- Most important:
$\alpha$ - Second important:
$\beta$ : momentum term, number of layers, mini batch size - Third important: number of hidden units, learning rate decay
$\beta_1=0.9, \beta_2=0.999, \varepsilon=10^{-8}$ , normally we use the default values for Adam
How to tune:
- Don't use grid, use random values because we don't know which will be the most important
- Coarse to fine: zoom in a smaller regin of hyperparameters and then sample more densely within this space
Appropiate scale for hyperparameters
$\alpha$ : from 0.0001 to 1, but is better use log scaler = -4*np.random.rand() # r[-4, 0] alpha = 10**r # 10^-4 ... 10^0
$\beta$ : from 0.9 to 0.999->$1-\beta$ [0.1, 0.001]r = -3*np.random.rand() # r[-3, 0] 1-beta = 10**r # 10^-4 ... 10^0 beta = 1-10**r
- It is important not to use lienar scale because
$\frac{1}{1-\beta}$ is very sensitive when$\beta$ is close to 1-
$\beta:0.9000\rightarrow 0.9005$ , we are average about 10 values -
$\beta:0.9999(1000samples) \rightarrow 0.9995(2000samples)$ , there are huge difference
- It is important not to use lienar scale because
Babysitting one model: when you have huge dataset but not enough computational resources
- Day 0 you might initialize your parameter as random and then start training. Then you watch your learning curve gradually decrease over the day.
- And each day you nudge your parameters a little during training (increase/decrease learning rate, add momentum if prtforme well, otherwise back to the previous model )
- This is called panda approach.
Training many models in parallel
- Running multiple models and compare the J
- pick the best one
- Normalize inputs to speed up learning
- Batch normalization: normalize hidden layer so
Given some intermediate value in NN:
Compute mean:
$\mu = \frac{1}{m} \sum Z^{(i)}$ -
Compute variance:
$\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{m} \sum (Z_i-\mu)^2$ -
$$Z_{norm}^{(i)} = \frac{Z^{(i)}-\mu}{\sqrt(\sigma^2+\epsilon)}$$
Then Z has mean 0 and variance 1.But we don't want Z alway has mean 0 and variance 1(for example if we have sigmoid we don't want more variance):
$\widetilde{Z}^{(i)} = \gamma Z_{norm}^{(i)} + \beta$ where$\gamma, \beta$ are learnable parameters-
$\beta, \gamma$ cam be learned using Adam, gradient descent with momentum, or RMSprop, not just with gradient descent - They set the mean and the variance of the linear variable
$z^{[l]}$ of a given layer
If $$ \begin{aligned} \gamma & = & \sqrt(\sigma^2 +\epsilon)\ \beta & = & \mu \end{aligned} $$ Then
$\widetilde{Z}{(i)} = {Z}^{(i)}$
Batch normalization is widely used in mini batches.
As we substract by mean, add an constant don't affect, so the parameters are:
$W, \beta, \gamma$ . -
$Z^{[l]}: [n^{[l]}, 1]$ ,$b^{[l]}: [n^{[l]}, 1]$ ,$\beta: [n^{[l]}, 1]$ $\gamma^{[l]}: [n^{[l]}, 1]$
for t = 1 ... numMiniBatches
Compute forward prop on X^t
In each hidden layer, use BN to replace Z^L with Z tilde ^l
Use backprop to compute dW, db, dbeta, dgamma
Update parameters
W^l = W^l -alpha dW^l
beta^l = beta^l -alpha dbeta^l
gamma^l = gamma^l -alpha dgamma^l
Same as why normalize X: facilitate the gradient descent
Make the changes of weights in earliear layer have less effect on later layer.
- When the distribution of input X is changed(Covariate shift), we have to retrain the model. By using normalization, no matter how it changes, the main and variance will be remain the same.
It also have regularization effect
Each mini bach is scaled by mean and variance computed on just that mini batch
This adds some noise to
$Z^{[l]}$ within that minibatch because the mean/variance is calculater with small number of samples. So similar to dropout, it add some noises to each hidden layer's activation -
Due to that, it has a slight regulalization effer(to prevent overfitting)
If we use larger mini batch size, we reduce noise -> reduce regularization effect.
At the training set: $$ \begin{aligned} \mu & =\frac{1}{m} \sum_{i} z^{(i)} \ \sigma^{2} & =\frac{1}{m} \sum_{i}\left(z^{(i)}-\mu\right)^{2} \ z_{\text { norm }}^{(i)} &=\frac{z^{(i)}-\mu}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}+\varepsilon}} \ \tilde{z}^{(i)} &=\gamma z_{\text { norm }}^{(i)}+\beta \end{aligned} $$ As in test set we don't have mini batch:
- Estimate
$\mu, \sigma^2$ using exponentially weighed average across mini batch. - At test time, compute Z and
$\widetilde{Z}$ with estimated$\mu, \sigma^2$ .
