The Vite + React + Relay example demonstrates how to use Relay with a Vite + React based WunderGraph project.
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Create the utility functions needed to work with Relay
// in src/lib/wundergraph/index.ts
export const { WunderGraphRelayProvider, useLiveQuery, fetchWunderGraphSSRQuery } = createWunderGraphRelayApp({
Wrap your app component with WunderGraphRelayProvider
// in src/main.tsx
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(
<App />
You can now start using Relay within the project
// in src/App.tsx
const [queryReference, loadQuery] = useQueryLoader<AppDragonsQueryType>(AppDragonsQuery);
To learn more about WunderGraph Relay integration, read our Quickstart Guide