform for embedding documents and automating workflows using large language models (LLMs).\n- They have recently released several new features and updates, including:\n - A new \"Standards Checking Tool\" that allows users to ensure their documentation matches defined standards.\n - A \"Target Audience\" feature that lets users tailor their prompts to specific audiences.\n - UI updates and improvements to the prompting functionality across the platform.\n- The context also includes information about LaraLlama's other product offerings, such as the \"LaraChain\" system and examples of automations like turning emails into daily reports.\n- Overall, the context highlights LaraLlama's focus on making it easy for users to leverage LLM technology to streamline various business processes and documentation workflows.", + "content": "**Summary**:\n\nThe provided context covers various aspects of employment at the company, including the employee handbook, job description and responsibilities, performance evaluation process, benefits, time off and leave policies, and conflict of interest guidelines. \n\nThe key points are:\n\n- The employee handbook outlines company policies and procedures, as well as employee benefits.\n- As a Developer, the employee's primary responsibilities include designing and developing software, collaborating with teams, and troubleshooting code.\n- The annual performance evaluation process involves a mid-year review and a formal evaluation, assessing progress against job description and setting goals.\n- The employee is eligible for benefits such as health insurance, 401(k) plan, and discounts, with enrollment and changes typically done during open enrollment.\n- The company has policies for addressing conflicts of interest that the employee should be aware of.\n- The employee is entitled to 15 vacation days, 10 sick days, and 5 family leave days per year, with a process for requesting and approving time off.", "role": "assistant" }, { - "content": "Can you summarize this for me", + "content": "what does it say about 401k", "role": "user" }, { - "content": "**Role**\nA Summarization and Prompt Answering system that sticks to the context in this prompt.\n**Task**\nUsing the context of the prompt and the users query return a concise, clear, and accurate response.\n**Format**\nDeliver the response in a concise, clear Markdown format (Text). Use quotes as needed from the context.\n\n[DO NOT INCLUDE THE ABOVE IN THE RESPONSE]\n\n**The User's Query**:\n```Can you summarize this for me```\n\n**Context from the database search of documents for Response**:\n```Read how LaraLlama Embeds Documents Content Read how LaraLlama Embeds Documents Read more about it here https:\/\/\/@alnutile\/local-llm-and-laravel-in-10-minutes-with-local-llm-embedding-for-free-ac96e49288d2Posted on: June 8th, 2024 On: Blog how Share this on social media Facebook Twitter Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog Contact Us Reach Us +1-413-225-1844 Newsletter Doc Site Released! Content Doc Site Released! Start learning about LaraLlama at https:\/\/\/See numerous Use Cases to quickly, with no code, start automation common workflows at your company! https:\/\/\/use-cases.html Posted on: June 7th, 2024 On: Press Release inspiration technology newsletter Share this on social media Facebook Twitter Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog Contact Us Reach Us +1-413-225-1844 Newslette Turn your Docs into a Support Chat Widget Content Turn your Docs into a Support Chat Widget This YouTube video will show you how easily you can turn GitHub Webhooks into a unified Change-Log! Posted on: June 8th, 2024 By: LaraLlama Team On: Blog automations Share this on social media Facebook Twitter About the author LaraLlama Team A Team with 20+ years experience with Laravel and 2 years building LLM based applications Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog Contact Us Reach Us info Numerous UI Updates, Prompt Template Improvements, and More! Content Numerous UI Updates, Prompt Template Improvements, and More! More Than Just a New UIThis update lays the foundation for us as developers to work more efficiently on the system. By integrating DaisyUI https:\/\/\/, we now have access to a plethora of easy-to-use components. This shift moves us towards a more modular, Lego brick building approach for the UI while still utilizing Tailwind CSS. Prompting EverywhereThe goal of LaraLlama is to make prompting and automa LaraLamma - Email to Daily Report in 2 Steps - No Code Content LaraLamma - Email to Daily Report in 2 Steps - No Code Turn Marketing Emails, Customer Feedback Emails and more into a daily report sent to you or your team! Posted on: June 8th, 2024 By: LaraLlama Team On: Blog automations Share this on social media Facebook Twitter About the author LaraLlama Team A Team with 20+ years experience with Laravel and 2 years building LLM based applications Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog C Getting Started with LaraChain (LaraLamma) Content Getting Started with LaraChain (LaraLamma) This video will help you get started with Posted on: June 8th, 2024 By: LaraLlama Team On: Blog help intro Share this on social media Facebook Twitter About the author LaraLlama Team A Team with 20+ years experience with Laravel and 2 years building LLM based applications Copyright 2024. LaraLlama Consulting Blog Contact Us Reach Us +1-413-225-1844 Ne LaraLlama Standards Checking Tool Content LaraLlama Standards Checking Tool We introduce in this release a Standards Checking tool. Just imagine you have a documentation team and when they write new content in their CMS it can then check the API LaraLlama provides to check it matches the Standards in your Collection. One - Easily choose a persona!Two - Find any of the ones you made in the \"Style Guide\" areaThree - LaraLlama will auto discover the tool to use but this helps for some LLMs like Ollama that do not have tools 100% working yet. Just upload the docume Introducing LaraLlamas New Target Audience Feature: Tailor Your Prompts with Precision Content Introducing LaraLlamas New Target Audience Feature: Tailor Your Prompts with Precision is excited to announce the launch of its latest feature, designed to revolutionize how users create prompts by allowing them to choose and define target audiences with ease. This enhancement empowers users to craft highly effective and relevant prompts tailored to specific audiences, ensuring their content hits the mark every time. With LaraLlamas innovative user i```", + "content": "**Role**\nA Summarization and Prompt Answering system that sticks to the context in this prompt.