C: number of classes
$Z^{[L]} = W^{[L]}a^{[L-1]}+b^{[L]}$ -
Activation function: $$ \begin{array}{lcl} t & = & e^{z^{[l]}} \ a^{[l]} & = & \frac{e^{z^{[l]}}}{\sum_{j=1}^C{t_i}}\ a^{[l]}i & = & \frac{t_i}{\sum{j=1}^C{t_i}} \end{array} $$
If we use subindex j for a
and k for z
a_i = \frac{e^{z_j}}{\sum_{c=1}^C e^{z_c}}
Cost function is defined as: $$ J = \frac{1}{m}\sum^m_{i=1}L(\hat y, y) $$
When we compute the backward propagation, we divide it in 3 steps:
- Derivative of the loss function:
$\frac{\partial L}{\partial a}$ - Derivative of the activation function
$\frac{\partial a }{\partial z}$ - Then $\frac{\partial J} {\partial z} = \frac{\partial J }{\partial L}\frac{\partial L}{\partial a}\frac{\partial a }{\partial z}$
Derivative of the softmax activation function
Following the example of the forward propagation, when we derivate
j = k $$ \begin{array}{rcl} \frac{\partial a_j}{\partial z_k} & = & \frac{e^{z_j}\sum_{c=1}^C e^{c}- e^{z_k}e^{z_j}}{(\sum_{c=1}^C e^{c})^2}\ & = & \frac{e^{z_j}}{\sum_{c=1}^C e^{c}}\frac{1- e^{z_k}}{\sum_{c=1}^C e^{c}} \ & = & a_j (1-a_k) \ & = & a_j* (1-a_j) \end{array} $$
$j \ne k$ $$ \begin{array}{rcl} \frac{\partial a_j}{\partial z_k} & = & \frac{0*\sum_{c=1}^C e^{c}- e^{z_j}e^{z_k}}{(\sum_{k=1}^C e^{k})^2}\ & = & -\frac{e^{z_j}}{\sum_{c=1}^C e^{c}}\frac{e^{z_k}}{\sum_{c=1}^C e^{c}} \ & = & -a_ja_k \end{array} $$ Then $$ \frac{ \partial a_j} {\partial z_k} = \left { \begin{array}{ll} -a_j(1-a_j) & if & j= k\ a_ja_k & if & j \ne k \end{array} \right. $$
Loss function
The loss function for a single sample is defined as: comparing the real label with prediction. $$ L(a, y) = -\sum^C_{j=1}y_j \log a_j $$ Then the derivative of L in the previous example is $$ \begin{array}{lclcl} \frac{\partial L}{\partial a_0} & = & \frac{y_0}{a_0}(-a_0(1-a_0)) & = & -y_0(1-a_0)\ \frac{\partial L}{\partial a_1} & = & \frac{y_1}{a_1}(a_1a_0) & = &y_1a_0 \ \frac{\partial L}{\partial a_2} & = & \frac{y_2}{a_2}(a_2a_0) & = &y_2a_0 \ \frac{\partial L}{\partial a} & =& -y_0+y_0a_0 +y_1a_0+y_2a_0 & = & (y_0+y_1+y_2)a_0 -y_0 \end{array} $$ As $y$ is one hot encoded, then $\sum y = 1$, so $ \frac{\partial L}{\partial a} = a_0-y_0$ . Then $$ \begin{array}{lcl} \frac{\partial L}{\partial z_k} & = & -\sum_{j=1}^C y_j (\frac{\partial L}{\partial a_j}\frac{\partial a_j}{\partial z_k})\ & = & -\frac{y_j}{a_j}\left( -a_j (1-a_j)\right) + \sum_{j \ne k}^C \frac{y_k}{a_k} \left(a_ja_k \right) \ & = & -y_j(1-a_j) + \sum_{j \ne k}^C y_k*a_j \ & = & (y_j+\sum_{j \ne k}^C y_j)a_j - y_j \ & = & a_j -y_j \end{array} $$
In conclusion: $$ dz^{[l]} = \hat y - y \ $$
Choosing deep learning frameworks
- Ease of programming(development and deployment)
- Running speed
- Truly open ( open source with good governance)
- Declare variables:
w = tf.Variable(0, dtype = tf.float32)
- Define cost:
cost = w**2 -10w+25
- Define train:
tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate). minimize(cost)
: variable that the value will be provided later.