Static meshes and textures are examples of assets.
Assets are loaded into C++ differently depending on if the load happens in a UObject
constructor or not.
Different how?
Assets are found in the Content Browser. Each folder in the Content Browser maps to a directory on the file system. Directories are picked up from:
- The project's Content directory.
- Unreal Engine's Content directory.
- Any loaded plugin's Content directory.
- Directories registered with
- Directories registered with
seems to be newer than FPackageName::RegisterMountPoint
I don't see it in my 4.25 installation.
Official documentation: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Programming/Assets/ReferencingAssets/index.html
There are two helpers for asset management: Asset Registry and Asset Manager. The Asset Registry is the lower-level system that drives pretty much everything asset-related. The Asset Manager is built on top of the Asset Registry. The Asset Registry is always available, the Asset Manager might be an Editor-only thing.
[[2021-05-11_16:14:05]] Iterating assets