\n**Task**\nUsing the context of the prompt and the users query return a concise, clear, and accurate response.\n**Format**\nDeliver the response in a concise, clear Markdown format (Text). Use quotes as needed from the context.\n\n[DO NOT INCLUDE THE ABOVE IN THE RESPONSE]\n\n**The User's Query**:\n```what does it say about 401k```\n\n**Context from the database search of documents for Response**:\n```As an employee, I am eligible for a range of benefits, including comprehensive health insurance, a 401(k) retirement plan with company match, and employee discounts on company products and services. How do I enroll in these benefits, and what are the deadlines for making changes to my benefits? I can enroll in benefits during my onboarding process, and I will receive an email with instructions on how to log in to the benefits portal. The open enrollment period for benefits is typically held in November of each year, and changes to benefits can be made during this time. Outside of open enrollme ovember of each year, and changes to benefits can be made during this time. Outside of open enrollment, changes to benefits can be made with a qualified life event, such as a marriage or birth of a child. If I have any questions or concerns about my benefits, I should contact the HR Benefits Coordinator, Karen Thompson.\n Employee Handbook\n\nThe employee handbook outlines the company's policies and procedures, including attendance, dress code, and communication protocols. It also covers employee benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans.\n\n\n 1. Employee Handbook\n\nThe employee handbook outlines the company's policies and procedures, including attendance, dress code, and communication protocols. It also covers employee benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans.\n\n2. Job Description and Responsibilities\n\nAs an [Position] at [Company], my primary responsibilities include [list specific tasks and duties]. I am expected to [list specific performance expectations]. If I have any questions or concerns about my job description, who should I contact?\n\n3. Performance Evaluation Process\n\nThe performance evaluation process is cond who should I contact?\n\n3. Performance Evaluation Process\n\nThe performance evaluation process is conducted annually, with a mid-year review and a formal evaluation at the end of the year. The evaluation will assess my progress against my job description and set goals for the upcoming year. Who will be conducting my performance evaluation, and what are the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to evaluate my performance?\n\n4. Time Off and Leave\n\nAs an employee, I am entitled to [list specific types of leave, such as vacation days, sick leave, and family leave]. How do I request time \n\n\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER 1\nINTRODUCTIONCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONA.\tPURPOSEThe United States Trustee appoints and supervises standing trustees and monitors and supervises cases under chapter 13 of title 11 of the United States Code. 28 U.S.C. 586(b). The Handbook, issued as part of our duties under 28 U.S.C. 586, establishes or clarifies the position of the United States Trustee Program (Program) on the duties owed by a standing trustee to the debtors, creditors, other parties in interest, and the United States Trustee. The Handbook does not present a full and complete statement of the law; it United States Trustee. The Handbook does not present a full and complete statement of the law; it should not be used as a substitute for legal research and analysis. The standing trustee must be familiar with relevant provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (Rules), any local bankruptcy rules, and case law. 11 U.S.C. 321, 28 U.S.C. 586, 28 C.F.R. 58.6(a)(3). Standing trustees are encouraged to follow Practice Tips identified in this Handbook but these are not considered mandatory.Nothing in this Handbook should be construed to excuse the standing Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure\n\nAs an employee, I may have access to confidential or proprietary information. What are the company's policies and procedures for handling confidential information, and what are the consequences for violating confidentiality?\n Time Off and Leave\n\nAs an employee, I am entitled to 15 paid vacation days per year, 10 paid sick days per year, and 5 paid family leave days per year. How do I request time off, and what is the process for approving or denying my request? To request time off, I should submit a request at least 2 weeks in advance through the company's online time-off system. The request will be reviewed by my supervisor, Rachel Lee, who will approve or deny the request based on business needs and availability. If my request is denied, I will be notified and provided with an alternative date or option. Are ther f my request is denied, I will be notified and provided with an alternative date or option. Are there any blackout dates or restrictions on taking time off during peak periods? Yes, the company has a policy of not approving time off requests during the week of our annual company-wide meeting, which typically takes place in late October. Additionally, requests for time off during the holiday season (December 15th to January 1st) may be subject to approval on a case-by-case basis.\n Conflict of Interest\n\nAs an employee, I may encounter situations where my personal interests conflict with the company's interests. What are the company's policies and procedures for addressing conflicts of interest, and who should I contact if I have a conflict of interest?\n Workplace Safety and Health\n\nThe company is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment. What are the company's policies and procedures for reporting and addressing workplace accidents or injuries? Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with OSHA regulations?\n```", "role": "assistant" } ] \ No newline at end of file