This directory contains all relevant or useful documentation pertaining to the set-up and maintenance of a Kubernetes cluster for the purpose of hosting Jupyter/Binder hub deployments, among other things.
The Bare-Metal directory contains leftover information from the flock cluster that could still be considered relevant.
- Contains the text on the login page for the Jupyterhub deployment verbatim.
- Contains information pertaining to the ZFS server set up for persistent storage for the cluster.
Bare-Metal/concepts/ contains documents detailing various topics related to the cluster.
Bare-Metal/troubleshooting/ documents troubleshooting problems and solutions. Readers should consult this section when dealing with an issue.
- gives instructions on setting up JupyterHub on a virtual machine with RAID1 using the LibreTexts fork of the jupyter-deploy-teaching repository. More information on RAID could be found in the concepts section.
- is Kevin's (@kkrausse) instructions for setting up JupyterHub on a virtual machine. It contains solutions to the problems we faced when installing JupyterHub through the jupyterhub-deploy-teaching repository. We keep this as a reference for those who might encounter the same problems in the future.
This section teaches how to set-up and configure JupyterHub on Google Cloud.
- describes how to set up Kubernetes, Helm, and JupyterHub on Google Cloud. It also describes how to configure OAuth, HTTPS, and user environments.
- describes how to install the R and Octave kernels in JupyterHub.
- describes the purpose of a load balancer and the process of setting it up on Google Cloud.
- gives instructions on setting up BinderHub on a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud.
This document gives a general overview of setting up the current galaxy cluster.
Outlines general maintenance tasks that need to be performed regularly.
This file helps onboard new hires into the Jupyter team.