This project is my very first GitHub upload :-D the project useses a dynamic programming approach to get the job done. will ultimatly have 4 functions according to the following discription: reads a file which and gets labels and DNA sequences out of this file in form of a list of tuples, where the first element of the tuple is a label and the second is a DNA sequence. alignes the different sequences in pairs, where gaps might be introduced based on a calculation method. Further, the aligend sequences are saved in a dictonary with keys which are tuples with integers representing the sequence pairs and values as tuples with strings containing the aligned DNA sequences. calculates a distance matrix where each aligned DNA pair results in an entriy in a matrix (list of list of floats) where the resulting values are saved. with the distance matrix and a list of labels a binary tree can be formed in a sting with parentesis.
This project was realy fun to work on and continued to give valueable insides to the world of programming.